Ideal for veterans transitioning from service to civilian life
While being part of Wensleydale Rotary this new group will initially meet monthly with the aim of encouraging business people and professionals to meet and connect with like-minded people, making valuable connections, providing support for veterans, especially those who are in transition from the military to civilian life by providing support and advice if needed
'What We Do' Main Pages:
The Saunter continues to be popular. So the 2025 Saunter will be over the same route, plus an alternative shorter route suitable for younger children
moreThe Rotary Foundation is the charitable trust fund of Rotary International. In simple terms it is OUR charity and it belongs to every one of us who holds membership of any Rotary club world-wide.
moreSome of the charities we support
moreThe club is involved in a number of activities for the benefit of young people
moreThis Walk/Run continues to be popular, so we hope to see many new entrants in 2025, as well as our regulars, some of whom have been coming for 20 years or more! This year, we are supporting Bloodrun EVS.
moreWe meet Monday evenings, monthly for business meetings, others may be for speakers or excursions etc.