The Great Cycle Re-Cycling Roadshow hits the Road Again

After an enforced break in their recycling efforts the Rayleigh Mill Rotary Club instigated another round of unwanted bicycle collection on Wednesday 5th May

Rotarians Bob Taylor and Jackie Wellman deliver the latest collection of bikes to the Re-Cycle Charity

After an enforced break in their recycling efforts Past President Jackie Wellman, with the help of the Rotarians of Rayleigh Mill Rotary Club and Rotarian Steve Gale of Steve’s Vans, instigated another round of unwanted bicycle collection on Wednesday 5th May when she and helper, Bob Taylor, collected another 43 bikes a from Southend and District and delivered them to the Re-Cycle Charity in Colchester.

The Charity refurbishes the bicycles and ships them to countries in Africa where they make huge life-changing changes to the recipients of the bikes. The bicycles enable the younger recipients to save time in travelling to school and the older recipients to seek work at distances from their homes that would not be viable without the bikes.

The latest collection brings the total of bikes collected by Jackie in the last year to 325 but she is not finished yet and will stage another collection shortly.

If you have a bike that you do not use, don’t take it to the tip or give it to a metal recycler, get in touch with The Rotary Club of Rayleigh Mill at It could make a massive difference to someone’s life.

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Rotarians Bob Taylor and Jackie Wellman deliver the latest collection of bikes to the Re-Cycle Charity

The Rotary Club of Rayleigh Mill’s Bicycle Collection Project goes from strength to strength

back Since former President, Jackie Wellman’s, initial bicycle collection staged just after total lock-down eased on 2nd June when she and Rtn. Sertac Yilmaz collected 40 bikes and 42 on the following day, the project has gone from strength to strength.

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