Completed meetings and events 2020-2021
Tue 29th June 2021 Review of year and Handover
President Elizabeth will review the year and hand over to President Elect John McLoughlinTue 22nd June 2021 Speaker Diana Lambton and Matti. Host George Lomas
The speakers are coming to tell us about their charity Fightback.Tue 15th June 2021 Speaker Lynne Symonds. Host Pat Emmerson
Lynne joined us to update us on her northern Ghana charity Wulugu. read more...Tue 8th June 2021 Speaker Allan Bailey
Allan was unable to join us to do his presentation, so we held a Business/Fellowship meeting instead.Tue 1st June 2021 Council meeting
Council members met to plan future events.Tue 25th May 2021 Speaker Phil Hopps Host Peter Calvert.
Phil joins us to tell us about the instillation of defibrillators throughout our area.
Tue 18th May 2021 Speaker Debbie Hodge on Mercy Ships. Host Gordon Coxon.
Gordon arranged for Past RIBI President Debbie Hodge to join us to give an update on the work of Mercy Ships in Africa and other parts of the world read more...Tue 11th May 2021 Annual General Meeting
Reports from officials and committee chairs on activities during the year. Elections for council for 21/22Tue 4th May 2021 Council meeting
Council members discuss future events.Tue 27th April 2021 Speaker. Host John Lipscombe
Details to follow.Tue 20th April 2021 Speakers Gill & John Griffith. Host Brian Franklin
Gill and Rotarian John will update us on the considerable amount they have been achieving with the water filters during lockdown.Tue 13th April 2021 Speakers Ken McLellan, Max Hamps Host John McLoughlin
Our club is having a Health Check following completion of questionnaires by members.Tue 6th April 2021 Council meeting
Council met to discuss future plans.Tue 30th March 2021 Speaker Sue Campbell. Host John McLoughlin
Rotarian Sue is visiting to give us a talk on Rotary Public Relations. read more...Tue 23rd March 2021 Fellowship Meeting
Allan was not able to join us to speak as he has fractured his shoulder.We took the opportunity to discuss various business matters. read more...
Tue 16th March 2021 Speaker Tracy Steel. Host Pat Emmerson
Tracy is from Washington Riding Centre and joined us to give an update on how the Centre is doing, especially during Covid-19 read more...
Tue 9th March 2021 Speaker George Lomas. Host John Hutchinsonn
George spoke about his concern for the amount of debt that has been accrued by the government and that this will have to be paid off by our children and grandchildren. This led to a debate amongst members.Tue 2nd March 2021 Council Meeting
Council members met and discussed plans for the future, especially when we are able to meet 'face to face' again. read more...Tue 23rd February 2021 Speaker Michael Dynes. Host Peter Calvert
On this Rotary Day, Michael returned to give us his talk on the History of Rotary. read more...Tue 16th February 2021 Speaker Gordon Coxon.
Gordon provided us with an interesting and varies quiz, which everyone enjoyed.
Tue 9th February 2021 Speaker Graham Wharton. Host John Lipscombe
Graham gave us a 'My Job' talk. read more...Tue 2nd February 2021 Council meeting
Council met to discuss future plans, limited though they are.
Tue 26th January 2021 Speakers Kirsty and Lamorna from St Mungo's
Kirsty Purnell and Lamorna Hooker talked about the work of St Mungo's Trust for people who are homeless read more...Tue 19th January 2021 Club Meeting
Speaker Anthony Atkinson on '100 Famous Geordies' read more...Tue 12th January 2021 Club meeting
Speaker Sandra Watt from FODI for refugees read more...Tue 5th January 2021 Council meeting
Council meets to plan for the second half of the Rotary year.Tue 29th December 2020 No Meeting
We will be taking a break and commencing meetings in the New Year.Tue 22nd December 2020 - Wed 23rd December 2020 Christmas Message Rev'd Gareth Phillips. Host Keith Higgin.
Rev'd Gareth Phillips from Fulwell Methodist Church joined us to deliver a Christmas Message. read more...
Tue 15th December 2020 Speaker Allan Bailey. Host Gordon Coxon.
Allan entertained us with another of his power point presentations. read more...Tue 8th December 2020 Special General meeting
Business meeting to receive the annual accounts, appoint officers for next Rotary Year and delegates for RGBI conference.Tue 1st December 2020 Council meeting
Council members discussed future plansTue 17th November 2020 Speaker Colin Dunnighan. Host Tony Wortman
Rotarian Colin from Barnard Castle Rotary joined us to tell us about forming an e.Satellite club. read more...Tue 10th November 2020 Speaker John Miles on Global Eye Solutions, Host John McLoughlin
John Miles will be joining our Zoom meeting to update us on this charity.Tue 3rd November 2020 Council meeting
Meet to make future plans
Tue 27th October 2020 Speaker PDG Len Burns. Host Brian Franklin
Len joined us to give us an update on End Polio Now, which our club has supported financially over many years.. read more...
Thu 22nd October 2020 - Sun 25th October 2020 World Polio Day
President Elizabeth Wortman visited Fulwell Community Library to present crocus bulbs to Richard Beck, which are to be planted in the Memorial Garden adjacent to the library.Tue 20th October 2020 Speaker PDG Ron Duxbury. Host John Lipscombe
Ron joined us to talk on "Is It Live, Ron?" He gave us a brief summary of his life as a presenter for BBC in Cumbria, including some well known 'bloopers'Tue 13th October 2020 Membership Committee meeting
The sub-committee had another informative meeting regarding our proposals to increase membership.Tue 6th October 2020 Council Meeting
We met to take stock of possible plans for the future.Tue 29th September 2020 Speaker Tony Edwards. Host John Lipscombe
Tony is talking about the 'Rise and Fall of Broadcast'Tue 22nd September 2020 No Meeting
Tue 15th September 2020 Speaker John Hutchinson.
Tue 8th September 2020 No Club Meeting, but Membership Committee meets.
Tue 1st September 2020 Speaker Tony Edwards. Host Brian Franklin
Tony Edwards was unable to connect with us on Zoom, but has agreed to come back to speak on 29th September.Tue 25th August 2020 Council meeting
Council members met to talk about the future, although in present circumstances it is difficult to see how we can take part in our usual money-raising activities, especially collections in stores and Santa on his sleigh.
Tue 18th August 2020 Speaker Peter Tracey. Host Gordon Coxon
Peter joined us on Zoom to update us on Shelter Box,which we support each year. He gave a very interesting slide show presentation which was enjoyed by those present. More details below. read more...
Tue 4th August 2020 Speaker Lynne Symonds on Wulugu Project
We were pleased to welcome Lynne back on Zoom to up date us on the project. As a small charity they are finding it hard to raise funds, but things continue to progress, as mentioned below. read more...Tue 28th July 2020 Council Meeting
Council members met on Zoom and discussed plans for the club in the immediate future. read more...
Tue 21st July 2020 President Elizabeth celebrates
Great news! We induct a new member - Graham Wharton. read more...
Tue 21st July 2020 Speaker DG Barbara Broadbelt. Host Tony Wortman.
Barbara visited to tell us about her hopes for what will be a challenging year, but one to which she will no doubt rise. read more...Wed 15th July 2020 - Speaker. Host Pat Emmerson.
Details to follow.Tue 14th July 2020 No Meeting
Wed 8th July 2020 - Speaker. Host Allan Bailey
Allan will probably show us another of his interesting slide presentations.Tue 7th July 2020 Zoom Meeting. Club Assembly
2019/2020 President John's Review of the YearHandover to President Elizabeth for 2020/2021 Rotary Year
Committees present their proposals for next Rotary year.