End Polio Now (World's Greatest Meal Event)

Tue, Oct 31st 2017 at 1:00 pm -

Guest Speaker Paul Hickson will speak about his and his wife's experience
working with the End Polio Now team immunising the population in India.

This is a fundraising lunch in aid of the
End Polio Now campaign.

This lunch is open to Partners and Guests. 
Cost: £16 per head

Most people have heard of polio but few know that the disease still affects children around the world. Every donation helps us to provide the much-needed operational support, medical personnel, laboratory equipment and educational materials for health workers and parents needed in the fight against polio. Here are some facts and figures:

Since 1988, we’ve seen a worldwide reduction in polio cases 
    of 99.9%. Last year we only saw Spolio cases in three countries. 

Since 2013, the Gates Foundation has added £2 to every £1 
    Rotary commits to polio eradication. 

In addition to the funding, more than one million Rotary members have given their time to end polio and every year hundreds of Rotary members have worked side-by-side with health workers to immunise more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. 

Your help today will move us closer toeradicating polio once and for all.  Thank you.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Each Community Officer strives to strengthen the existing links that the Rotary Club of Croydon has with other organisations in and around the Croydon area.


and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


The Fundraising Committee exists to coordinate the year’s fundraising,
focusing mainly, but not exclusively, on the President’s chosen charity.


Supporting Rotary's International Projects.


Giving thousands of disadvantaged children a fun day out.


This year, the Rotary Club of Croydon, the Borough's original and oldest club, will celebrate serving the community for a century.


Rotary's own charity


An annual ward for primary school children


"It's the taking part that matters..."

2019 Mock Interviews at Thomas More School

Vocational Service is one of the Avenues of Service available to Rotarians.


Youth Opportunities


Some of the charities supported by our Presidents over the past few years.
