Rotary Club of Billericay Photo Galleries

2024 Christmas Market
We help out at the largest event in Billericay’s year, the Christmas market organised and run by our daughter club, the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower on December 1, 2024.
Fun Walk Bonus 2024
The Grand Reveal informs us of the size of the bonus we receive for our participation in the 2024 Billericay Fun Walk
Free Little Art Galleries 2025
We participate in developing a new Community Art project for Billericay
Paul Harris Fellowships 2024
Paul Harris Fellowships were presented in recognition of extraordinary contributions to Rotary
65th. Charter Celebration 2024
A memorable Charter Lunch on the October 26, 2024 at the Magic Mushroom Restaurant, celebrating our 65th year since the club was chartered.
Purple Polio Planting 2024
Seven members of our club worked together and managed to get all 4,000 – yes, 4,000 – crocus corms planted ready for Spring 2025 in support of Rotary's Purple for Polio Campaign
Quilters Investiture 2024-25
We invest Quilters Junior School RotaKids at the school Assembly for the coming school year
Buttsbury Investiture 2024-25
We invest Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids at the school Assembly for in front of the whole school and some school Trustees.
Billericay Mayflower Rortary Anniversary
We joined our daughter Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower in the celebrations of the Anniversary of their Charter
Billericay Signs Shine Forth
We complete renovation of the threeBillericay signs which mark the main entrances to Billericay along Stock Road, London Road and Noak Hill Road .
Fun Walk 2024
We participate in the Billericay Fun Walk to raise money for many charities in the district through sponsorship of the walkers. Its unique benefit is a bonus to participants according to how much they raise. In 2023 we received an extra 40% bonus.
Handover to a New President 2024-25
We celebrate the successes of outgoing President Roger Kettle and welcome new President Patrick Rothon and Vice President Stephen King to their new roles.
Kids Out 2024 Thank You
We received special thank you cards from all the four classes from Thriftwood School which we took to Old MacDonald's Farm - one from each class.
Fun Friendship and Fundraising - Italy 2023
Highspot of the Rotary Year, the annual twinning visit to one of our linked clubs in Mainland Europe brings together Members from up to six different Rotary Clubs in four countries.
Quilters Water Quiz
A quiz jointly with the Quilters Junior School Eco-Group to raise money for Borewells in Kenya in honour of one of the group's deceased father
Quilters’ RotaKids Annual Presentation
The four members of the RotaKids' leadership group from years four and five presented a slide show of all their achievements in the previous year - an outstanding performance focussing primarily on Dementia and delivered brilliantly.
Buttsbury RotaKids Achievements 2023
RotaKids update the club on all they have achieved in their 2022-23 year. A quality professional style presentation.
Sponsored Global Scholars - 2024
Rotary International has a Program to sponsor students from across the world to study in other countries in one of its seven Areas of Focus. This year we hosted two students from Japan and the USA and they visited us to talk about their experience.
Rotary GB & I Citation - Quilters
Quilters RotaKids won a Presidential Citation from Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, for the second year in a row.
Rotary GB&I Citation Buttsbury
Buttsbury Junior School win a Citation for the third successive year
What did you do in the War?
I knew that my father fought in France and Germany but nothing more.sixty years after my father’s revelation, Mary and I were on a coach to find my father’s landing beach and to join in the 80th D-Day Commemorations.
A Living Memorial
Ann Robinson, Head Teacher at Buttsbury Junior School, its RotaKids officers, and Deputy Head Adam Graves, attend a special service to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D Day landing in Normandy.
80th Anniversary D-Day (Beacon Lighting)
We participated in Billericay Council's commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-day at the beacon lighting at Sun Corner
Soapbox Derby 2024
With four years of successful Soapbox Derbies behind us in the “pre-Covid” years, club members were delighted to help out with any requested advice, and with “hands on” help before and on the day of the Soapbox Derby.
ORBIS Eyewitness (May 2024)
This month we received a gracious thank you letter from Fiona Lyons, the Senior Fundraising Officer at ORBIS, together with a copy of their latest Newsletter, the ORBIS EYEWITNESS
Day of Service 2024
Buttsbury Junior School and Rotary Club of Billericay held a "litter Pick" at the school as part of the Rotary Day of Service
Pen Pals for the Elderly
Quilters Junior SChool Pen Pals write regularly to elderly citizens in Billericay to help stave off loneliness, and invite them to events at the school.
Night at the Cinema 2024
Members had a great social evening at the Billericay Community Cinema
Curry Night Fundraiser
Members turned out to support Rotary Club of Basildon's fundraiser in Thundersley
Purple4Polio 2024
We planted 4,000 crocus corms around the Billericay sign on Stock Road which make a stunning display
Foundation Awards 2024
Our club received four "First" awards from Rotary International and Rotary GB&I for Rotary Year 2022-23.
A Walk in the Dark 2024
Each year our president complete's a Blindfold walk in November in aid of the “seeing” charity - ORBIS, raising money through sponsorship. this year was highly successful.
Antiques Night 2024
Dinner in aid of Little Havens Children's Hospice and St Luke's Hospice. Three Course Dinner Live Music Antiques Roadshow - bring along your antiques for review by MARK STACEY of Stacey Auctioneers and Valuers
District 1240 Best Club Newsletter 2017-18
It's a Hat-Trick - we win the District Best Bulletin Award for the third year in a row.
Fun Walk Plaudits 2023
The latest Fun Walk Press Pack shares some of the wonderful Media coverage of that the event, and our support and participation is well recognised in the press pack in four places on the front page, and inside on Page 5
Kenya Day Endeavours 2024
Buttsbury Junior and Infant Schools hosted a Kenya day as part of their Geography week.
A Buttsbury Hoopla
Buttsbury Junior School fundraise for Cancer UK with a sponsored Hula Hoop challenge for all the shildren.
Return of the Ring 2023
A new club bell has been acquired, installed on a beautiful quality oak and maple stand, replacing the bell lost at Reids several years ago.
Remembrance Day 2023
Club members laid a wreath at the Billericay War Memorial in memory of those who had laid down their lives for our freedom.
Borewells Status
Member Margaret Fowler visits Embu County, Kenya to establish funding requirements to repair any faulty Borewells.
