Note: The club website has a "Calendar" tab which shows all our meetings. Any changes to the meeting venue, timings or content will be shown here. Contact the Secretary, details on the "About Us" tab to arrange a visit.
Note: No meetings are held on Bank Holidays
Note: - Zoom business meetings on the 1st Monday of the month at 6.30 pm; - Lunchtime meetings at TAWGC (see below) on the 2nd Monday of the month, 12.45 for 1 pm; - Social meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at a local hostelry or venue.
Note: On the 1st and 3rd Weds of the month, informal evening meetings are held, from 6.30pm, at various local places. On the 2nd and 4th Mondays, our meetings are held at lunchtime (excl. Bank Hols) from 1pm at Hotel Collingwood. Always check with our Sec.
Note: Please arrive by 7.00 at the latest so as to order your meal
Note: We now meet on Mondays. 1st Monday of the Month, evening meeting at the Point, 14 Leigh Road, Eastleigh start 7.00pm. 3rd Monday, lunch meeting at King Rufus Pub, 12.30pm. 4th Monday, Zoom Meeting 6.30pm.
Note: We don't meet bank holidays and non committee or Business meetings may be replaced with an outing or dinner meeting.
Note: No meetings on Bank Holidays 5th Mondays, contact Secretary on 02392 348 681
Note: We meet twice per month on Mondays at 19.00 for 19.30. No Meeting on Bank Holidays. For details of meetings please get in touch with
Note: ALWAYS CHECK DIARY for times. 1st Monday monthly (not Bank Hols) at Forest Park from 6.15pm with partners.3rd Monday Business Meeting-Empress at Copythorne. Informally at New Forest Inn normally 2nd,4th & 5th Monday 6.15 for 6:30 (latest food order).
Note: 2nd and 4th Monday
Note: We meet on second and fourth Mondays of the month except for Bank Holidays
Note: We do not meet if the day is a bank holiday
Note: Except bank holidays
Note: Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays (No Meeting on 1st or 3rd Mondays, or Bank Holidays). Breakfast meeting 3rd Wednesday, 07:15 for 07:30 (location varies) Informal Lunch first Monday 12.30, Brunch 4th Saturday
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Win the District Trophy
moreThe gathering of Rotarians in our District demonstrated everything great about Rotary
moreFor Disadvantaged and Displaced Children
moreThe mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians, to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
moreShelterBox is a global community with a shared purpose – no one without shelter after disaster. We provide emergency shelter and aid essentials at times of disaster, conflict and climate crisis, enabling people to survive and recover.
moreHundreds of youngsters take part every year in our youth competitions which in most cases take the form of regional heats followed by a national final. The majority are categorised into junior, intermediate and advanced age groups.
moreFundamentally Rotary is a philosophy of life that translates into a philosophy of service. Our motto is "Service above Self"
moreThis page will feature all upcoming development, preparation and training courses, and seminars.
moreAre you interested in joining Rotary?
moreA Brief Explanation Helping to Raise Money and the Profile of Rotary!