Welcome to the Rotary Club of Shipston on Stour

Brief introduction to the Club

The Rotary Club of Shipston on Stour was formed in 1980 with 26 members.  In the past 40 years it has given immense service and support to the Shipston community and its environs.  Support has involved donations to charities and good causes as well as organising and contributing to large scale events for the benefit of the town.  Membership of both men and women now stands at 22.  We are a very convivial and dynamic group whose aim is to promote friendship and enjoyment.

As we embark on a new Rotary Year we plan to provide a programme varying in content and format, which will involve meetings with speakers, informal get togethers and meetings to conduct the business of the Club.  Details are available from our secretary.   

We meet fortnightly in Shipston Sports Club to enjoy a meal and alternate those meetings with  informal coffee mornings in the George.  Again, our secretary will provide you with more information.

Rotary is a global organisation with international, national and local associations and every Rotarian is encouraged to attend clubs if travelling to other pasrt of the UK or abroad.   Club members raise money and  give their time for the benefit of local good causes and those further afield.  

Our Vision is to be a Club that contributes to, and is valued by, the community of Shipston-on-Stour and its environs as well as supporting local, national and international charities and good causes.

In essence,  joining Rotary opens a world where you can join a global commnuity, have fun, develop friendships, contribute to the betterment of local, national and international good causes and derive a sense of "giving something back".

If you wish to be part of Rotary and contribute to our worthwhile causes and programmes,  please contact:


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Donation Recipients

Who receives our charitable donations?

Tour 24

Annual charity cycle rides for all the family

Victorian Evening

Christmas Victorian Fayre


What we do in direct support of the community

Opportunities for Youth

Contributing to Youth

Rotary the World Over

The Club's contribution to the global community

Rotary Foundation

Delivering assistance at home and abroad