Fun Walk Fundraising Recognition
We are featured in the publicity for the Billericay Fun Walk's Press Release in which we raise significant sums each year.
2023 Charter Celebration - 64 years
We celebrate 64 years of service to our community since the chartering of the club in 1959
Paul Harris Fellowship Awards
Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) were awarded to three Rotary Club of Billericay to recognise outstanding service to our community.
We plant 4,000 purple crocus corms around the Billericay sign on Stock Road to publicize Rotary's Purple4Polio and And Polio Now campaigns.
The Best Of British 2023
As usual we supported a community event by supplying six volunteers to man the gates for Round Table’s 2023 Fireworks display at Lake Meadows Park.
Modernising Moldova 2023
We reported in August and October on the aid provided to Ukrainians in Moldova, but the main purpose of the trip was to provide new washrooms and toilets for two junior schools in Moldova at Sloveanca and Mindresti Noi.
Quilters’ RotaKids’ Water Project 2023
Our member Rev. Margaret Fowler presented our Borewells project to a full school Assembly after an invitation from the school ECO Group.
All The World’s A Stage and ...2023
Ten members and wives attended the joint District Conference at Stratford Upon Avon for the weekend.
New members
Our club continues to attract new members, and we have welcomed four new members to Rotary in the last year
Fun Friendship and Celebration - Sweden 2022
Highspot of the Rotary Year, the annual twinning visit to one of our linked clubs in Mainland Europe brings together Members from up to six different Rotary Clubs in four countries.
Smile Train 2023
We donate one thousand pounds to support Smile Train's work to cure "Clefts" worldwide
Buttsbury - Litter, Tea and Cakes
We joined Buttsbury Junior School RotaKIds and its ECO team on a Litter pick, followed by Tea and cakes
Help Our Children - Madagascar
A project led by the Rotary Club of Alba which we are supporting through our twinning relationships with that Rotary Club.
Paella Party for End Polio
We held a Paella party to publicise a Fundraising effort for End Polio Now
2023 Billericay Fun Walk
We completed our annual participation in the Fun Walk to raise money for Charity and Good Causes
People Of Action - Aid for Ukrainians
The Rotary Clubs of Billericay, and Billericay Mayflower, got together to help deliver aid to Ukrainains in Moldova.
Billericay Food Bank 2022
We donated £1000 to help fund a van for the food Bank to enable food collections and deliveries.
Buttsbury RotaKids Presidential Citation 2022
Buttsbury RotaKids win Presidential Citation, a Rotary award in recognition of its achievements - one of very, very, few RotaKids club in Great Britain and the whole of Ireland to achieve this distinction.
Moving Places 2023
We've trialed moving from our existing meeting room at the Beauvoir Arms to the bar area to resolve seating and Speaker issues.
Mayflower's Summerfest 2023 Has Record Reward
We support Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower’s Summerfest as it draws in record crowds.
Basildon Rotary Club 2023 Handover
A delegation of members had a great evening supporting Basildon Rotary Club's 2023 Handover event
Crazy Pétanque Fundraiser
The first social event of President Roger’s year and he and Sarah threw open their home and garden for a Barbecue and “Crazy” Pétanque to raise money for charity
Quilters Parkrun Takeover 2023
Quilter Junior School home of our first RotaKids club, takes over the Billericay Junior Parkrun on July 9, 2023
2023 Basildon Handover Dinner
Club members enjoyed an evening out at the Holiday Inn Basildon at the Presidential Handover meal from Ben Rajan to Kevin Howard
Buttsbury RotaKids Presidential Citation Award
Buttsbury Junior School Rotakids win this prestigious Award, one of only two clubs in the District to do so.
Jazz in the Garden
Rotary Club of Billericay Matflower's garden event was well supported by members of our club. A very enjoyable social event amongst friends.
National Presidential Citations
Both of our RotaKids clubs in Billericay have been recognised with a Presidential Citation from the International Director of Rotary International, Nicki Scott, for their amazing community efforts.
Revisiting the Wells 2023
Margaret Fowler returned in March 2023 to see what progress had been made since her November visit.
Club wins Foundation Awards
At the 2023 Rotary Foundation Lunch, Rotary Club of Billericay received two best in District awards
ORBIS Blind Walk 2022
The annual President’s Blindfold Walk for Orbis was a walk in the park by president-elect Roger Kettle.
Earthquake Disaster
72 Hours...three days. For our small Rotary club a period that proved that, when called to action and adversity, we act fast and do not hold back
A Quizzical Night 2023
Saturday 28th January saw the Chantry Centre packed to capacity for the annual Billericay Town Rotary Club quiz. Our team was Michael, Les and Val, paired with three from Billericay Mayflower - President Mark Chambers, plus Barry and Angie Fagg
Buttsbury Sleepover 2023
Year Six children of Buttsbury Junior School had a fundraising "Sleepover"
Buttsbury Have a Ball 2023
The children of Buttsbury Junior School welcomed the Billericay Rotary club to their yearly whole school fundraiser in late January. This is the school children’s main fundraiser of the year.
St. Luke's Hospice 2022
Six members of the club saw for themselves how the new St. Luke’s Hospice, Thurrock, a charity supported by our club, is performing.
Remembrance Day Service 2022
Club members Ed Harrison, Malcolm Acors, Peter Greene, Patrick Rothon and wife Carol, and Roger Kettle all paid tribute to the fallen and watched as President Michael Ginn laid the wreath from the club.
Visiting the Success 2022
Club members Rev. Margaret Fowler reports on her October visit to Kenya to see our Borewells in operation.
Christmas Lunch 2022
Delayed by snow for a week - we all meet up with partners for our Christmas celebration
Billericay Christmas Market 2022
Members supported Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's premier event - the Christmas Market
Basildon 62 Year Anniversary - 2022
Nine Members of our club and partners supported our friends from Basildon Rotary Club at their Charter Dinner
Guy Fawkes Night 2022
We support Round Table's Fireworks Night Event manning one gate and helping at another.
Purple for Polio 2022
We planted 4,000 crocus corms around a "Billericay" sign as part of Rotary's Purple for Polio Campaign.
