Ukrane generator appeal

Darwen's response to an appeal for help

picture by Vladimir Yelizaro
picture by Vladimir Yelizaro

We worry in this country about out electricity supply and the state of our NHS however the problems we have fade into insignificance when one considers the problems facing the citizens of the Ukraine.

Electricity cuts can last from 4 to 8 hours and sometimes all day. Without electricity there is no water supply, pumps for sewage do not work and there is no central heating. Hospitals slowly come to a halt as surgery is cancelled.

Surgery cancelled because there is no electricity, drugs, tourniquets, bandages stretchers, head lamps for doctors and much more.

Rotary all over the world is helping by supplying generators and hospital equipment and many other pieces of equipment and Darwen Rotary has been doing its bit. And along with a local charity has already raised over £5,500 which has been used to provide hospital supplies through the International Rotary Fellowship of Health Professional. This ensures we know where the funds have been allocated with the help of Ukrainian Rotarians.

We would like to do more and appeal to you reader to help if you can either by making a donation to Rotary Club of Darwen Charity Account HSBC Sort Code 40-19-06 Account No. 91033360. Mark it Ukraine. You can also donate via one of the Darwen Rotary collecting boxes dotted about town or the ones in front of the LEGO Darwen Tower in the Market Annexe

Or do you know where there are any 2.5kw, 5kw or 7.5kw generators that are in working order and could be donated. If you do let us know by emailing john.jacklin@btinternet.comand we will put you in touch with our national organiser to help get them to the Ukraine.

Thank you for reading this and for any assistance you can give

Darwen Rotary

Rotary GB&I issue newsletters regarding the response to the problems in Ukrane

The latest one can be read at Rotary_GBI_Taskforce_Bulletin_No.23_22_12_2022.pdf

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picture by Vladimir Yelizaro


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