200 reports from Brockedde

200 reports

A Visit to RC Bröckedde to Mark the 200th Report

Bröckedde is located in the heart of Germany - where the Rhine and Danube flow into the beautiful Bröckeddesee. This is where RC Bröckedde meets in the Bröckedder Hof - every Wednesday at 1 pm in the Salon Hindenburg.

Alexander Hoffmann                                                                                                    01.04.2023

“Why has everyone here got such a glint in their eyes?” asked the well known illustrator, Marcus Schäfer of his companion, Alexander Hoffmann.

“It’s because they have the privilege of living here in Bröckedde, which also hosts the most famous Rotary Club in the world”.

The two strolled on past the town hall, whose flag sported the Rotary wheel, then around the corner to the Bröckedder Hof. There, they were just in time to hear a tourist guide explaining to a large group of Japanese tourists that this was where the legendary Club met.

“Here’s where it shines the brightest” murmured Hoffmann, almost to himself.

“What shines brightest?” asked Marcus Schäffer.

“The Rotary flame” came the reverend reply.

Two elderly men greeted them at the Bröckedder Hof’s main entrance. “How nice to meet you both in person” exclaimed President Pröpke as he shook their hands. The other member of the welcoming party was Treasurer Knödler, who accompanied the guests into the Salon Hindenburg for Germany’s much celebrated afternoon tradition of Kaffee und Kuchen, coffee and cakes. Marcus Schäfer needed a bit of sustenance as he had worked through the night producing the latest artwork. As soon as he had had a cup of coffee, he pulled out his sketch book and started drawing the surroundings.

“You’ve been our RC Bröckedde correspondent since 2006” said Treasurer Knödler, “and we have read your 200 reports with interest, hence today’s invitation”.

“You have certainly upped our profile” added President Pröpke, “consult Google and there are 1.2 million entries for Bröckedde. After this year’s convention in Melbourne, we are due to take over as global patrons”.

“Well, that’s quite something” exclaimed Marcus Schäfer, “I love drawing all your members. Any chance of a beer?”

The beer was duly served by the hotel’s boss, who also asked for autographs.

“Now I would start with saying that in our opinion, you seldom report on our successes” said the President in a more business like tone. Marcus Schäfer continued his sketching and made a note that Pröpke in the flesh was rather shorter than he had thought.

“Friend Hoffmann, you’ve always got something to moan about; where’s the positive?” added Treasurer Knödler, “We also think you’ve been attending our meetings incognito. The tall blonde in the red dress and high heels two weeks ago – was that you?”

On the spot, Hoffmann claimed it was all about investagitive journalism, exactly like the Watergate revelations. “But I always declare critical solidarity with RC Bröckedde” he declared, “it’s like home for me and will play a central role in my next book”.

“What’s the title?” asked Pröpke.

“Bröckedde’s Beautiful Failures”.

“Well, we’ll definitely buy it” assured President Pröpke, “but surely you must be running out of material after 200 reports?” he asked hopefully. Hoffman shook his head, “Absolutely not, RC Bröckedde is an inexhaustible source for any journalist. The blunders and mishaps are just on a completely different level; perfect Rotary”.

“One last question” growled Treasurer Knödler, “have you got something like a mission statement for your next book?”. Hoffmann nodded enthusiastically, referring to one of President Pröpke’s ground-breaking remarks on Rotary projects.

“What was that then?”

“We always do our best but it always turns out the same”.

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Stories from the Rotary Club of Brockedde

back Bröckedde is located in the heart of Germany - where the Rhine and Danube flow into the beautiful Bröckeddesee. This is where RC Bröckedde meets in the Bröckedder Hof - every Wednesday at 1 pm in the Salon Hindenburg.