Completed meetings and events 2019-2020
Tue 30th June 2020 Council meeting
To enable committee chairs to put forward their programme for the year prior to Club Assembly, in addition to usual business.
Tue 23rd June 2020 Speaker Denise Barna from Box Youth & Community Project
Denise visited on Zoom to give us an update on present activities. They have been extremely busy and the breadth of the work done was an eye opener to us. More details below, together with some pictures. read more...Tue 16th June 2020 Meeting cancelled

Tue 9th June 2020 Speaker Laura Forbes from Grace House
Laura joined us on Zoom on 9th June to update us on the work of Grace House, particularly at the present time. They are normally very hands on with the children, but some things have had to be more...
Tue 2nd June 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 2nd June 2020 Council Meeting by ZOOM
Council will have another Zoom meeting, which everyone was able to join on 5th May.Tue 26th May 2020 Graham Wharton was speaker on Food Bank
Graham joined our Zoom meeting on 26th May to tell us about the Food Bank we have recently supported run by the Salvation Army in Southwick. He was able to walk us round the premises and we appreciated that it is an extensive, well organised operation. read more...Tue 19th May 2020 Meeting cancelled

Tue 12th May 2020 Annual General Meeting by ZOOM
Officials and committee chairs have sent their reports for council meeting and to all the other members.Nominations required for council membership.
President John will be hosting the Zoom meeting which will NOT be limited to 40 minutes.
Tue 5th May 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 5th May 2020 Council Meeting by ZOOM
This was a Zoom meeting hosted by President John. All officers and chairs sent in written reports which were received. The treasurer's proposal for subscription was put to members at the AGM and accepted.Tue 28th April 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 21st April 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 14th April 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 7th April 2020 Meeting cancelled.
Tue 7th April 2020 Council Meeting
Can we have this by Zoom at the usual time?Tue 7th April 2020 Council Meeting by ZOOM
Tue 31st March 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 24th March 2020 Meeting cancelled
Tue 17th March 2020 FUTURE MEETINGS
Meetings have been cancelled since 23rd March, but from 26th May we are to have fortnightly meetings on Zoom, usually with a speaker. read more...Tue 10th March 2020 Business Meeting
Club members advised of discussions at previous council meetingTue 3rd March 2020 Speaker. John Hutchinson. Host George Lomas
John is going to give us a talk himself.Tue 3rd March 2020 Council Meeting
Council members discuss future programme and events
Mon 2nd March 2020 Club Dinner
Another enjoyable night was had at the Sea Hotel, South Shields. There was a three course meal with choices on the night.The speaker was Fred Raffle, who has accompanied BBC commentators on Test match tours for many years. read more...
Tue 25th February 2020 Speakers Fiona Walker & Hannah Petheram
Fiona and Hannah gave us an excellent talk and presentation about the work of Rainbow Trust, outlining the important work they do working with families of children with problems. A very deserving charity.Tue 18th February 2020 Speaker Jonathan Adams Host Pat Emmerson
Jonathan outlined the problems he encountered when working for the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel read more...Tue 11th February 2020 Business Meeting
Members heard about discussions at previous council meetingTue 4th February 2020 Speaker Ger Fowler Host Gordon Coxon
The speaker came to tell us about his charity 'Veterans in Crisis' formedto support former servicemen and women who find themselves in difficulties after leaving the services. The charity has acquired premises in Roker Ave. Very inspiring.
Tue 4th February 2020 Council Meeting
Council members discussed future programme and eventsTue 28th January 2020 Speaker Allan Bailey. Host Gordon Coxon
Allan showed us a couple of videos, one of a blind lady going for a walk with her guide dog; The second was compiled by Michael Gough of a visit to Prague.We had Rabbi Sybil Sheridan as a guest. read more...
