Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is one of the world's most efficient international charities, contributing over $4billion since its inception over 100 years ago.

Rotary Foundation

Our Club regularly contributes to the Rotary Foundation, our organisation's main charity. A percentage of funds contributed to RF will return to our Rotary District for distribution by them to projects run by Clubs within the District, within certain parameters. Rotary Clubs are also able to apply to The Rotary Foundation for a Global Grant for major projects, usually in conjunction with Clubs in other countries.

One such project was funding the supply of materials to re-equip a hospital which was severely damaged by the huge explosion that ripped through the docklands in Beirut as a warehouse packed with fertilizer exploded in the harbour. The RCLR was one of several clubs which contributed to the more than £300,000 required, with the added benefit of a District grant to double our donation.

The Rotary Foundation is also the main conduit for funds that we direct towards the drive to rid the world of polio, a project led by Rotary and ongoing since 1986. For every pound donated to the RF Polio Fund the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributes £2. We will continue to support this project until the WHO declares the world rid of this dreadful disease.

Find out more about The Rotary Foundation by visiting:

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Ugandan children sample clean water in their school for the first time

We have supported the Rotary led drive to eradicate Polio globally, since its inception in the mid 1980's. In addition we regularly campaign for worthy causes in developing countries


News items

They're off! The 2024 Lungers rush to the sea.

As part of a global Service organisation the RCLR seeks to support our community as well as good causes nationally and internationally in keeping with the Rotary theme for 2024 of 'Create Hope in the World'.


The RCLR serves with the local community in a number of ways, by supporting local good causes and working with other local organisations to help further their aims.

Monthly Bulletin

The Monthly magazine of the Rotary Club of Lyme Regis

Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is one of the world's most efficient international charities, contributing over $4billion since its inception over 100 years ago.

Usborne Illustrated Dictionary

One of Rotary's prime aims is to serve and support the youth of our community, these are examples of how we do that.
