AGM - this was a ZOOM meeting

Wed, Apr 29th 2020 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


We had a good ZOOM AGM and afterwards took some action to help in our community, Rotary in Action even in these torrid times. Numbers were a little bit down on our previous meeting, but also we had some new faces, perhaps the new access codes did not get through to some members as we did use the District ZOOM Account .

Next time we will be using our own paid for ZOOM Account and Secretary Alan will be forwarding the access codes to everyone shortly.

Report from Community - emailed by Rotarian Peter Garwood PHF

Hi Everyone
Hope everyone is keeping well and coping in these strange times . Firstly can I apologise for the lack of a Community Committee report at last nights meeting , I wasn't  expecting to give one , I assumed that we were doing as we have done over the last few years and presenting our reports at the change over night , and as such was I totally unprepared when asked , and as somebody pointed out the AGM is a time to look back at the achievements of the  Rotary Year  and change over is the time to look forward to the new Rotary Year .

So here is the report that I should have given last night. Since our last AGM in 2019 The Rotary Club of Furness ,Community Committee have instigated , been responsible for , and encouraged members to join in with the following activities.

Early May approx 18 members helped out with K2B duties litter picking , barrier and banner removal , handing out competitors medals etc
Early June approx 12 members enjoyed the fresh air and gentle  sea breezes ( I wish)  when we took part in the RI and RIBI World Beach Clean , wonderful views over Morecambe Bay I believe , but we had to contend with  horizontal rain overcast sky's  and heavy winds on one of the coldest June days in recent years , I think (hope) those involved enjoyed the day.

May June July , several members put their weight behind moving the life education caravan around various locations in Barrow , fortunately somebody worked out how to use the motorised assistance on the caravan , unfortunately it was on almost the last move of the year, perhaps a lesson learned for next time.

July August September , I attended numerous and lengthy meetings getting ready for:
October November when we all got involved in the hugely successful campaign that we called WRAP UP CUMBRIA , this enabled us to collect sort and redistribute 1981 surplus coats and other items including , gloves , knitted hats, 1 chicken suit, 1 bra and several pairs of socks. Items found in coat pockets , included 1 pair glasses , 1 set of car /house keys . a watch and a ping pong ball.

October I attended the K2B presentation evening on behalf of the club , and our efforts were recognised with a £750.00 donation to our charity account.

October November we offered our assistance to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal , it never ceases to amaze me how generous Barrovians are.

November, on another cold wet day Rotarians attended the Remberance Parades in both Barrow and Dalton.

December Tin collection for the homeless , a great effort by Rotarians and the people of Barrow , saw a large amount of food and a cheque for £1000.00 presented to the homeless center on Bath Street.

January the committee was asked if the club could support an appeal from St Pius X school  to purchase 2 mini buses , which Im pleased to say we were able to do , and I have carried this forward and applied to district for a district grant which I am delighted  to announce has been approved  and we will be receiving a large cheque from the new district treasurer in due course towards the purchase of the 2nd mini bus
Moving forward to present time , I pleased to say that the committee and club have helped out with a number of discretionary cheques for the benefit of organisations and schools acting in the best interests of the community and I hope that we as Rotarians can continue to help in whatever form for the future.

I think that concludes my report on all matters Community or at least all the main things I can remember ,  all that remains is for me to say is a very big THANK YOU to every single Rotarian for the help involvement and support you have given me over the last 12 months,and for those that have yet to join in with the new digital meeting format , it really isnt difficult , just download the Zoom App onto your Phone, Tablet, i Pad, Laptop or Desktop and see how hairstyles are coping, during the lockdown,it keeps everybody ( in the Rotary Community) in touch and is a bit of fun as well.

stay safe keep smiling and see you all soon

Chairman of Community
The committee that does .

PS  As nobody offered to take the committee over   (despite my prayers)  at last nights AGM , it looks like you are stuck with me for another year , so all I can promise is I will do my best   to make sure we have more of the same to get involed in

Many Thanks

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A popular view of Furness Abbey
