Rotary Environment Countdown Calendar

Countdown to World Environment Day, choose a task every two weeks to help out the Enviroment.

World Environment Day Countdown Calendar

In celebration of the World Environment Day on 5th June 2021, our calendar aims to encourage everyone in D1260 (Beds, Bucks & Herts) to undertake some activities with a positive impact on our local community environment - to think globally and act locally!

In order to achieve this target and help in protecting our planet, we invite participants to complete one activity per two weeks from the list of activities on the calendar (or your own activity choice), between 22nd March 2021 and 5th June 2021 (total 6 activities).

Example of activities include: going for a walk or cycling at least every other day; buying goods free from plastic wrapping - a no plastic two weeks; turning thermostat down one degree; litter picking once a week in your local community; building a compost heap in own garden to recycle household food waste; planting an insect-loving tree or volunteering with a tree planting project; buying refillable products and using refill outlets; taking a photo of a native tree, some spring flowers, or birds or other wildlife; replacing light bulbs with LEDs; watching an environmentally-related documentary; feeding the birds or putting a bug house in the garden; having a meat free week or vegan week; filling one bag for a Charity shop etc.

All activities are considered Covid-safe and should provide inclusivity, taking account of participants from different age groups, mobility difficulties, etc. On completion of each activity, participants will be asked to complete a quick online form to register their activity at HERE.

Make the World Environment Day a fun opportunity to promote respect and value for a greener environment among your family members, neighbours, friends, and the wider community. 

All successful completions will receive a recognition certificate and will be eligible to enter a prize draw on 5th June 2021.  


World Environment Day Calendar

Download a copy of the Calendar HERE

Challenge Instructions

  • All activities are considered Covid safe and are considered inclusive for all
  • Any member of the community are welcome to participate (Rotarians and non-Rotarians)
  • Between 22nd March and 5th June - every two weeks - you will need to submit an activity completion form via: 
  • It is possible to include more than one individual on each submission form - if so, you will be required to include all names and activities
  • If a Rotarian participant is unable to complete an online form, they will be required to report their completion to their club secretary or a nominated person in the club (all club secretaries/nominated persons will be asked to forward any completions to
  • Late entries are permitted - however, in order to receive a completion certificate at the end, you must complete a total of 6 activities (from the list - or your own ideas)
  • All successful completions will receive certificates and will be eligible to enter our prize draw
  • You agree to complete all activities in accordance with our terms and conditions
  • Winners will be announced on 5th June 2021

Dr Mohammad AlramahiContact Dr Mohammad Alramahi about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Club members were treated to Magic Shows at the Magic Circle Headquarters in London.

President Graham with Barry Tomlinson.

Barry came to speak to club about the RAE’s contribution to the design of Concorde.

Past President Phil Hines who chose Wheelpower as his charity for his 2 presidential years.

Presentation to Wheelpower at Stoke Mandeville, following the purchase of Resistance Bands with money raised by Club and the help of a District Grant.

Handover Day

On the 10th July President Phil Hines handed the chain of office to President Elect Graham Anker.

Please support us during February with our fundraising for this important cause. You can make donations at

Students at Redborne School, Alameda School and Russell Lower School in Ampthill have gone purple during February to help raise funds as part of the Rotary initiative to end the war against polio.

Presidents night at Cicchetti’s Ampthill.

Presidents Night in aid of the charity Mind.

President Philip Hines and guests

District Governor, Barbara Middleton joined us for our lunchtime meeting on Valentines Day.

Certificate presentation.

Certificate presented by President Bob in recognition of £456 raised by Flitwick and Ampthill Tennis Club for Children in Need.

The race winners.

Pictures from our 2023 Race night.

President Phil and othe club members at the Alameda Cenotaph on 13 November 2020

The Club is involved in many events that take place in Ampthill and its surrounding district. These include supporting other organisations and events such as the Ampthill Fireworks, the Christmas Lights Switch On, the Fire Station and Ampthill Gala.

Ready to go.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in our charity walk on 6th September

President Bob King and President Elect Phil Hines.

We’re back! After months of Zoom meetings, Ampthill Rotary Club finally returned to face to face meetings this week. Here President Bob King welcomes President Elect Phil Hines, and looks forward to a fantastic year ahead.

We offer the opportunity to make a wish or thank someone through our Tree of Light in December

The Club is involved in many projects within the community. We run a Burger Bar at local events including the Christmas lights switch on in Ampthill. We take part in the Children in Need day by collecting at Tesco in Flitwick and Waitrose in Ampthill.

The working party.

Members of Ampthill Rotary Club were hard at work putting up lamp post rounders around the town in preparation for the Jubilee celebrations.

Winner of the Young Chef Competition at Redborne School

We organise many events during the year including Young Writers, Tech Tournament, Young Chef, RYLA and our annual fun Race Night. This year's event will be held at the Parkside Hall.
