SHELTERBOX is a charity which sends emergency boxes to disaster areas across the world, providing a tent and living essentials for displaced people. The picture shows a box – the green box – and its contents, which we displayed at the Gyle Shopping Centre as part of a fund-raising drive.
ShelterBox was started by the Helston-Lizard Rotary Club in Cornwall but is now an independent charity. ShelterBox and Rotary officially became project partners in disaster relief in 2012. This partnership is integral to Rotary's disaster response strategy.
Currie Balerno Rotary regularly funds ShelterBoxes to be sent to disaster areas. This September we were recognised as a Bronze Partner Club as we had donated £2500 in the Rotary year 2022/23.
We also support AQUABOX, which provides a means of removing all bacteria and water-borne diseases from river or flood water to produce perfectly clean drinking water. It provides help in areas where a lack of clean water presents a threat to human life.