Rotary Seaburn Photo Galleries

Memory Cafe at Whitburn Community Library

Memory Cafe at Whitburn Community Library

The Memory Cafe was started for those living with dementia and their carers/family. Varied activities and entertainment were offered and the Cafe was open on third Friday of each month from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm at Whitburn Library.

Swinging 60's Night

Swinging 60's Night

Another enjoyable night of 60's music for dancing provided by John Shield's group Cats Night Out. In the interval we enjoyed a typical meal of the decade. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes and we had a raffle. A good night was had by all.

Coffee Morning for End Polio Now

Coffee Morning for End Polio Now

The Grand Hotel helped us to stage a Coffee Morning in the Restaurant area to raise funds to End Polio Now. Well supported event which raised £670.00 including £200.00 donated by Sunderland Rotary.

Speaker Derek Potter.  Host John Shield

Speaker Derek Potter. Host John Shield

Derek gave us a slide presentation outlining the history of the Suez Canal area from early times almost to present day. We also welcomed our first Corporate Member Charlotte Harms from Grand Hotel.

A Swinging 60's Evening

A Swinging 60's Evening

An Evening of great music by CATS NIGHT OUT and virtuoso guitarist John Wilkinson. £15.00 including supper. Prizes for best 60's outfit. Terrific night, enjoyed by all. We raised over £600.00 for our Benevolent Fund.

World Polio Day Coffee Morning

World Polio Day Coffee Morning

The Grand Hotel let us host this charity coffee morning in the restaurant. Rotarians, friends and guests attended. A raffle was held during the morning. The sum of £175.00 was raised, plus a donation of £75.00 from Sunderland Rotary.

Speaker D G Steve Rose   Host John Lipscombe

Speaker D G Steve Rose Host John Lipscombe

D G Steve visited to present us with our Presidential Citation for having completed the necessary objectives as evidenced on Rotary Club Central. He also talked about D G objectives for the current year.

Desks for school in Ghana

Desks for school in Ghana

We donated funds to Wulugu project for them to supply desks to a school in northern Ghana.

City Hall exhibition day

City Hall exhibition day

We had arranged a table at this exhibition day and members sold our Christmas Cards. Sales went well and we were pleased to join in this event in the new City Hall.

Visit to new City Hall

Visit to new City Hall

Some members and wives met up to have a conducted tour by the Lady Mayor and her Consort, of the new City Hall building in the centre of the city. She was very enthusiastic and will be a good leader during her year in office.

Speaker Mayor Councillor Harry Trueman.        Host Elizabeth Wortman

Speaker Mayor Councillor Harry Trueman. Host Elizabeth Wortman

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Harry Trueman visited with the Mayoress to give a brief talk and exchange information about End Polio Now in advance of World Polio Day on Sunday 24th October.

Speaker Rev'd Eric Stephenson.   Host Peter Calvert

Speaker Rev'd Eric Stephenson. Host Peter Calvert

Retired priest Eric gave us a very amusing talk on his varied life as a teacher and parish priest. Before Eric's address, we had been pleased to induct a new member, who is also a former Head Teacher and retired priest, Rev'd Ian Davies.

Northern Albion Junior Football Team

Northern Albion Junior Football Team

Seaburn Rotary sponsored the team's shirts with the Rotary motif on the front.

Speaker Laura Forbes from Grace House

Speaker Laura Forbes from Grace House

Laura joined us on Zoom on 9th June to update us on the work of Grace House, particularly at the present time. They are normally very hands on with the children, but some things have had to be curtailed.

President Elizabeth celebrates

President Elizabeth celebrates

Great news! We induct a new member - Graham Wharton.

Rotary Young Writer Competition

Rotary Young Writer Competition

We had received 14 entries from Cleadon Church of England Academy, which had been judged by council members. Three members attended the whole school assembly to present the certificates and prizes for the first three winners.

Speaker Denise Barna from Box Youth & Community Project

Speaker Denise Barna from Box Youth & Community Project

Denise visited on Zoom to give us an update on present activities. They have been extremely busy and the breadth of the work done was an eye opener to us. More details below, together with some pictures.

Speaker DG Barbara Broadbelt.  Host Tony Wortman.