Buttsbury RotaKids SUCCESS 2022
Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids report on their achievements in school year ending July 2022
John Baron MP Praises Our Community Service
John Baron MP congratulates Rotary Club of Billericay on its community service and fundraising for charities when he recently visited us.
Clean water - 10 Wells for 5,500 Children
5,500 children at 10 schools in Kenya, are benefitting from reliable, fresh, clean water for drinking, washing, cleaning, and watering of crops. This will make a huge difference to their lives for less than ten pounds per child.
2019 Sun, Sea and Sexagenarians
Rotary principles in action- International Fellowship and co-operation on charitable projects with the Rotary Club of Basildon and four Rotary Clubs in Europe - Beausoleil (France), Alba (Italy), Ovada (Italy), and Karlshamn (Sweden).
Buttsbury RotaKids Bake-Off
The Great Buttsbury Bake-Off raised over £1200 for Eric, eldest son of headteacher Lucy of Ciamanda School, Kenya. Eric who has leukaemia.
KidsOut 2019
Rotary Club of Billericay takes over 30 children from Thriftwood College with 12 staff for a day out at Old MacDonald's Farm as part of national KidsOut Day.
Charity Day 2019
We host representatives of the club’s chosen soapbox derby charities as guests of the club to receive their donations from the Soapbox Derby income.
2019 Christmas Market
Congratulations to Billericay Mayflower for another highly successful Christmas Market, and, to us for our efforts once again.
The Club Goes On 2022
Two members have stepped forward to take on the mantle of leadership as President in the next two years.
End Polio Now 2022
Everything we do in Rotary has a good charity reason. None better than End Polio Now – a charity close to all Rotary hearts, So, members offered at least a £20 a head donation to our Fundraiser.
Almshouses Association 2022
Club Members Peter Strong is celebrated on his retrirement as Chairman of the Billericay Almshouse Association.
Jazz in the Garden 2022
Many members supportedRotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's fundraising event
Kenya Water Wells Project Success
Project completed - Objectives Exceeded - TEN wells built and in operation
Buttsbury is so Enterprising 2022
Buttsbury Junior School's "Enterprise Day" raises money again for its charities
Rotary Foundation Funding 2022
The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity, always top of the charts for its governance and efficacy, and the source of funds for District and Global Grants, supports Rotary’s End Polio Now Campaign, and is home to the Disaster Response Fund
The Platinum Jubilee Fun Walk Launch
Six members of the club support a photo opportunity to help launch the Platinum Jubilee Fun Walk.
Murder Mystery Fundraiser - March 2022
A Murder Mystery night raising Money for Rotary Club of Billericay Town's Charitable Causes.
District Foundation Lunch
A Celebration of all the good work which Rotary Foundation does in the world on the anniversary of Foundation's formation.
Bloomin' Marvellous
4,000 purple crocuses bloom in the grounds of Christ Church, Billericay, in aid of End Polio Now
Crisis in Ukraine - Moldova Manoeuvres
We help fund the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's convoy with Aid to Moldova
Crisis in Ukraine - Humanitarian Help 2022
Club Member Rev. Margaret Fowler Reports on Her Recent Efforts in Support of the Fleeing Ukrainian Refugees
Crisis in Ukraine - Flame Burning Brighter
Club Member Margaret Fowler (Associate Priest based at Christ Church, Billericay) organised a service to raise money for Ukraine at St Mary Magdalen, Billericay High Street.
Passing of a Great Rotarian
Norman Wilson, the club's oldest member and active to the last, sadly passed away in April 2022, four days before his 99th. birthday
2021 Fun Walk Bonus
A well-earned bonus for our sponsored participation on teh Billericay Fun Walk has now been received.
2021 Polio Donations - Every Member!
We continue our proud tradition of every member of our club donates over $100 to Rotary's End Polio Now campaign
Signs of the Times 2021
We have accepted the honourable and civic-minded responsibility for the three Billericay signs (from the Billericay Society) which mark the main entrances to Billericay along Stock Road, London Road and Noak Hill Road.
Christmas Market 2021
We helped prepare and then supported the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower on the day
Basildon Anniversary – 61 Years!
We joined Basildon Rotary Club in celebrating their Charter Evening
A Christmas Party 2021
Our Christmas Partners Lunch at the Beauvoir Arms, now our spiritual home. Just great to meet for friendship and fellowship.
RotaKids - Lion King? Not This time!
Buttsbury Junior School super RotaKids fundraising event – an exhibition of Dogged Determination – a series of sponsored relay races to raise money for their chosen charity for 2021-22, Guide Dogs For the Blind
Rotary Visit to Karlshamn 2022
We have received an invitation from the Rotary Club of Karlshamn for the Double Triangular visit to take place September 8-11, 2022.
European (Re) Union
We all appreciated the opportunity to “meet” with members from our sister clubs over Zoom after such a long break.
World Polio Day 2021
A collection at our 62nd Charter celebration earns enough to fund up to 16,000 anti-polio doses.
It's a Boost 2021
Club volunteers help out at Christ Church Vaccination Centre to boost the jabs.
We Will Remember 2021
Club members attend the Remembrance Day service while President Les lays the club wreath.
A Purple Planting 2021
Four thousand crocuses planted at Christ Church in Billericay in celebration of the Purple 4 Polio campaign
A Walk in the Dark for Orbis 2021
The annual President’s Blindfold Walk raises money for Orbis, the seeing charity, a cause close to our hearts
War Memorial Centenary
October 16 was the 100 year anniversary of the Billericay War Memorial
Buttsbury RotaKids Special - Badges of Honour
Investiture time for the new 2021-22 Buttsbury RotaKids
Quilters RotaKids Special - Badges of Honour
Investiture time for the new 2021-22 Quilters RotaKids
Now It's Ten not Six
Fundraising exceeded expectations and we are able to fund not just the original 6 Borewells, but a total of 10 borewells in all.
RotaKids Pen Pals at Quilters 2021
Quilters Pupils become Pen Pals to keep the elderly "in touch" over the Covid Pandemic
​Mary’s Meals Hits 2 Million Meal Target 2021
Mary's Meals - one of iour regular supported charities - hits a milestone . It now feeds two million children every day
Billericay Fun Walk 2021
Yet again this year saw club members do a real walk as a "virtual" Fun Walk, raising money for our charities yet again.
