Young Writer 2025
The theme for the 2024-2025 competition is ‘Wonderful Water’.
This competition aims to encourage young people to:
The competition is open to all schools and college communities including those that are home educated and any other young peoples’ community organisations, for example, community RotaKids, community Interact, Scout Groups, Girl Guides.
There are three age groups:
Entrants must not be over the upper age parameters for each group on 31st August 2024.
The task is to produce a written or typed story in prose entitled, ‘Wonderful Water’. The written entry could be fiction or non-fiction, prose, or a poem, as long as the piece relates to the theme.
NB. This is a writing competition.
The deadline for clubs to submit their entries to District is 28th February 2025.
Up to three entries per club may be submitted to District, one in each age category. The winners in each age group in the District will be submitted for consideration at the national final.
Further details on the Rotary GB&I website HERE where you will find
an Information Pack
a Young Writer poster
an Entry Form
Any young person who is interested in taking part is invited to contact their local Rotary Club. HERE
Further details are available from Charlotte Duncan using the Contact Form below.
more Nine young Chefs representing Rotary clubs from across the District contest final
more Information about the 2024-2025 Competition
more Information about the 2024-25 competition
more Details of the 2024 competition
more This is being run in District 1010 only – no national Competition
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