Speaker DG Barbara Broadbelt. Host Tony Wortman.

Barbara visited to tell us about her hopes for what will be a challenging year, but one to which she will no doubt rise.

Club Dinner

Club Dinner

Another enjoyable night was had at the Sea Hotel, South Shields. There was a three course meal with choices on the night. The speaker was Fred Raffle, who has accompanied BBC commentators on Test match tours for many years.

Christmas Message from Canon Stuart Bain Host Keith Higgin

Christmas Message from Canon Stuart Bain Host Keith Higgin

We were very pleased to welcome Stuart, Provost at Sunderland Minster, who told us about the history of the building, his work there especially with the Christian refugees, mostly from Syria, and delivered an appropriate Christmas Message.

Sun FM Toy Appeal launch

Sun FM Toy Appeal launch

We helped the local radio station with their toy appeal launch by providing our Santa Sleigh as a background for photographs with their supporters.



A good night out was enjoyed by over 50 guests on 16th Nov 2019 at the Grand Hotel, Seaburn. Reception drinks and a three course dinner and coffee were followed by dancing to Cats Night Out. Everyone had a great time.

District Conference in Skipton

District Conference in Skipton

A great time was had by the four couples from our club and the 200+ people who attended. Good food, good fellowship and good speakers all weekend.

Lakes Weekend

Lakes Weekend

Sixteen members and friends went to the Lakes for our annual weekend. Gordon had organised our stay at the Damson Dene Hotel, along with the good weather and the walks.

Dame Dorothy Street School Bench

Dame Dorothy Street School Bench

The club has contributed towards the cost of a bench to be placed in the school grounds, which has now been installed.

Rotary Garden Party

Rotary Garden Party

The club held a Garden Party social event and to raise money for its Benevolent Fund. Tickets were £10.00 each. There was a substantial hot buffet and a selection of desserts. A raffle was held and drinks were available. A surplus of £528 was made.

Dictionary Presentations

Dictionary Presentations

Dictionaries have been presented to all Year 6 leavers at St Benet's, Redby, Seaburn Dene and Dame Dorothy Street primary schools.

Speaker Lynne Symonds.  Host Pat Emmerson

Speaker Lynne Symonds. Host Pat Emmerson

Lynne came again to update us on her Wulugu Project in northern Ghana, where she is now chief of 3 different tribes covering 3 million people. The project continues to provide schools and to work with women to educate them and bring them out of slavery.

Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

Retiring Mayor Lynda Scanlan came to present Paul Harris Fellowship awards to Past Presidents Pat Emmerson and Elizabeth Wortman. She was then surprised to receive an award herself from President Tony Wortman for her charity work during her year as Mayor.

Club Dinner

Club Dinner

We returned to the Sea Hotel, South Shields for our annual Club Dinner on 4th March. The speaker was Major Anthony Tate, who told us about the re-enactment of the cavalry movement down the frontline during the First World War.

Stroke Awareness Day

Stroke Awareness Day

We again had a spot in the Bridges Shopping Centre to allow the nurses to take blood pressure readings from the public. Members asked 140 people to take part and the nurses worked hard all day to keep up.

Meeting 18th December 2018

Meeting 18th December 2018

Christmas Party for guests and residents at Bryony House

Christmas Cards 2018

Christmas Cards 2018

We have had 3 favourite Christmas Cards printed again this year, as well as having some previous ones still available. They are still £5.00 for a pack of 10.

President's Night Dinner Dance

President's Night Dinner Dance

President Tony Wortman booked the Grand Hotel, Seaburn for his President's Night. Dancing was to Ian Lawrence Band, with vocalist. They were excellent and a good night was had by all.

The Lakes Weekend

The Lakes Weekend

18 Rotarians, partners and friends stayed at Damson Dene Hotel for a most enjoyable weekend.

District Conference at Harrogate

District Conference at Harrogate

Twelve members and wives attended an excellent conference, with good speakers and company.

Bring It On exhibition

Bring It On exhibition

A superb showcase for children in the north east to let them see what engineering is all about.

Speaker Jessica McLelland.   Host John McLoughlin

Speaker Jessica McLelland. Host John McLoughlin

Jessica was our sponsored member in the Tall Ships Race and came to tell us about her experiences in that event.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Sunderland

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Sunderland

The Mayor kindly honoured us with a visit to tell us about her duties during her year in office.

