Message from the chairman of the Communty Service and Vocational Committee of our Club to all membersL-
Thanks for all your Efforts
"On behalf of the Community Services Committee I would like to thank the
Members, spouses, Honorary Members and friends for all of the donations of
food, shoe boxes, surplus good quality (some new) gloves scarfs socks and
other warm clothing items.
As a result we have or will have provided approaching £300 of food and
about 8 shoe boxes together with several bags of surplus clothes etc.
On Wednesday 2nd December our President presented Asda Vouchers to
the Spiritualist Church, purchased with funds in excess of £100, donated
by Members and friends. This will enable the Church to buy fresh food to
merge with the food that we have donated to provide mixed boxes of food to
sustain the families being supported.
Obviously, the need for food will not end there and further donations of food
and money to buy further fresh items will be welcomed over and after
Christmas. Just let me know if you have surplus long life food that you can
donate and I will arrange collection or otherwise it can be left on our
Particular thanks are to friends of Members including Jane, Jill and Georgina,
friends of Penny all from the Nordic Walkers for their generous donations.
If there are others who should be recognised then please let me know.
Best Christmas Wishes to you all. (almost December)"
Clive Rutland
Acting Chair C & V Committee
'What We Do' Main Pages:
'Treasure gathered by our Rotary Club from Rotarians, schools and scouts for children who are carers for their loved ones.
moreAnnual Gateway Sports at Brockenhurst College, Sports Hall. Volunteers welcome. Sponsored by New Forest Rotary. Break for lunch at local hostelry.
morePresident Ian visited the Lymington depot to present £1,500 and £1,000 from proceeds of Charity Golf & Quiz. Full article appeared in L Times.
moreSponsored by New Forest Rotary & Wessex Heartbeat with Meon Valley Heart Start. FREE although you may wish to donate on the day. Maximum places 30. Visit to book & for information. Starts 9:45am.
moreBand of The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary and rising stars from the Performing Arts & Music Academy at Brockenhurst College. Concert held Oct '24.
moreWe assisted the Totton Spiritualist Church in their project to give an Easter Egg to all children being supported through the Churches food bank. Also additional food and clothing for the Food Bank itself.
moreJoint event organised by New Forest & Hythe Clubs in April '24
moreThe following document by Laura Luff, the Senior Development Manager, sets out the LifeLab initiative.