Young Artist 2024/2025

Details of this year's Young Artist competition


The District 1320 Rotary Young Artist Competition is open only to entries from within District 1320 that fit the following criteria. It is a TWO-stage competition designed to support and encourage the development of fine art skills and to build confidence in using these skills to express their inner feelings.

Information Pack -

Entry Form -


This competition aims to encourage young people to:

•    Experiment with creativity within fine art
•    Use traditional or contemporary methods of fine art
•    Show interpretation of their chosen topic
•    express their ideas through the medium of fine art

Who can take part?

This competition is open to all schools and colleges including those that are home educated and any youth groups within your community.

The year range for competitors is:

Junior         P4 - P7

Intermediate    S1 to S3

Senior        S4 to S6

All competitors should fall within these year groups on 31st August 2024.

There is no Per Se age qualification, as the classes are set by recognised school year groups. However, all competitors must be in the designated year groups on 31 August 2024 and all competitors MUST include their year group and their age at the time of entry. All entrants under 18years of age must have their Entry Forms signed by their parent/guardian/appropriate adult.

Competition theme and materials

This year’s theme is “The Magic of - Our World”.

To produce a piece of 2D work on the above theme, attaching a brief description of the thinking behind the creative process, ideally a single sentence.

Maximum sizes of pieces of work per age group are as follows:

Junior Primary
A4 size Maximum
Intermediate Intermediate A4 to A3 Maximum
A4 to A3 Maximum

Acceptable media are:

•    Pencil
•    Ink
•    Watercolour
•    Acrylic paints
•    Oil pastel
•    Chalk pastels BUT only if fully fixed

Not allowed: Prints, photographs or 3D pieces of work.

The two stages of the Competition

There will be two stages to this competition. Local competitions organised by local Rotary Clubs and the District Final.

Please intimate your clubs interest by September 28th 2024 with confirmation of participation by email to Jim Hettrick   by Friday 10th January 2025

The first, second and third in each club competition age category, will proceed to the District Final which will be held in June 2025

Suggested timescales for Local Rotary Club Rounds:

  • June – Sept 2024        Approach local schools to gauge interest and suggest the theme is built into lesson plans.
  • Aug - Dec 2024    Formalise the timings for the competition to take place. Suggest that judging the school round could take place in May or June 2022 subject to the school timetable and examination dates.
  • 10th January 2025    Confirm to District organiser your intention to take part in the competition and in which age categories. Entry forms templates will be available from May 2024   
  • April/May/June 2025    Organise the judging and exhibition of work where applicable, arrange Judges and venue.
  • 19th June 2025 District Final    The first, second and third placed in each category goes forward to the District Final. The art work needs to be with Jim Hettrick on or before 9th June 2025.

Club Budget    Budget for the club competition is of course discretionary. However, we would suggest vouchers for the 1st place of £25, second place of £15, third place £10, with perhaps certificates for 3 highly commended per class. Draft certificates for participants and winners will be emailed to clubs taking part and or available on District Website.

District Final Venue TBC - 19th June 2025

The Winning Entries submitted for the final must have the signed Entry Form accompanying the entry.

The judges’ decision on the day will be final.

The winning entries in each age group will be (all being well) displayed in Showcase at the 2026 District Conference.

Trophies will be given to the winner in each age category.  Trophies for the winners’ schools will be available within 14 days of the District Final.


Students should enter the competition organised by the local Rotary club through their school, college or other organisation.

Entry to this competition is only open to those school pupils, home schooled children or youth group members, active within Rotary Scotland South

Working with Children   

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland has adopted this statement of policy in working with children, the vulnerable and those with disability. The needs and rights of the child, the elderly, the vulnerable and those with disability take priority. It is the duty of every Rotarian to safeguard to the best of their ability, the welfare of and prevent physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect of all children, the elderly, persons with disability or otherwise vulnerable persons with whom they come into contact during their duties.

Jim HettrickContact Jim Hettrick about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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