Speaker  Elizabeth Wortman - Review of the year. Host Brian Franklin

Speaker Elizabeth Wortman - Review of the year. Host Brian Franklin

President Elizabeth gave her review of the year and was thanked by Brian Franklin for a successful term in office. She then handed over to President Elect Tony, who in turn installed Pat Emmerson as President Elect & George Lomas as President Nominee



A good number came to join us for a Burns Night celebration, with traditional meal followed by Ceilidh dancing to Redeswyre.



We had our annual Club Dinner at the Sea Hotel again, always an enjoyable occasion. The speaker was retired Army Major Anthony Tate talking about royal ceremonial parades.

Sunderland Special Olympics

Sunderland Special Olympics

A popular annual event which continues to gain support.

Dragon Boat Race Day

Dragon Boat Race Day

Rotary again held a very successful Dragon Boat Race Day at Hetton Lyons Park.

President's Night Dinner Dance

President's Night Dinner Dance

President Elizabeth Wortman had her event at Seaburn Marriott Hotel this year, again. A most enjoyable night was had by over 50 guests.

Christmas Card 2017

Christmas Card 2017

Randle Oliver provided a new painting of Alnwick Castle for this year's Christmas Card.

Memory Cafe - Third Meeting

Memory Cafe - Third Meeting

Bo Jangles Ukelele band entertained

Second meeting

Second meeting

Several members and guests, with their carers, met again and, by request, played bingo as well as socialising.

Second meeting

Second meeting

There were 6 guests and their carers at the second meeting. We played bingo, as they had requested.

St Benet's Rotakids

St Benet's Rotakids

A second Rotakids Club at St Benet's School

St Benet's Rotakids

St Benet's Rotakids

St Benet's Rotakids received their charter and are already very active organising events.

Burns Night

Burns Night

A Traditional Burns Night Supper, was followed by dancing to the Ceilidh Band Redeswyre.

Crocus planting at Cleadon Academy

Crocus planting at Cleadon Academy

Our Rotary club provided 4500 crocus bulbs for children to plant at Cleadon C of E Academy

Speaker Joshua Weatherby.  Host Charles Westerberg

Speaker Joshua Weatherby. Host Charles Westerberg

Joshua, 13, came to tell us about his table tennis training camp in Amsterdam, that he attended in the summer, with some help from ourselves.

District Conference 2016 in Harrogate

District Conference 2016 in Harrogate

DG Peter Chandler and all his guests had a terrific conference in Harrogate

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The club joined with Seaburn Inner Wheel to have a Coffee Morning at Cleadon Little Theatre for this very worthwhile charity.

Speaker Fred Raffle.  Host Peter Calvert

Speaker Fred Raffle. Host Peter Calvert

Fred Raffle returned to the club after many years to talk about his life experiences as a blind person.

Rotary Lakes Weekend

Rotary Lakes Weekend

Six members, wives and guests joined the annual walking weekend for fellowship and fun.



Redby Academy Rotakids were excited to received the charter on 17th May 2016

Stroke Awareness Day

Stroke Awareness Day

We againinvited nurses to check the blood pressure of members of the public in The Bridges.

Speakers from St John Ambulance.

Speakers from St John Ambulance.

Visiting to tell us about their work and receive a donation.

Peoples Kitchen in Newcastle received a defibrillator

Peoples Kitchen in Newcastle received a defibrillator

Five clubs joined together to provide a defibrillator at the Peoples Kitchen in Newcastle.

Rotary Club of Seaburn Club Dinner

Rotary Club of Seaburn Club Dinner

Over 60 people joined us at this popular annual event at the Sea Hotel, South Shields. Speaker Rev'd Canon Glyn Evans kept us well entertained.

Evening Meeting.  Janet Hume GNAA. Host Dennis Heptinstall.

Evening Meeting. Janet Hume GNAA. Host Dennis Heptinstall.

We welcomed Janet Hume from Great North Air Ambulance to give a talk and receive a donation.



Many enjoyed a traditional 3 course supper with whisky, haggis and live entertainment. 7.00 for 7.15.