Tue 21st January 2020 Speaker Fred Raffle. Host Peter Calvert
Peter brought Fred along again to tell us about his cricket commentating activities, particularly with England Test tours,of which he has done a lot. He is blind, but is able to give radio commentators a view on how their words describe events.Tue 14th January 2020 Business Meeting
Club members hear about discussions at previous council meetingTue 7th January 2020 Speaker Derek Bage Host Allan Bailey
Derek showed us two videos that he had produced when a member of the video club, which members found very interesting.Tue 7th January 2020 Council Meeting
Council discussed the future programme and eventsTue 31st December 2019 No Meeting
We do not meet on New Year's EveTue 24th December 2019 NO MEETING
We do not meet on Christmas Eve
Thu 19th December 2019 Rotary Young Writer Competition
We had received 14 entries from Cleadon Church of England Academy, which had been judged by council members. Three members attended the whole school assembly to present the certificates and prizes for the first three winners. read more...Thu 19th December 2019 - Fri 20th December 2019 Morrison's Store, Seaburn
The store manager kindly agreed that we might collect there again on 19th, 20th and 24th December, for which we are most grateful.
Tue 17th December 2019 Christmas Message from Canon Stuart Bain Host Keith Higgin
We were very pleased to welcome Stuart, Provost at Sunderland Minster, who told us about the history of the building, his work there especially with the Christian refugees, mostly from Syria, and delivered an appropriate Christmas Message. read more...Fri 13th December 2019 - Sat 14th December 2019 Tesco's store collections
The manager kindly agreed that we could collect with Santa for a couple of days, the first time we have been at the store.Tue 10th December 2019 Special General Meeting
Accounts for 30 June 2019 were received and officers appointed for next Rotary year, details of which are below. read more...
Mon 9th December 2019 - Sun 22nd December 2019 Santa Sleigh collections in Seaburn, Fulwell and Roker
Santa visited the children again this year, on various dates between 9th and 22nd December.Details of the dates and routes are listed below. He enjoyed seeing all the children and hearing of their wishes. read more...
Fri 6th December 2019 - Sun 8th December 2019 Clay's Garden Centre
The store again kindly agreed that we could collect there for 3 days.The customers were as generous as ever, for which we are very grateful.
Tue 3rd December 2019 Speaker Rotarian Thomas Chacko. Host John Hutchinson
Thomas visited to tell us about the engineering events that he has organised during the last year and encourage us to support these events again in 2020.Tue 3rd December 2019 Council Meeting
Members meet to plan future eventsTue 26th November 2019 Presentation of Michael Gough videos by Allan Bailey
Two more high quality videos were shown, following the enjoyment of the two seen the previous week.Tue 19th November 2019 Speaker Ian Williamson. Host Brian Franklin
Ian Williamson was unable to join us, so Allan Bailey gave us 2 video presentations which had been compiled by Michael Gough. These were of Rome and Washington DC and both were excellent.
A good night out was enjoyed by over 50 guests on 16th Nov 2019 at the Grand Hotel, Seaburn. Reception drinks and a three course dinner and coffee were followed by dancing to Cats Night Out. Everyone had a great time.Tue 12th November 2019 Business Meeting
Members advised of discussion at previous council meetingMon 11th November 2019 Sun FM Toy Appeal launch
We helped the local radio station with their toy appeal launch by providing our Santa Sleigh as a background for photographs with their supporters.Tue 5th November 2019 Speaker Laura Forbes (Grace House) Host Pat Emmerson
Laura came to bring us up to date with events at Grace House and how things are working now. It continues to provide an excellent service to families who have a child with severe health problems, providing respite care.Tue 5th November 2019 Council Meeting
Council members meet to discuss future eventsTue 29th October 2019 Speaker Gordon Coxon. Host Allan Bailey.
Gordon will give us another of his talks.
Thu 24th October 2019 World Polio Day exhibition
Seaburn Club took the lead in manning the display in The Bridges to mark the day. We received support from Michael Gough (Houghton) with the video presentation in the morning and 2 members of Cleadon Rotary, who also did a two hour slot.Tue 22nd October 2019 Speaker Sophie Travers (RYLA candidate) Host Peter Calvert
Sophie is coming to tell us about her experiences on the RYLA course in August.Tue 15th October 2019 Speaker Allan Bailey. Host Gordon Coxon
Allan showed us a power point presentation relating to concave acoustic mirrors erected during the first world war which detected enemy aircraft. These were eventually overtaken by radar, but many are still preserved along the east and south coasts.Tue 8th October 2019 Business Meeting
Members advised of discussion at previous council meeting
Fri 4th October 2019 - Sun 6th October 2019 District Conference in Skipton
A great time was had by the four couples from our club and the 200+ people who attended. Good food, good fellowship and good speakers all weekend.Tue 1st October 2019 Speaker Tracy Hassan from Age Concern. Host John McLoughlin
Tracy came to tell us about the organisation's work in Sunderland area.It is very active in a wide range of services to older people and there are several areas where there can be mutually beneficial exchange of information and ideas.