Three Signs Of The Times - 2021
We respond to a civic need and take over ownership and maintenance of the Entry signs to Billericay.
Moldova and Beyond - 2021
We help fund a project by the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower to build a toilet block in a school in Gradinata, Moldova
Quilters Dementia Award 2021
Quilters Junior School RotaKids are celebrating, having just been recognised for the Dementia Friendly Schools award
Walking for Heroes
Club members band togethor to sponsor a walk raising money for vulnerable children in Billericay
Covid Crisis in India
Members used links between Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower and Rotary in Calcutta to send donations to help the Rotary Club of Calcutta Visionaries' "Breathe Again" Programme in Calcutta - help is needed immediately.
Essex Voluntary Blood Service
Our Rotarian KEN SMITH symbolises the dedication of the “Essex Blood Runners”. Here is some more about the Man, his Mission, and his machine
International Music Concert 2021
We were invited by Lorenzo Gallo of Alba club in Italy to attend a concert by the Amateur Orc hestra of Catalonia arranged by the Rotary Club of Sant Cugat in aid of the workshop Jeroni de Moragas, supporting people with mental or developmental disorders
Quilters Investiture - 2020-21
A special Zoom meeting to ensure this year's club officers are properly welcomed to the Rotary fold.
Harkerville School Project
We supported the Rotary Club of Plettenberg Bay and its partners at Harkerville School
A New Challenge
Buttsbury RotaKids continue their leading role as a Dementia Friendly School
Funding Shortfall - From Plan to Reality
How we used Crowdfunding to raise the "missing" money we needed.
Our Bonus Day Campaign
Bonus Day event - Give on December 9 and help us win a prize for the most donors to this project.
Fun Walk Bonus
The money is in, the Donations counted, the bonuses added up and we receive our Fun Walk Bonus - A Christmas present from Santa Claus.
ORBIS - Changing How The World Sees
President Peter’s Walk in the Park for ORBIS raised £453.75 and we received fulsome thanks from the Charity.
Bloodrunners - How Christmas Came Early For Carol!
Essex Voluntary Blood Service (the "BloodRunners") have been nominated for a Colchester Borough Council Community Recognition Award in recognition of their work and outstanding 2020 achievements.
Remembrance Day 2020
We overcome the restrictions of Covid-19 to lay a wreath at the War Memorial
President Peter takes A Blind Walk In The Park, supported by his family to raise money for ORBIS the sight charity
The Gift of Life 2020
Following our successful completion of a well providing fresh clean water to Schoolchildren at Ciamanda Primary school, we have raised enough money to fund three more wells for three new schools in Embu County, Kenya
Mwondu House Project, Embu Kenya - 2020
Club Member Margaret Fowler reports on the house for a desperately in need family and for which she was the driving force to raise money
Polio Kicked Out Of Africa
The World Health Organisation has declared Africa free of wild Polio after 4 years without any cases. Club Member Chandra Gupta recalls how he led our club's part in the long haul to end Polio and reach this dramatic moment.
Striding Out For Charity - A September Saunter 2020
We complete a physical walk of 7 kilometres as part of the 2020 "Virtual" John Baron Fun Walk, all in aid of charity.
Soapbox Races Down Under 2020
President Peter and Member Patrick Rothon completed a ZOOM presentation on the Rotary Club of Billericay Soapbox Derby to Belmont Rotary Club near Melbourne, Australia.
VJ Day Hero
Club Member Norman Wilson almost accepted the Japanese surrender in Singapore on VJ Day. His story was published in The Times on Saturday August 15, 2020
Litter Picking in Lake Meadows Park 2020
A task force of “litter pickers” from the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower, Rotary Club of Billericay and the new Rotary Club of Billericay Town helped clear rubbish one Monday in June
Outstanding Community Service
Four Paul Harris Fellowships for Outstanding service to the Community awarded to four Club Members - Michael Ginn, Keith Wood, Margaret Fowler and Les Sheppard for their work in Rotary and the wider community both internationally and locally
New Club Officers for 2020-21
Virtual Handover of Presidents and Vice-Presidents in the Garden
Buttsbury Win Dementia Friendly Award
The first Dementia Friendly Schools award from the Billericay Dementia Alliance goes to Buttsbury Junior School, the home of our second RotaKids Club.
RotaKids Showcase Year Of Success 2020
Buttsbury RotaKids present their achievements on Zoom. including all the exciting things they’ve done, and the challenges faced. Despite the year and ability to carry out planned events being cut short by a third.
Covid-19 in Europe - France June 2020
Our twinned clubs in Sweden, Italy and France are locked down like the UK, but are still busy supporting their members and their local community. Here France reports on life under lockdown in France.
Buttsbury RotaKids' Good Works 2020
Buttsbury RotaKids have another busy and exciting year, despite the restrictions of Covid-19
VE Day 75 Remembered
Three of our members took part in VE Day celebrations in 1945. Here they recount their VE75 celebrations and recall what happened to them 75 years ago
Life In The Blood Runners Fast Lane 2020
Club member Ken Smith volunteers as a Blood Runner, delivering blood (and MILK!) to those in need. This is his Covid-19 update on Facing the Covid-19 challenge - life In The Blood Runners Fast Lane.
Rotary Foundation Reacts to Covid-19
Rotary is committed to End Polio but is also addressing Covid-19. Its own charity immediately changed its rules to help fund the Covid-19 fight and mobilised its Polio teams to fight the disease
Covid-19 in Europe - Italy May 2020
Our twinned clubs in Sweden, Italy and France are locked down like the UK, but are still busy supporting their members and their local community. Here Italy reports on life under lockdown in Italy.
Covid-19 in Europe - Sweden April 2020
Our twinned clubs in Sweden, Italy and France are locked down like the UK, but are still busy supporting their members and their local community. Here Sweden reports on life under lockdown in Sweden.
VE Day 75 Anniversary - 2020
Our Club celebrates two links to WW II - our 97 year old active club Member and Deputy Treasurer Norman Wilson, and Mark Discombe, AFC, Officer Commanding Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
Mercy Ships Donation 2020
We joined other Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland in donating to the Mercy Ships 2020 campaign
Water Boreholes in Kenya 2020
Our first borehole is completed at Ciamanda primary school, bringing the Gift of Life to the pupils and neighbours there.
