The worldwide adminstrative body is Rotary International (RI) based in USA. and in Great Britain & Ireland, Rotary GB&I
There are some 34,000 Rotary Clubs in 200 countries wordwide boasting some 1.2 million members. Within Rotary GB&I there are more than 51,000 members in around 1,810 clubs.
Rotary is divided into Districts for more localised adminstrative and support. The Rotary Club of Leicester DeMontfort being part of District 1070 which covers Leicestershire, Rutand, Northamptonshire and parts of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire.
Rotarians are from all walks of life who are keen to use their skills and resources to help others. Rotarians enjoy the opportunity to give something back to communities (whether at home or abroad).
Our motto is "Service above Self" and we apply a four way test to the things that we do, say or think:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
While Rotary is an international organisation the Rotary Clubs are autonomous and determine their own programmes, projects and activities based on local needs and wishes, taking account of the varied skills and resources that the club has at its disposal. Sometimes clubs will embark on joint projects with other clubs for the benefit of others.
RI also has its own charity, The Rotary Foundation, which all Rotarians directly or indirectly contribute to. It seeks to change lives in the UK and around the World. Through the Foundation Rotarians' time, money and expertise is channelled into such areas as eradicating polio, promoting peace and addressing poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition throughout the World.
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