Presidential Handover Meeting

Tue, Jul 5th 2016 at 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm

Presidential Handover Meeting

Stewards:- Michael Parrott Lead & Geoff Parsons ( Meeting Report)

The end of the Rotary year. Sometimes it has moved really quickly and other times I wished it would move quicker. But we are here and I will shortly be handing over to Christine.

At the start of the year I wanted us to try a few different things and we have, the metal detecting was a great addition to our fundraising and importantly not paid for by Rotarians. Our environmental work has helped the community at no cost to us, apart from our time, real service above self. We completed a small project with our friends in Nepal. And exceeded the targets we set ourselves for Foundation contributions. And who can forget the choir I still have a vision of the pink boaed handbags strutting their stuff. We have made 2 Vocational visits and given ourselves lots of opportunities to socialise. I would like to think we have been a gift to the world.

Ann and myself have represented our club at lots of club charters and other functions. And a small group of us attended a superb District conference.

We have worked well with Inner Wheel, supporting each other whenever possible.

I was delighted with the response to our different style Charter evening and received many positive comments from both members and visitors.

A few thank you's

Any member who has helped the club in anyway during this year.

Council -They have been a rock and a source of excellent advice and support through some interesting times.

I could and probably should name lot's of people but I will mention just 2, our Secretary David and our Treasurer John both stalwarts of our club and so efficient in both their roles.


During the year I was privileged to award a well deserved PHF to Ashley but for a President there is one thing better than awarding a PHF in your year and that is to award 2 PHF's in your year and I propose to award that second PHF today.

In our case a PHF is awarded by the club to a member who has given extraordinary service and this Rotarian certainly has. The PHF committee under the chairmanship of Past DG John looks at potential candidates and then makes a decision.

This member is always there to help and is a great reference point when you want some common sense advice.

He is past International Chairman and past President.

Outside Rotary he is an active member in both his local church and community.

He joined the club in 1995.

In 2007 he and Sue visited India as part of the Rotary GB&I team helping with Polio immunisations. I am of course referring to our Treasurer John Meadows.

Finally I would like to wish Christine, her leadership team and the club all the best for next year as we Serve Humanity.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Newsletters about the club activities


Information about club membership


Information on the club


International Committee


Fund raising for local charities


Our club engages with local schools in a number of initiatives, which benefit young people in Nantwich.

Weeding in Nantwich riverside

The environment is Rotary's newest Area of Focus from July 2021.
