RIBI Opportunities to Serve

RIBI Opportunities to Serve in this focus area

Maternal, Child Health and Hunger.

1.    Feed the Children (UK) is an independent charity whose aim is to fight famine, conflict, disease or poverty, anywhere in the world.
2.    FOMO Malawi. Friends of Mulanje Orphans fights the corner for children who have lost their families by providing health care and education.
3.    Hope and Homes for Children works together with children, their families and communities across Central and Eastern Europe and Africa. They move children out of institutions into family-based care, help keep together families at risk of breakdown and work to prevent child abandonment.
4.    Mary

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Feed The Children of Malawi

more During November 32 Rotary Clubs supported this District project to help feed desperately hungry children in Africa.

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Maternal and Child Health