2019 Support in Kenya
Working and visiting Embu in Kenya for ten years to support the community there, with two trips in 2019
Christmas Partners' Lunch 2019
Our annual opportunity to host wives and partners at our Christmas Lunch goes well.
2019 Bansang Hospital Donations
We support new male medical and surgical wards at Bansang Hospital
Lake Meadows 2019 Photography Competition
We sponsor one of the prizes for the Friends of Lake Meadows annual Photographic Competition
2018 Christmas Market
Rotary Club of Billericay members were out in force to support Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower’s Christmas Market, with our main features being our Grand Raffle, our RotaKids clubs and the May 6 2019 Soapbox Derby.
Quilters RotaKids 2-18 World Cup Day
RotaKids raise money for RNIB on the theme of the Football World Cup, all on the day that England play their first match.
2018 International Reunion
Rotary principles at work - International Fellowship with the Rotary Club of Basildon and four Rotary Clubs in Europe - Beausoleil (France), Alba (Italy), Ovada (Italy), and Karlshamn (Sweden).
Basildon Rotary Charter Night 2019
A most enjoyable night with our friends at the Rotary Club of Basildon, and £265 raised for Mercy Ships.
School Success in South Africa
Our Club's seed money has helped fund repainting, roof waterproofing, tree planting trees, a vegetable garden and, with the help of a District Grant, installed permanent room dividers between classrooms
2020 Rotakids Investiture
The new school year heralds the election by their fellow school children of new members for the Quilters and Buttsbury RotaKids clubs, and their investiture by Rotary Club President Ben Clarke.
Fun Walk 2019
September 2019 and time for us to take part yet again in the annual Billericay Fun Walk to raise money for good causes
2019 President's Day
Over 20 Club Members and partners celebrated IPP Les Sheppard’s year of office with a tour of Bury St Edmunds Theatre Royal and a matinee.
2019 Double Triangular Reunion
It’s time again for the forthcoming double triangular reunion of Rotarians, so called because it brings together Members from six different Rotary Clubs in four countries.
End Polio Fundraiser 2019
Paella Party in the summer sunshine raises money for End Polio Now
Billericay in Bloom 2019
We have sponsored the ‘Best Back Garden’ class of the highly successful Billericay in Bloom competition for many years, and presented the prizes for this category at the annual prizegiving at the Canon Roche hall on July 19.
Quilters RotaKids 2019 Achievements
Each Year we host our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools so they can present their achievements. This was Quilters' presentation.
Buttsbury RotaKids 2019 Achievements
Each Year we host our two RotaKids Clubs at Quilters and Buttsbury Junior Schools so they can present their achievements. This was Buttsbury Junior School's presentation.
Buttsbury Through the Hoops! 2019
Sponsored hula hoop challenge organised by the School’s RotaKids Club raises over £2400 for the RSPCA.
2019 Chernobyl Children Welcome
We support the Essex Branch of the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line for the sixth year in a row, as they host twelve children from Ukraine in the Billericay Area for four weeks respite and fun.
Chernobyl Children Have Fun 2019
In the 6th year of our support, following the Welcome BBQ we funded the visit to Rope Runners on July 1, followed by a garden party in Stock, and a visit to Thriftwood Scout Camp on July 12. Finally, we supported the farewell party on the last evening.
Summerfest 2019
Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's Summerfest draws in record crowds and we help support them.
2018 Kids Out
Thirty-two children, twelve teachers and assistants, four Rotary members - and great fun for all at Old MacDonald’s Farm on KidsOut Day
2018 Charity Day
A most satisfying and worthwhile Monday, July 2 when the Club entertained to lunch representatives of four major charities who received major donations from our successful Spectacular Soapbox Derby on May 7, 2018!
Best Club Newsletter FOUR YEARS IN A ROW
We win the best Club Newsletter in the District for the fourth year in a row!
BBC at the 2019 Soapbox Derby
A BBC Director's view of their participation in the 2019 Soapbox Derby
Know Your Blood Pressure 2019 - II
Invited back by Waitrose as part of its “Wellness Week” to do a further KYBP testing session for the staff.
Attracting New members
Social interaction and fellowship, and valuable information on a club with a very successful recruitment history
2019 Rugby Trip
A great social visit to see two England teams face the Barbarians at Twickenham
2019 Rugby Kit
The two Billericay Rotary clubs linking together to support Billericay Rugby Club with urgently needed new training Bibs
Art in the Community
Children in all Primary Schools in the area including our RotaKids clubs worked on themes which conveyed pride in their local area, encouraged everyone to look after the environment and depict this in art form. That theme is “The Future is Bright".
Know Your Blood Pressure 2019
We offered free Blood Pressure tests at Waitrose on April 6, 2019. Four Rotary members manned the stand and 4 volunteer nurses did over 100 tests.
Primary Schools Art Project 2019
We help sponsor an Art Project for all the Primary schools in the Area, with the RotaKids playing a major part.
Buttsbury Comic Relief 2019
RotaKids of Buttsbury Junior School sell red noses and dress up in pyjamas and onesies to raise money for Comic Relief
Billericay Town Rotary Club Quiz Night
We win the Satellite Rotary Club of Billericay Town Quiz night in aid of Headway Essex
International Day Lunch
136 Paul Harris Fellows attended a lunch to celebrate the birthday of Rotary International, and we received a certificate for our financial support of the End Polio Now - for the second year running.
Kilimanjaro for Bowel Cancer UK
We helped sponsor a climb of Kilimanjaro to raise money for Bowel Cancer
Santa Collects
Rotary Club of Billericay are delighted to support the Billericay Lions Santa Sleigh collections again this year.
Christmas Charity Lunch
Our annual Partners Christmas lunch at Reids on Monday, December 10 - fun for all and money raised for St. Lukes Hospice
Morris men at the Menin Gate
Club member Ken Smith and his fellow Morris Dancers travelled to Ypres in the WWI 100th anniversary year to lay a wreath for fallen Morris Men
2018 Lake Meadows Photographic Competition
All smiles at the Friends of Lake Meadows Photographic Competition
2018 Blood Runners
Club member Ken Smith reports on his involvment in “Essex Bloodrunners”, the Essex Voluntary Blood Service (EVBS). They transport blood and blood products and milk within the NHS.
