Medical Detection dog visits Ampthill Rotary

Wed, Jul 18th 2012 at 12:00 am -

Sukhi the Medical Detection dog and handler Geoff Lambert came to our meeting this month.

Rotarians Nigel Milway & Philip Hines welcomed Geoff Lambert & Sukhi the Medical Detection dog to our meeting this month.
Rotarians Nigel Milway & Philip Hines welcomed Geoff Lambert & Sukhi the Medical Detection dog to our meeting this month.

Rotarians Nigel Milway & Philip Hines welcomed Geoff Lambert & Sukhi the Medical Detection dog to our meeting this month.

Dogs have been used for years in the detection of drugs & semtex. Anyone visiting Australia will have seen them sniffing out unwanted fruit & vegetables.

Geoff gave a fascinating talk about Medical Detection Dogs a charity based in Great Horwood.

Dogs are trained to assist individuals who manage complex medical health conditions. One of these is diabetes .With their amazing sense of smell the dogs are trained to detect sensitive changes in blood sugar levels. When these levels fall or rise outside the normal range they will warn their owner, get help and fetch any vital medical supplies. This gives people greater independence & saves lives on a daily basis. The charity is now carrying out studies into whether dogs can detect aggressive cancers from both breath & urine samples.  

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Rotarians Nigel Milway & Philip Hines welcomed Geoff Lambert & Sukhi the Medical Detection dog to our meeting this month.

We're for Communities

back The Club is involved in many projects within the community. We run a Burger Bar at local events including the Christmas lights switch on in Ampthill. We take part in the Children in Need day by collecting at Tesco in Flitwick and Waitrose in Ampthill.