Wander 2008 report

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Approaching the checkpoint at Redmire

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The Start in Grove Square

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The Shawl

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Starting off from Leyburn

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Food halfway on Long route

Wensleydale Wander 2018 Report

more There was a record entry of 471 walkers and runners, with 403 actually taking part on the day

Wensleydale Wander 2017 report

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Several local doctors and friends at the 21 mile checkpoint

Wensleydale Wander 2016 Report

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The Leukaemia & Lymphoma team gathering to walk the Wensleydale Wander

Wensleydale Wander 2015 Report

more This year's Wensleydale Wander was again well supported and the weather was kind apart from a strong westerly wind, particularly on the higher ground.

Some walkers with their dogs

Wensleydale Wander 2014 Report

more This year's Wander was the coldest yet, which may explain why there were the largest number of non-starters!

Walkers receiving sausages in bread roll and drinks at halfway on long route

Wensleydale Wander 2013 Report

more There were 305 entries for this year's Wensleydale Wander despite the recent weather, and they were rewarded by a glorious sunny day.

Wensleydale Wander 2012 report

more There were 400 entries for this year's Wander- a record!

Walker get a welcome drink at the East Witton checkpoint

Wensleydale Wander 2011 report

more This year's Wander was again a big success, with over 300 entries and lots of sunshine!

Early runners arrive at refreshment tent on Middleham High Moor

Wensleydale Wander 2010 report

more There was a record turnout for the 2010 Wensleydale Wander, with 315 walking or running the routes, and only one having to drop out near the end of the 22 mile version.

A group of hapy walkers takes a break at the Lord's Bridge checkpoint

Wensleydale Wander 2009 Report

more This year's Wensleydale Wander was again a big success with over 230 entrants walking or running either the 22 or 12-mile routes

Walkers enter the Shawl

Wander 2007 Report


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back This Walk/Run continues to be popular, so we hope to see many new entrants in 2025, as well as our regulars, some of whom have been coming for 20 years or more! This year, we are supporting Bloodrun EVS.