The Rotary Year 2020/21 in reverse order ....
27th April 2021
Brian Donohoe - The Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan
13th April 2021
Jim Cordiner - The Manchester Ship Canal
Jim from the Peel Ports Group talked about the history of the Canal from the initial planning through to the modern day.
This helps to show the scale of the canal (note the main in the foreground).
30th March 2021
Professor Sarah Bridle - Climate Change with the Hot Air
Sarah spoke about the particular contributors to climate change but particularly focused on the impact of food.
She has recently published a book on the matter which is available free of charge.
23rd March 2021
Jon Kelly - When the Jacobites visited Wilmslow
There had been mention of the some of the Jacobites coming through Wilmslow through a previous speaker and Jon offered to talk more at length about this as well as setting the scene that led to the revolt.
And some passed through Wilmslow on the way down South ...
As well as on the way back ...
Before defeat at the Battle of Culloden ...
As noted below we recently had a talk about the continuing work (including by Rotary) to eradicate Polio from the world. Nearly all countries in the world are clear of Polio although pockets of Polio can still be found in two countries and arguably a serious outbreak could still happen especially given the ease of travel around the world (which COVID-19 has shown). Hopefully we will be able to completely eradicate Polio in the near future but, in the mean, awareness of Polio and the work to eradicate it is still important. Purple has become a key colour in the campaign as a purple dye is used in a number of countries during mass immunizations to mark children's little finger to show which have received the vaccine. In many places, purples crocuses are planted and we have planted some along Water Lane and given others to local schools. Here are some planted at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School in Handforth
Katherine Whitaker - The Joys of Being a Magistrate
Derek (one of Santa's woodworkers and painters) with some of his beautiful bird boxes to support various local/Rotary charities.
Orders can still be placed (for the New Year) in advance of the nesting season by contacting with you contact details including address and phone number. The boxes cost £20 not including delivery although local deliveries or collection can be arranged..
Our speaker, John, returned to give us a history of Rag Time through Rhythm & Blues through excerpts of 12 pieces of music which he played and also talked about.
8th December 2020
Christina Anaik/Spencer - Living with 60 million English
Our speaker, Christina, shared some of her experiences as a "foreigner" [her words] living in the UK for 50 years including various amusing tales and reflections on the use of the English language.
We celebrated the 83rd anniversary of the formation of our Club. This needed to be via Zoom but we tried to still hold to the spirit of what we would normally be doing albeit without any meal. President Sue welcomed member and guests to the meeting before Richard introduced our newest member
10th November 2020
Roger Small - The History of Handforth Station
Our speaker, Roger, presented on the history of Handforth Station which is not just part of our community/locality but also home to one of our community gardens/projects.
If you would like to see a full more of the slides from the presentation then please have a look at:
[A history of Handforth Station and its branch lines; Successive owners of Handforth station: their company crests;
First class coach of the Manchester to Birmingham Railway; The Royal Train calls at Handforth Station;
Martin Bell opens the new ticket office; Excursions by preserved steam passing through Handforth]
1st November 2020
We received a certificate for our work supporting Wilmslow in Bloom
20th October 2020
We had a fascinating talk from Catherine Stott about visiting Antartica (as a holiday destination!)
which can include visiting the South Pole itself
13th October 2020
Whilst we can not get out and about being tourists at present, Murray Jacobs gave us a virtual tour of Cambridge
with some of the sights
and highlights
22nd September 2020
Disaster Aid UK and Ireland is one of a number of charities that we regularly support bringing disaster relief/recovery assistance. Craig Roberts updated us on the work following a recent disaster in Indonesia
and the work continues
3rd. August 2020
The new sign going up at Handforth train station
The official unveiling of the sign
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Remembrance Sunday is remembered each year at the Remembrance Garden in Wilmslow
moreDetails and/or photos of a selection of past events and activities.
moreWe don't always spend our time at the Deanwater Hotel. Here are some of our other events.
moreA summary of events and activities in the Rotary Year 2020/21
moreSpeakers and other Visitors to the Club
moreA record of President's Night and Handover
moreThis page includes photos of some of the speakers who have given us such pleasure during the year.
moreRotary at the Wilmslow Show
moreMembership Services looks after the Club and its membership. It organises a number of Club activities such as the Club's Charter Night.
moreMember's Birthday Celebrations, Club Awards, etc
moreYou can donate money to us via this page (through CAF Donate)
moreThe Wilmslow Swimathon is running annually (normally in the Spring-time) which enables schools, charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, individuals, etc to raise funds for their or other charities by doing lots of swimming in one hour.
moreAnnual Burns Night Dinners
moreOur annual Wine Tasting
moreThe Club Float is used at many of our public appearances.
moreEach year we organise trips on the Mary Sunley for residents of local care homes