Suppling aid to Ukraine

The funds we raised have helped support two local volunteers deliver emergency supplies to Ukraine

In January 2023 we have supported two volunteers in delivering aid to the Ukraine

The first to leave was a delivery of medical supplies requested through links with a Ukrainian medical facility providing medical assistance to the front line troops. Supplies include canulae, catheters, syringes, bandages, stretchers, supraglotic airways, blood pressure monitors, IV saline bags and 20 pairs of combat boots size 14. Greatful thanks to our local hospitals, GP surgeries and Everetts Pharmacy Hedge End who donated much needed, and gratefully received, equipment.

The second consignment which has also arrived safely and has been equally gratefully received, included more general emergency and survival supplies including generators.

This year, 2024, we have provided 16 emergency relief shoeboxes containing personal care items for men who have lost their homes.

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Helping People Around the World

back Our Club has a long history of assisting those in need around the world, and this year we intend to continue this great work.