Tue 1st October 2019 Council Meeting
Council members met to plan future events.
Fri 27th September 2019 Dame Dorothy Street School Bench
The club has contributed towards the cost of a bench to be placed in the school grounds, which has now been installed.Tue 24th September 2019 EVENING MEETING Speaker Tony Edwards Host Tony Wortman
Partners and friends were invited to this evening meeting.Tony told us about his early career and life in TV and radio as a producer and director. He had many amusing tales to recount.
Tue 17th September 2019 Speaker George Lomas. Host John Hutchinson.
Rotarian George told us about some of his boyhood hobbies, including collecting cigarette packets, of which he had a very extensive range all neatly stored in three books which we enjoyed seeing.
Fri 13th September 2019 - Sun 15th September 2019 Lakes Weekend
Sixteen members and friends went to the Lakes for our annual weekend. Gordon had organised our stay at the Damson Dene Hotel, along with the good weather and the walks. read more...Tue 10th September 2019 Business Meeting
Members updated on previous council meeting discussionsTue 3rd September 2019 Speaker David Mills. Host Peter Calvert
David is a member of the Sunderland Orchestra and came to tell us about all its activities, including concerts at its home venue and other premises around the area. It was formed in 1999 and is still going strong, despite a changing membership. read more...Tue 3rd September 2019 Council Meeting
Council members met to plan future activities
Sat 31st August 2019 Rotary Garden Party
The club held a Garden Party social event and to raise money for its Benevolent Fund. Tickets were £10.00 each. There was a substantial hot buffet and a selection of desserts.A raffle was held and drinks were available. A surplus of £528 was made. read more...
Tue 27th August 2019 Speaker Rotarian Josey George. Host Dennis Heptinstall.
Despite problems with his power point and video, Josey was able to give us an update on the Rotary Jaipur Limb project, for which he is now the District representative. A very worthy cause which certainly deserves support.Tue 20th August 2019 Speaker Rtn Randle Oliver. Host Brian Franklin
Randle gave a talk about his war experiences in his own inimitable styleTue 13th August 2019 Business Meeting
Members advised of discussions at previous council meeting
Tue 6th August 2019 Speaker Lynne Symonds. Host Pat Emmerson
Lynne came again to update us on her Wulugu Project in northern Ghana, where she is now chief of 3 different tribes covering 3 million people. The project continues to provide schools and to work with women to educate them and bring them out of slavery.Tue 30th July 2019 Quiz Host Peter Calvert
As our speaker had had a fall he was unable to join us. Instead, Peter entertained us with a very hard quiz.Tue 23rd July 2019 Speaker Kath Rooney. Host Brian Franklin.
Having recently retired from her voluntary work with Sunderland Special Olympics, Kath came to tell us about the scope of the work with which she has been involved for many years.Tue 16th July 2019 EVENING MEETING Speaker Michael Gough Host Elizabeth Wortman
Michael returned and gave us two of his presentations, both of which had been winners in different competitions.
Mon 15th July 2019 - Fri 19th July 2019 Dictionary Presentations
Dictionaries have been presented to all Year 6 leavers at St Benet's, Redby, Seaburn Dene and Dame Dorothy Street primary schools. read more...
Tue 9th July 2019 Club Assembly with AG Keith Peacock
The President presented the programme for the year on behalf of Committee Chairs.Tue 2nd July 2019 Fellowship Meeting - Quiz by Tony
Tony provided us with one of his quizzes, to eveyone's amusement.Tue 2nd July 2019 Council Meeting
Members of council met to plan the programme for the next 6 months.