2018 Aquabox Ambassador
Mike Ginn reports on his time as an "ambassador" for Aquabox, the pure water charity with a personal view on the Kerala disaster
2018 Blind Walk
Our President Les follows the lead of past Presidents to do the traditional President’s Blind Walk in aid of the Orbis charity on November 12, 2018.
2019 New RotaKids
A new school year and new members are invested in the Quilters and Buttsbury RotaKids clubs
Trip to Twickenham 2018
Social outing to Twickenham for England vs. Japan, and perhaps a little food and drink...
Basildon Charter Night 2018
A most enjoyable night with our friends at the Rotary Club of Basildon, and over £300 raised for Children in Need,
2018 Charter Celebration
Club members and guests gathered to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the club's formation, entertained by a brilliant speech by Mike Brace CBE DL past chairman of the British Paralympian Association.
Fireworks Night 2018
Happy to help - we man the Hillhouse Drive gate at the 2018 Billericay Fireworks show in Lake Meadows.
Remembrance Day 2018
Over half our club members and a very large crowd gathered today at the Billericay War Memorial to celebrate the Centenary of the end of World war I. President Les Sheppard laid our wreath to commemorate the fallen in our town's Act of Remembrance.
2018 Billericay Art Trail
Preview Party on Friday night launches the 2018 Billericay Art Trail.
Supporting Education in Harkersville South Africa - 2018
A Rotary plea from the heart of South Africa prompts the club to donate £300 to the Rotary Club of Plettenberg Bay's project for Harkersville School.
President's day 2018
The day was built round a trip through the most picturesque areas of northern Essex and south Suffolk, with lunch at the Fox in Finchingfield and a traditional champagne cream tea at the historic Swan Hotel in Lavenham.
Chernobyl 2018 Overview
A Summary of our contributions to the visit of the 12 children from Ukraine brought here by the Chernobyl Children's Life Line
Best in Britain & Ireland 2018
We win best club Bulletin of all Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary National Conference 2018
An inspiring conference reminding all how much Rotary achieves, through the conscientious effort and work of club members from across Britain and Ireland. Then add in eradicating Polio and you see the power for good that Rotary represents worldwide.
Buttsbury RotaKids 2018 - Enterprise Day
The return of the school’s “Enterprise Day”. 30 minutes of competition to see which class in each year could raise the most money on their own initiatives from a £5 start to donate to charity.
Buttsbury Skipathon 2018 - What a day!
Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids supported their chosen charity (Great Ormond Street Hospital) by completing a sponsored skip.
Buttsbury Skipathon 2018 - £4000 bonus
The money is all in - £4780.10 raised by the RotaKids Skipathon at Buttsbury Junior School. All to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Buttsbury RotaKids 2018 - Rotary Football competition
Buttsbury’s Year 6 boys football team lost in the final com peting in District Rotary's first five-a-saide football competition.
Supporting Education in Ciamanda 2018
Our very own member, Rev Margaret Fowler, enlightened us on June 4 about her eighth visit to the African continent and Ciamanda, Kenya and its need for support for secondary education.
Billericay Mayflower Charter Night 2018
President Peter Greene and Wendy, Patrick Rothon and Carol, and Roger Kettle and Sarah all enjoyed Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's hospitality at its 2018 Charter Night.
Basildon Concord Mayfest 2018
Club Members help out as marshals at Rotary Club of Basildon Concord’s Mayfest in Basildon Town Square. A great showcase of local charities.
Summerfest 2018
We launch the 2019 Soapbox Derby at the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower Summerfest, accompanied by the RotaKids clubs of Buttsbury and Quilters.
Billericay in Bloom 2018
We yet again sponsored the ‘best back garden’ class of the Billericay in Bloom competition, and went along to Canon Roche hall for the Winners announcements and to present the prizes for this class.
Chernobyl 2018 - Bowling Fun!
A report of one of the two visits to the Chelmsford Bowl sponsored by the Rotary Club of Billericay.
Chernobyl Children's Life Line 2018 Welcome
We continue to sponsor events for the children visiting from the Ukraine, who have been affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. Four weeks here equals two more years of Life!
BIllericay Town Rotary Quiz Night 2018
Rotary Club of Billericay Town Quiz Night raises over £700 for Charity
Quiltopia - Outdoor endeavour and learning 2018
After support from our Rotary Club, District Grant helps Quilters Juniors start their dream outdoor Gallery and Classroom
Recognition for End Polio Contributions 2017
The Club has just been recognised with District and International awards for its contributions to the End Polio Now capaign, and support of Rotary's own Charity - The Rotary Foundation.
2017 Christmas Market
Rotary Club of Billericay members braved the crowds and the cold to support Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower’s Christmas Market, with our main features being our Grand Raffle, our RotaKids clubs and next year’s Soapbox Derby
A Six Club Reunion
Double Triangular Reunion of British, French, Italian and Swedish Rotary clubs
2018 Basildon Handover Dinner
Club members enjoyed a terrific evening out at the Presidential Handover meal from Kevin Howard to Mike Barrett
2017 Basildon Charter Celebration
A great evening out celebrating the Charter Anniversary of our fellow Rotarians at the Rotary Club of Basildon.
Walking for ORBIS 2017
Club president Peter Greene did the annual walk of about a mile to raise money for ORBIS, the sight charity and its Flying Eye Hospital.
Fireworks Night 2017
We man the Hillhouse Drive gate at the 48th. Billericay Fireworks show in Lake Meadows.
Fun Walk Bonus 2017
Bonus delaration at end September adds a further £671 to the £1,200 Patrick Rothon raised through his John Baron's Fun Walk back in May - making a total of over £1,800.
A 2017 Race Night
70 participants enjoyed a very successful Charity Race Night at Laindon - 8 Races, 8 horses each, but ... we didn't get enough winners! Never mind - the charities were the real winners!
Centenary of the Rotary Foundation
We celebrated a hundred Years of the Foundation at a dinner on July 31, 2017, also attended by other local Rotary Clubs
Billericay Youth Town Council
Supporting the Youth Town Council with a donation from club funds raised from the Soapbox Derby.
