Each year the club sponsors 2 students from Uppingham Community College to attend the Rotary YRYLA course at the White House Centre, Buxton. The course is designed for 14 year-old students drawn for across District 1070. It is valuable because at this age many of the youngsters are experiencing their first trip away from the influence of parents and school.
In 2022 we again sponsored 2 students from UCC chosen from 6 applicants during the preceding months.
The students arrived at the White House on the Friday evening to find Buxton covered in snow and storm force winds prevailing as one of the nnamed winter storms blew through. Nevertheless, activities both indoor and outdoor started as planned in the usual highly competitive manner.
On 25 April one of the studnets attended a club evening and gave a really excellent presentation to club members describing the course, activities and what she had gained from it - if the presentation was true witness she had certainly gained in self-confidence.
more Purchase an essential piece of equipment for Sailability
more Reclaim scrap tools for further use in developing countries
more Supporting various community food banks
more Sunday 23 October
more Hopper
more Our project 2016/17 delivered with benefit of a District Grant
more Defibrillator 2017/18
more Provision of a community access defibrillator for Uppingham with the assistance of a Rotary District Grant
more Club participation in a project to provide playgrounds in Mbale Uganda
more A joint project in aid of East African Playgrounds