International Activities

We have partner clubs in Gulpen/Vaals (Netherlands), Ingelheim (Germany) and St Nazaire (France). We have been enjoying exchange visits for many years.

Ascot and Ingelheim visiting a small castle in the middle of the Rhine.

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Rotary clubs around the world has systematically set about vaccinating people to eradicate polio. We have almost achieved our ambition. Find out more.


All too often disaster strike in parts of the world that have little resources to recover and need outside support. We often contribute to this recovery by supplying ShelterBoxes ( and Aquaboxes (


We have fun helping people and supporting charities at home and overseas. COME AND JOIN US or donate at:


We support local schools with both funds and equipment. Sometimes we combine with other charities to raise enough to buy more expensive items (e.g. minibuses, or fitting them out and laptop computers)

Ascot and Ingelheim visiting a small castle in the middle of the Rhine.

We have partner clubs in Gulpen/Vaals (Netherlands), Ingelheim (Germany) and St Nazaire (France). We have been enjoying exchange visits for many years.


During the last two years we have worked with other Rotary clubs (local and in Germany), to raise money for the new Thames Hospice. This support is on-going as we help develop and pay for the training of nurses and supply of garden furniture.