President Peter Calvert arranged his President's Night at the Marriott Hotel, Seaburn and enjoyed welcoming neighbouring Presidents and their spouses as well as lots of other guests.



District Governor Jean Thompson visited to induct 9 new members into the Satellite Club.

Dragon Boat Race

Dragon Boat Race

Are you up to a challenge? We organised a fantastic Dragon Boat Race Day with some other neighbouring clubs at Hetton Lyons Park.

Speaker. District Governor Terry Long

Speaker. District Governor Terry Long

DG Terry came on his formal annual visit and gave us encouraging messages about membership and other District initiatives.

Rotary Lakes Weekend

Rotary Lakes Weekend

Our Annual walking weekend with family and friends

Coffee Morning for Macmillan Nurses

Coffee Morning for Macmillan Nurses

Seaburn Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs again combined to raise funds for Macmillan Nurses.

Crook Hall Visit

Crook Hall Visit

A very pleasant visit to Crook Hall in Durham

Rotary Bike Ride

Rotary Bike Ride

Seaburn members took part in Rotary GBI event for Fathers' Day

Birthday Meeting for Randle Oliver's 90th

Birthday Meeting for Randle Oliver's 90th

Some visitors from Washington Rotary Club joined us at this meeting.

Christmas Card 2010

Christmas Card 2010

This shows a painting of St Peter's Church, Monkwearmouth, founded in AD 674, part of the Wearmouth-Jarrow monastery and home of Venerable Bede in his early years. The other painting is of Souter Point Lighthouse, built in 1887.

Christmas Cards 2014

Christmas Cards 2014

Rotarian Randle Oliver has designed and painted 2 cards for us this year, one of Durham Cathedral and the other of Tanfield Railway. These were sold at other Rotary clubs and raised £900 for our Benevolent Fund.

Aston Martin Workshop visit

Aston Martin Workshop visit

John Lipscombe organised a visit to the Aston Martin workshop in Beamish.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

About 70 people joined us for our Coffee Morning for Macmillan at the Little Theatre, held jointly with Seaburn Inner Wheel, to whom we are grateful for their considerable help. We made £370 for the charity and have added another £185 from our charity ac

Lakes Weekend

Lakes Weekend

Nineteen Rotarians, wives, family and friends again stayed at the Damson Dene Hotel for a weekend of fun, fellowship, food, retail therapy and a little walking. A great time was had by all in magnificent warm, sunny weather.

Douglass Dobbing awards and Dictionary presentations

Douglass Dobbing awards and Dictionary presentations

President John, Brian Franklin and Peter Calvert visited Seaburn Dene and Dame Dorothy schools to present Dictionaries and also the first Douglass Dobbing Memorial awards to deserving pupils.



The club again held a Garden Party on a warm but windy day. There was a hot buffet and desserts served at 4.00pm. Beer, wine and soft drinks were able for purchase and there was a tombola. The event raised over £680 for Rotary charities.

Washington Fun Bike Ride

Washington Fun Bike Ride

John Lipscombe, Peter Calvert, Gordon Coxon and relatives, including two grandsons, completed the Bike Ride arranged by Washington Rotary from their venue to the Stadium of Light and back.

Speaker Jamie Duncan RYLA.   Host Mike Hirst

Speaker Jamie Duncan RYLA. Host Mike Hirst

Jamie came to tell us about his week at RYLA camp accompanied by Flt Lt Jan Smith from the ATC. He gave an excellent power point presentation outlining events during the week, which he had clearly enjoyed.



Rotary North East presented a Youth Musical Spectacular at the Empire Theatre in Sunderland, when local children performed.

Garden Party

Garden Party

We held a second Garden Party to raise funds for our Rotary Charity account and the good weather meant that those attending had a most enjoyable afternoon.



The first Sanctuary Event was held in Sunderland Minster.

Disabled Games

Disabled Games

Several of our members attended the Games in Middlesbrough. We had sponsored transport for some competitors and parents. The whole event was enjoyed by all.

Stroke Awareness Day

Stroke Awareness Day

We again assisted nurses from Stroke Association to check blood pressures of members of the public in The Bridges Shopping Centre, to alert people to possible health problems.

