Young Artists

Young Artists

Young Artist - Junior (all McLean's Primary School)
1st Struan G Robertson         2nd Acacia Coles
Intermediate (all McLean's Primary School)
1st Sadie Gibson     2nd Iris Little     3rd Ara Gill      Participated  Parker Somerville, Cody Black, Hope lyth
Senior (all Dunfermline High School) 

1st Adam Murphy      2nd Ellis Hendry      3rd Ollie McArthur   also Harrison McKelvie, Rachel Jennings, James Frame and Sophia Mackie

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21/22 Ginfest - Even Better Next Year

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Donations Made

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Centenary Year International Project

more To build toilet blocks at a school in Kenya

Rotary Centenary Walk

more We planted an avenue of Flowering Cherry trees in Pittencrieff Park

Calendar - 21/22

more 1 July 21 - 30 June 22

21/22 Young Writers

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Keira's BIG build

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JJ in Rotary Centenary Walk

Visit of R.I. President

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Gifts from Edinburg and West Fife Clubs

more To mark our Centenary we were given gifts by our Mother Club, Edinburgh and Daughter Club, west Fife

John's Jottings - Weekly Meeting Reports

more Copies of the Secretary's weekly email

Ralph's Reports

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President Brian

New President and Rotarian of the Year

more The incoming for 21-22 is President Brian Blanchflower. Rotarian of the year is Ralph McCran

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Year 2021/22

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