Billericay in Bloom 2017
We presented the prizes for the “Best Back Garden”, a Billericay in Bloom category which we have sponsored for many years.
District Newsletter Winner 2016-17
Newsletter Editor Trevor Bond reflects on winning the District Best Newsletter award for the second year in succession
Quilters - What a year 2017
A full year of activities and fund-raising come to a very successful end
Buttsbury Fun Run
No Let-up for the RotaKids as their major fundraiser enjoys beautiful weather.
Quilters RotaKids - Outdoor Classroom and Art Gallery
Stimulating creativity, imagination and learning with an outdoor learning centre and Art Gallery, all prodiced by teh children themselves
Chernobyl Children's Life Line 2017
We continue to sponsor events for the children visiting from Belarus, who have been affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster .
KidsOut 2017
Thirty-five children, twelve teachers and asistants, four Rotary members - and great fun for all at Tropical Wings on KidsOut Day
Billericay Fun Walk 2017
May 2017 and time for us to take part yet again in the annual Billericay Fun Walk to raise money for good causes
Basildon May Fest 2017
On May 13, we supported the Rotary Club of Basildon Concord’s Mayfest. We reciprocate the help and support provided to us by other service clubs whenever we are able.
Buttsbury RotaKids is born!
The first meeting of the Buttsbury Junior School RotaKids and President Mike gave each club member their membership badges and each club Officer their badges of office.
Stories of our Entrants
A team of three soapboxes heads for our Soapbox Derby from Lancashire.
Soapbox Schools Competition 2017
Collaboration between the town's Reading Rooms Committee and our Rotary Club leads to an innovative design competition for our senior schools.
United against Polio
A Purple4Polio Tea Party on Wednesday March 8 in St Mary Magdalen in Billericay High Street raising money to fight Polio
Christmas Market 2016
Rotary Club of Billericay were out in force to support the Billericay Christmas Market, so superbly organised by Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower. We raised over £1600 in our grand Raffle.
Remembrance Day 2016
In the presence of a large crowd at the Billericay War Memorial President Mike Sinclair laid our wreath, and Community Services Chairman Keith Wood did so for the Reading Rooms, to commemorate the fallen in our town's Act of Remembrance
RotaKids Induction 2016
The first meeting of the 2016-17 Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School saw President Mike give each club member their membership badges and each Officer their badges of office.
Visiting Chelmsford Mildmay Rotary Club
A group of our members - Mike, Keith, Peter, Ed, and Ben - visited the Rotary Club of Chelmsford Mildmay to socialize and share experiences and plans.
Charter Lunch 2016
The club congregates to celebrate its 57th year since it received its charter
A Sell-Out Fireworks in 2016
47th Charity Fireworks Spectacular at Lake Meadows park, organised again by Round Table
2016 Basildon Concord Charity Dinner Dance
Joining Basildon Concord Rotary club to help them raise money for charity, for fellowship and ... for a good night out!
Fun Walk Bonus 2016
Half as much again! - well actually more than that. Presentation of bonus cheques for 53% of the money raised by participants took place at Anisha Grange, Billericay, at the end of September
Quiltonians Fun(d) Day
RotaKids end the year with a fund-raising event for the Meningitis charity.
Chernobyl Children's Life Line 2016
We continue to sponsor events for the children visiting from Ukraine, who have been affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster .
Charitable Donations from the Soapbox Derby
Hand over of £15,000 to three designated major charities, all from the proceeds of our spectacular Soapbox Derby.
Summerfest 2016
We man the Shelterbox tent at the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's annual Summerfest. Another great success!
2016 President's Day
Members, partners, family and friends gave retiring President Ed Harrison a great farewell for the annual President"™s Day at a garden party and barbecue on June 19, 2016
Billericay Fun Walk 2016
Second time out - we take part in the Bonus Fun walk again in 2016 to raise money for local good causes.
Celebrating our young Photographers
We welcomed all four finalist students, all from the Billericay School, together with teacher Ian Coleman to our lunch on May 23 to celebrate their achievement and redceive their prizes from District Youth Chairman Peter Dowse.
Young Photographer 2016
A double success for the Billericay School's Chloe Woodland in local and District Young Photographer competitions
Know Your Blood Pressure 2016
April 23, 2016 - 100 successful tests in four hours. Know Your Blood Pressure testing at the Waitrose store in Billericay.
Young Chef 2016 - District Final
The District Final of the Young Chef competition took place on March 5, 2016 at Chelmsford College with Our Billericay contestant, Emily Hughes, taking part.
Partner's Dinner - A Fun Night
The club took over the top floor of the "Giggling Squid" restaurant for a Fellowship dinner with Partners and Rotary friends. A great time was had by all.
Christmas Market 2015
We participated fully in the annual Billericay Christmas Market organized so well by our sister club the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower. Our Grand Raffle and other fundraising raised over £2900.
Young Chef 2015
This year's Young Chef competition attracted entrants from both Billericay and Mayflower senior Schools and took place on November 11, 2015 at Billericay School. Cooking was to an extremely high standard again this year.
2015-16 New School Year New RotaKids
October saw the enrollment fo the new members of the Quiltonians RotaKids at Quilters Junior School
Fireworks 2015
46th Charity Fireworks Spetacular at Lake Meadows park, organised again by Round Table
Fun Walk Bonus!
Double your money! - well almost. Presentation of bonus cheques for 90% of the money raised by participants took place at Anisha Grange, Billericay, at the end of October.
Men's Cancer Awareness 2015
A Free complimentary full English breakfast and talks by Mr Vohra (NHS Consultant Urologist) and other speakers about male cancer. Sponsored by Nuffield Health Brentwood and REIDS restaurant and supported by Macmillan Nurses.
Spreading the word
Club members help other Rotary clubs with the why and how to use websites, Facebook and Twitter to get the message out about Rotary's achievements etc.
Crossing Borders - 2015
International Rotary Fellowship at a "Double Triangular" Rotary Meeting - six clubs (Basildon, Billericay - UK; Alba, Ovada - Italy; Beausoleil - France) met in Sweden hosted by Karlshamn Rotary Club
Billericay Great Balloon race
After much detective work, the winner of our balloon race has been located and her prize of £100 has now been presented to her.
