SEPTEMBER SAUNTER 20th September 2025

Sat, Sep 20th 2025 at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Saunter continues to be popular. So the 2025 Saunter will be over the same route, plus an alternative shorter route suitable for younger children

View to Coverdale

Come and join us for another friendly and sociable walk in aid of charities. This is a circular walk of 13.6 miles, starting and finishing in Leyburn.There will also be an optional alternative route of about 5 miles, suitable for families with younger children There are liquid refreshments at various checkpoints, and all walkers receive tea/coffee, sandwiches and cake at the finish in Wensleydale School from 12MD to 4pm. Showers are also available. The routes are well sign-posted and marshalled, so no-one should get lost. Click on Map for the main route and/or on the Detailed Route Description, or on Map 2  and Short Route Description for the Short  route. A GPX File is available for either by email request to

The Walk begins at 9.00am in Grove Square, though walkers first gather for registration at Wensleydale School, where car-parking is available. The walk is limited to a maximum 7 hours, and all entries should be received prior to the event. 

We prefer entries to be received as per closing date, 18th September 6pm, though entries will be accepted on the day, in which case, please bring a completed entry form and the correct cash or  cheque. 

The Entrance Fee is £13.50 per walkerif paid by the closing date, and £15.00 on the day with all proceeds going to charities. Accompanied Children under 16 will be free on the Short RouteTo enter, you can either click on the    EntryForm 1 to download one for  the Long route or Entry Form 2 for the Short route, or you can use online booking-  this will be  live shortly.

All proceeds less costs will go to Rotary Local Charities and Good Causes. Walkers are encouraged to raise money for their own charities but it is not essential. 


1  Observe the country code.

2  Checkpoints are to be visited in order.

3  Walkers must keep to way marked route on public rights of way.

4  Entrants can only retire at checkpoints.

5  Minimum age 18 unless accompanied by an adult. (Due to new Legislation)

6  It is recommended that all competitors carry or wear; Waterproofs, OS map Outdoor leisure 30 Yorkshire Dales (Northern & Central areas)& Middleham Sheet SE 18

7  NO DOGS ALLOWED, except on lead, for protection of livestock

8  Entrants should not start before the official start


Entrance Fee £13.50 per competitor if paid by Closing Date (£15.00 after that). Cheques/PO payable to Rotary Club of Wensleydale


Please forward the entry form and SAE unless you detail your email address( please additional SAE if results are required by postto;   Mr B Whitfield, Hillside House, Patrick Brompton, Bedale, DL8 1JN.


Please note your number will be sent out with full details of the Walk when an application is received - The actual number will be collected on the day 

The organisers reserve the right to take photographs for use in publicity to promote the event and Wensleydale Rotary.



For more details,or to make an enquiry, email




Barrie WhitfieldContact Barrie Whitfield about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

SEPTEMBER SAUNTER 20th September 2025 sub-pages:

The start of the Saunter at Grove Square in Leyburn

September Saunter Report 2024

more This was the third time the event has been run and it proved as successful as last year with 125 entrants

President Ray firing starting pistol


more This first Saunter we have organised was very successful, and received many praises from those taking part