'What We Do' Main Pages:
Making Rotary Relevant to Business
moreAn update regarding the ongoing project in Tanzania by our friends at The Mud House Children’s Foundation.
moreTeabag stands for The Education and Book Appeal for Ghana, which provides equipment, books, and educational facilities to three villages in Ghana
more50% contribution towards the cost of a new dishwasher at their Kingsley Bordon Centre. The funds had been raised by Rotary over the Christmas period by various public collections and the Yuletide Festival .
moreFeaturing a family short walk at 5.30 pm, followed by a twilight yomp starting at 7.30 pm, finishing in the dark at close to 10.00 pm
moreTo celebrate 70 years of the NHS we purchased a Dopplex ABIlity machine for use at the Alton Community Hospital.