
Christmas Collection

For many residents of Surbiton, Chessington and Tolworth the sound of the Rotary Santa sleigh coming down their street is the beginning of Christmas. For nearly 50 years, our erstwhile milk float sleigh has helped us collect tens of thousands of pounds from the generous folk of the town.

Race Night 

We have an annual Race Night fund raiser. This is a great fun event at Glenmore House where  guests cheer on their chosen horses, enjoy delicious fish and chips and help us raise phenomenal amounts of money for local and international charities. Thanks to everyone for your support and help in making these nights such successful and fun events! The atmosphere in the room is always just brilliant! 

Golf Days

In May 2023, we held our inaugural Surbiton Rotary Charity Golf Day at the Surbiton Golf Club. The event was a great success and hugely enjoyed by the golfers and non-golfers alike. After the round of golf, we had a superb dinner during which prizes were awarded, the raffle was drawn and an auction held and we thank everyone that came to the event and supported us so generously.

We repeated the event in 2024 as a joint fund-raiser with New Malden Rotary Club. Again it was a great success and we plan to make this an annual event.

Fundraising sub-pages:

Golf Day 2023


Waitrose Christmas Collection 2023
