Kids Out Zoo visit

In June each year, as part of national KidsOut day, we organise a trip to Colchester Zoo for groups from local schools

Rotary KidsOut zoo trip 2023

Wednesday 18 June was National KidsOut Day and the Rotary Club of Colchester invited over 70 disadvantaged children from 5 local schools for a Day at Colchester Zoo.

The schools which attended were

Lexden Springs Primary

Kingswode Hoe

Market Field

Langham Oaks

North Primary 

The groups were met by a team of Rotarians and photos were taken with our Club President, Nigel Hildreth. After a short welcome and briefing, the schools were free to explore the zoo. 

Our Rotarians then served packed lunches in the covered picnic building (in 3 sittings) and once again the children were free to explore before heading back home.

The weather was amazing, with unbroken sunshine and lashings of suncream and cold drinks were needed as the visit went on. 

All the children behaved brilliantly and they all had a great time.  Staff from North Primary enthused about the train taking them into the Lemur enclosure where the children could get really close to these amazing animals. 

Many thanks to the team at the Zoo, who were great and made the visit easy for us. Thanks also to my fellow Rotarians for helping on the day.  Special thanks to David Casey for his organisational help.

Here are some photos from the 2023 visit

After welcoming the school groups, the team from Colchester Rotary relaxes as the children's teachers take them round, until they return for lunch, which the team organises.

The group from Lexden Springs school

The group from Kingswood Hoe school

The group from Market Field school

The group from North Primary school

The group from Langham Oaks school

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Colchester volunteers in India

Colchester Rotary joins with others to help with National Immunisation Day in India


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Rotary's own international charity


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In June each year, as part of national KidsOut day, we organise a trip to Colchester Zoo for groups from local schools


Our Roundabout newsletter with details of our meetings and how we have fun helping others.


The club runs a number of competitions through the schools of the city
