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Related pages...

Finding funding

more There are a lot of grants available - find out whether your project is eligible and how to apply

Contact & Support

more Page giving details for contact & support

Learning opportunities

more Rotary has partnered with Toastmasters International to produce short courses to improve your public speaking skills.

Standing Orders vs Direct Debits

more Does your club wish to change to collect subs monthly (or quarterly)? If so, what mechanism should you use?

Funding ideas

more Here are a few ideas of how to access funding.

Using the Data Management System

more What is the DMS? How do I use it?

Using 'My Rotary'

more This is a recording of a recent training session, held by Phil Hopps, teaching members the basics of having and using a 'My Rotary' account.

Using Rotary Club Central

more A follow up session, given by Phil Hopps, on the use of Rotary Club Central


more Josey George shows us how important branding is

Templates and Boilerplates

more In this section you will find 'Biolerplates' to put at the bottom of your press releases + templates to help write articles

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District Training Material

back In this section you will find the training materials produced by the district team