At our evening meeting on 29th March, we had two very special guests attending from the Rotary Club of Cherkasy in Ukraine. A few days before this meeting they contacted our fellow club member Brendon advising that they were in Manchester and wished to come and visit our club.
The guests, Nataliya Shcherbinina their new club secretary who is taking over from Nina, and Chris Ashley her husband, were made to feel most welcome. They enjoyed our evening dinner and after our speaker Anthony Fletcher had finished his talk, our club President Linda presented Nataliya with our club banner. Nataliya then kindly gave her club banner to us along with a box of individual packages of Borsche ingredients to which water and meat are added, for us to try ourselves at home. This food is supplied to the soldiers on the front for meals to make, which are quick, easy, hot and nourishing. She also gave us a box of Ukrainian chocolates which were later handed out to members along with the borsche at the end of the meeting.
They returned to Ukraine on Saturday 1st April taking with them a photograph of the entire group of members and partners who attended the meeting, with us holding the Union Jack and the Ukrainian flags.
more 15th June 2024: President's Evening with BBQ and honouring of two local residents
more 5th June 2024: D-Day Commemoration and Rotary guest from Phnom Penh
more 3rd July 2024: Welcome Linda, our President for the 2nd time
more 21st Feb 2024: We are delighted to welcome Derek Kemp to our club
more 5th July 2023: Welcome President Ray
more 3rd July 2023: Bernard receives a Double Sapphire Paul Harris Award
more 10th May 2023: We are delighted to welcome Ruth Plumridge to our club
more 31st Aug 2022: Club member Gill is honoured with a Paul Harris Fellowship Sapphire Award
more 3rd August 2022: A delightful picnic lunch with President Linda
more Sunday 14th Aug 2022 at Lower Hook Farm
more 29th June 2022: Welcome President Linda
more 25th May 2022: We are delighted to welcome Brendon Ball to our club
more 9th Dec 2021: Members family and friends enjoy seasonal singing
more 1st Dec 2021: 26 Rotarians and partners treated themselves to lunch
more 22nd Sept 2021: D1100 Governor Graham Ogden visits and two awards from PDG Chris Firth
more 8th Sept 2021: A summer celebration with President Gill
more 15th August at Lower Hook Farm
more 28th July 2021: Bill Bastin is awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship
more 5th May 2021: Presented by District Governor Chris Firth
more 30th June 2021: Welcome President Gill
more 31st March 2021. This is the highest honour given to Rotarians
more February 2021: An account of Club History by Keith Griffin from minutes of Club Council
more 6th Oct 2020: Farewell to Richard, long serving club member who is moving away from RWB
more Starts Monday 6th July
more 1st July 2020: We welcome incoming President Richard
more 29th Feb 2020: Club members, family and friends enjoy a night of fun with a difference
more Bill makes contact with Rotary at Lake Annecy Christmas Market
more 13-15th March 2020: District 1100 Conference at The Weymouth Pavilion
more 22nd Dec 2019: Rotarian Allison hosts President John's Christmas Drinks & Nibbles
more 27th Nov 2019: John and Valerie are awarded PHF's
more 13th August 2019: A boat trip and walk around Bristol Harbour
more 6th Aug 2019: A special day out to see the State Rooms and Gardens
more 17th July 2019: A fine lunch and afternoon with President John
more A warm sunny evening in the countryside with President Phil
more 3rd July 2019: We welcome incoming President John and lunchtime speaker Nicky Alberry 'High Sheriff of Wiltshire 2018-19'
more 7th July 2019: Members of our club participate
more 11th June 2019: Rotarians and Friends visit Aerospace Bristol
more 17th Oct 2018: Joan Goldsmith Governor of District 1100 visits our Club
more 21st May 2019: Rotarian Linda attends SCBU event with her family
more 15-17th March 2019: District 1100 Conference in Torquay
more 5th March 2019: RWB & District vs the Rotary Club of Cirencester
more Catherine and Derek both from RWB&D Rotary meet in Sidney
more 25th Jan 2019: Our club attends the Brighter Futures celebration event
more 14th Nov 2018: Special fellowship meeting marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1
more 31st Oct 2018: We are delighted to welcome June Evans to our club
more Our national RIBI conference at Torquay
more District Conference at Bournemouth
more The Rotary Club of RWB & District won the 2017 Boules competition
back We are a friendly and inclusive group, dedicated to putting something back into our community ...