Donate to our Charity Account

Please help us to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves by making a charitable donation using the button below.

There are TWO different ways you can help us raise money for our charity fund. The first is completely FREE! Just use #easyfundraising every time you shop online. 4,000 shops and sites will give me a donation every time you make a purchase - at no extra cost to you.

The second is to use the Donate button here, and on our #easyfundraising page to give a donation directly. Alternatively, on your smartphone point the camera at the QR code and then go to our #easyfundraising page.

Unlike other fundraising and crowdfunding sites, #easyfundraising don’t take any fees or commission. This could make a huge difference to us, so please take a moment to find out more!









'What We Do' Main Pages:

Students and Alex Henderson

Secondary School Masterchef Competition

Rail engine planters

Railway engine themed planters at Inerness Rail Station


Project Proposal: Investing in Future Generations: WASH (Water Sanitation & Hygiene) and nutrition at Community Based Child Care Centres (CBCCs).


Culloden Rotary are engaged in ongoing work with York based charity Physionet in collecting (and repairing/reconditioning where necessary) discarded wheelchairs from NHS Highland,


This is an archive of previously published pages and events in the club's history


Please help us to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves by making a charitable donation using the button below.