Speaker Katie Milner (RYLA candidate).  Host Mike Hirst

Speaker Katie Milner (RYLA candidate). Host Mike Hirst

Katie visited to tell us about her experiences at RYLA this year. She was one of 28 candidates and described all the activities that they had to do each day. She had very much enjoyed the experience.

Handover Meeting

Handover Meeting

President John handed over the chain of office to Pat Emmerson, our first lady President, who installed John McLoughlin as President Elect. Pat then told us of her hopes for a successful and eventful year.

Stroke Awareness Day

Stroke Awareness Day

Nurses took blood pressures of members of the public at a stand that we had been allocated in The Bridges Shopping Centre. Over 200 readings were taken with 35 referred to their own doctors and 16 urgent referals.

Rotary Day

Rotary Day

Rotarians had a stand in The Bridges Shopping Centre to publicise Rotary work locally and throughout the world. They were also be selling raffle tickets to raise funds for Rotary Foundation, the draw will taking place at the Cabaret Evening on 22nd March

Dictionary Presentations

Dictionary Presentations

Dictionaries were again presented to Year 6 pupils of Dame Dorothy Street, Seaburn Dene and Redby Primary schools at leaving events held in each school.

Group Study Exchange visitors from D 4540 in Brazil

Group Study Exchange visitors from D 4540 in Brazil

We were responsible for the hosting of these visitors from 28th September to 2nd October 2011.

Speaker Celia Mrs White, Headteacher from Sunningdale School.  Host  Peter Calvert

Speaker Celia Mrs White, Headteacher from Sunningdale School. Host Peter Calvert

EVENING MEETING with wives and friends. Speaker Lynne Symonds.

EVENING MEETING with wives and friends. Speaker Lynne Symonds.

Lynne is the tribal chief to over 2M of the poorest people in the world and came to tell us about this role.

Bowls with Inner Wheel

Bowls with Inner Wheel

The annual challenge took place at Cornthwaite Park, Whitburn, with the match being Rotary v Inner Wheel this year.

Handover to New President Brian Franklin

Handover to New President Brian Franklin

Focus on the Crocus Bulb Planting

Focus on the Crocus Bulb Planting

Three Primary Schools agreed to help us with the planting of 5000 purple crocus bulbs.

Ins and Outs 2010

Ins and Outs 2010

Four members with their wives/husband went to support President Tony at Gosforth Park.

Santa's Sleigh Christmas Collections

Santa's Sleigh Christmas Collections

Santa went on his usual round in the Seaburn, Fulwell and Roker areas.

Club Evening Meeting for Membership. Speaker David Sadler

Club Evening Meeting for Membership. Speaker David Sadler

Members are inviting guests who are interested in Rotary.

Santa Christmas Sleigh collections

Santa Christmas Sleigh collections

We again visted the houses in the Seaburn, Fulwell and Roker areas on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 7/8/9 and 14/15/16 December to enable the children to see Santa and the parents to contribute towards our Charity funds.

RIBI Conference Blackpool 11/13 Apr 2008

RIBI Conference Blackpool 11/13 Apr 2008

Stroke Awareness Day 25 Apr 2008

Stroke Awareness Day 25 Apr 2008

Mayor's Parlour Rotary Reception 4 April 2008

Mayor's Parlour Rotary Reception 4 April 2008

Mayor becomes Honorary Member 22 Jan 2008

Mayor becomes Honorary Member 22 Jan 2008

Sunningdale School 21 Jan 2008

Sunningdale School 21 Jan 2008

President's Night 9 Nov 2007

President's Night 9 Nov 2007

District Conference Amsterdam Oct 2007

District Conference Amsterdam Oct 2007

Lakes Weekend Sept 2007

Lakes Weekend Sept 2007

Group Study Exchange Team Visit 2 Oct 2007

Group Study Exchange Team Visit 2 Oct 2007

Charity Draw Evening Sept 2007

Charity Draw Evening Sept 2007

Garden Party August 2007

Garden Party August 2007

RYLA 2007

RYLA 2007

Annual Bowls with Inner Wheel July 2007

Annual Bowls with Inner Wheel July 2007

Ins and Outs July 2007

Ins and Outs July 2007

District Conference Leeds 2007

District Conference Leeds 2007

GSE Team Visit 26/2/07

GSE Team Visit 26/2/07
