Christmas for Stroud Women's Refuge

Thank you to Hereward at Yellow Lighted Bookshop and to Katie Jarvis

Since 2019 a total of over 1,250 books have been donated to the children at Stroud Women’s Refuge and in families receiving food from the Foodbank.  This was in partnership with Stroud District Foodbank and Yellow Lighted Bookshop.

This year the Foodbank, understandably, concentrated on food and could not prepare the logistics for book distribution in conjunction with Nailsworth Rotary, as in previous years.

However, for Christmas 2023, we provided 31 books for Christmas to the women and to children aged between two and ten years at the Refuge. We also provided extra cooking books for use at the Refuge.

It has been agreed that we will soon give a further 40 or so books to the Refuge. These will be for women arriving at the Refuge during 2025, and as additional library books for the Refuge to keep for children.   It is intended that the books for the women will be to support their future confidence and wellbeing.  The Refuge will work with us on the selection.

Thank you to Katie Jarvis

Katie wrote a brilliant piece which was printed in Nailsworth News in the December issue regarding the Giffords Circus visit for Women and Children from the Refuge.

Ian Jarvis gave his time as a professional coach driver free of charge. The coach, which was secured by Katie through Ebley Coaches, was also free of charge!  

Feedback from Stroud Women’s Refuge

“They had the best time. I haven’t ever seen such enthusiasm from a whole group of people after a trip like this, I think they all found it truly amazing. I have picked up feedback from the families below just so you can share the positive feedback with everyone involved:

  • Circus were amazing; it was so nice to go out and do something ‘normal’ and escape from reality.
  • They were amazing! The gymnasts were incredible, thank you for getting us tickets, we would never normally do something like this. I would love to go again! 
  • I would go back every day if I could it was incredible. 
  • Such a lovely treat. 
  • We loved it! My daughter loved dancing at the end and was completely mesmerised by the show.”

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