Breast Cancer Awareness ,a report.

Fri, Oct 23rd 2015 at 8:21 pm - 9:21 pm

Report of Marie's Cross talk to the club.

Senior Vice President Mike with Marie on his left hand side.

This Wednesday's lunch time speaker was Marie Cross from Breast Cancer Awareness.

Marie told the club that 5 members of her family had been afftected by the disase,and that is why she has become associated with the campaign.700.000 women are diagnosed with tbreast cancer every year but 80% are alive after five years.This represents advances in treatment ,"but more can be done," Marie said.

The charity supporrts research in over 30 units (in the UK and Ireland) including Phd students.There is also a dedicated issue bank in Leeds which has supplied 30,000 samples for research.

Whilst there has been progress more can by done. Their aim is to eradicate the disease by 2050.The disease not only affects women because 400 men are diagnosed every year of whom 100 die.Women die of the secondaries and 1000 die each month,hence research is critical.

The aim is to improve prevention,detection (improving public awareness)and treatment.The earlier the disease is detected the better.

Finally Marie ditributed a booklet TLC...Touch,Look and Check.As a gude to improving breast awareness.We wished her all the best in her endeavours.

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