The Press and Us
Ten club members and partners visited the Billericay Gazette Offices to cement working relationships and get an appreciation of how they work.
Billericay Fun Walk
A great day supporting the Billericay Fun Walk and raising money for Charity
SummerFest 2015
The Great Balloon Race raises money for Charity at Billericay Mayflower's Billericay SummerFest
Achievement Assembly 2015
A Quilters Junior School Assembly to celebrate the achievements of the 2014/15 Quiltonians RotaKids.
Billericay in Bloom 2015
President Ed awards the prizes in the "Best Kept Large Garden" category which the Rotary Club of Billericay sponsored again this year.
The Rotary Big Quiz 2015
The District organized quiz to raise awareness of Rotary, raise money for Lancaster School and make an attempt on the World Record for the most people at a quiz. We sent along a team to participate. A great time was had by all.
Kids Out 2015
We take disadvantaged children from Thriftwood School for a day out to Tropical Wings in South Woodham Ferrers
Mad Hatters Day
RotaKids raise over £500 for Brain Tumour Research, AND, are visited by Lauren and Lewis Platt.
All Publicity is ...
The District Media Workshop on May 16th, 2015, promoted new ways to get our events and good works publicized. Better publicity, more public involvement, better fundraising .... and more membership?
2015 District Website Award
For the second year running, we were the very proud recipients of the District's Stan Keller Trophy for the best website in the District.
An Appealing Effort
Members of our club helped Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower, our daughter club, collecting over £2300 for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.
President's Day Bluebell Line trip
Members of the club will celebrate President Mike's year of office with a trip on the Bluebell Railway steam trains departing 09.30 from The Coach & Horses. Bluebell train between Sheffield Park Station and East Grinstead. Carvery at Sheffield Park Stati
Know Your Blood Pressure 2015
Rotary Club of Billericay and three volunteer nurses, Juliet, Faith and Cepta, returned to the Billericay Waitrose store on Saturday 18th April for the 4th year running, to offer free Blood Pressure tests to the public, and provide information and advice
Big Dinner Big Donation
Members met on March 30th to participate in the international Big Dinner, and raise money for the "500 Miles" charity.
Making a Production out of it
The majority of club members, their partners and friends, visited the new Royal Opera House Workshops to experience this great institution.
World War 1 Centenary Exhibition - 2015
A major exhibition on the centenary of WWI, featuring contributions from the Western Front association and four local Billericay Junior schools - Buttsbury, Quilters, ST Johns, St Peters.
Community Support
These pages describe our activities in support of other organizations raising funds for those in need or supporting our local community.
Quiz Night at Ingatestone 2015
Joining Ingatestone Rotary club for to help them raise money, for fellowship and a quiz, and almost triumphing!
QFM - Quilters Junior School Radio Station
QFM goes Live! New radio station pilot show is broadcast.
Masizame Children's Shelter 2015 - II
The Shelter expresses its gratitude for the generous donation to fund new school uniforms for this year.
Masizame Children's Shelter Bus Appeal - 2015
Masizame Children's Shelter - urgent support needed to help feed, shelter educate and provide counselling for these abused children. Immediate need - funding to replace a decrepit bus.
Quiltonians Charter
The members of the Quiltonians RotaKids club have now all been inducted and the Charter presented.
Young Photographer 2015
2014 saw our first "Young Photographer" competition involving local schools, with the judging now complete and the winners announced.
Christmas Market 2014
Rotary Club of Billericay participated fully in the annual Christmas Market organized so well by our sister club Billericay Rotary Club Mayflower. Our Grand Raffle and other fundraising raised over £1500.
ShelterBox Donation to the Philippines
ShelterBox saves lives ..again. The latest of our sponsored boxes goes to the Philippines.
RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.
2014 Charter Lunch
A very successful Charter Lunch celebrating 55 years of service to our community
OF Britain, not IN Britain
Great Fellowship and a heartfelt and erudite talk from the first female President of the Islamic Society of Britain
The Clash of Empires
A Fellowship visit to Stort Valley Rotary Club and a brilliant talk by Baroness Shirley Williams
Young Chef of the Year Essex 2014
Essex Tourism and Hospitality Award for Young Chef of the Year goes to Josefine Pedersen
Male Cancer Awareness 2014
Billericay Rotary's Cancer Awareness Day returned on November 15th. 2014.
Pioneer of Progress
A Company Plane before a Company Car! - Member Norman Wilson regales us with tales of his life with the Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Company (1939-65).
Beausoleil Home Hosting 2014
A major feature of the twinning visits between our clubs is the hosting of visiting club members and their wives by individual Beausoleil Club members at their homes.
Riviera Reunion - Crossing Borders 2014
Following our hosting of the twinning visit in 2013, Billericay Rotary Club enjoyed a wonderful programme in France this year, hosted by the Rotary Club of Beausoleil, along with Basildon, Alba and Ovada (Italy), Karlshamn (Sweden), from September 18-21.
Great Music in the Round - 2014
This Year's concert in aid of charity featured the very popular top essex Band "Re-Public" Tickets were £15 only.
Fellowship at Basildon
A fellowship visit, three weeks before our joint twining visit to Beausoleil and a talk by Harry Payne, Secretary of the "Rotarian Action Group against Child Slavery" which left us all moved!.
Legend - Bob Marley at Basildon Rotary Club
Supporting Basildon Rotary Club at their fundraising Concert.
Summerfest 2014
Club Members supported a major event for Billericay, organized by the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower.
Billericay in Bloom 2014
President Mike awards the prizes in the "Best Kept Large Garden" category which the Rotary Club of Billericay sponsored again this year.
President's Report 2013-14
An Exciting Year fulfilling the aims defined in President Keith's "manifesto" of July 2013.
President's Night 2014
We celebrated President Keith's successful year as our President with a formal meal in this local restaurant, accompanied by partners and our fellow Rotarians from Billericay Mayflower and Basildon Clubs.
Kids Out 2014
We supported Rotary International’s Kids Out Day on June 11, by giving some disadvantaged children from Thriftwood School, Galleywood a sunny day out with lots of fun at Marsh Farm at South Woodham Ferrers.
Supporting the Community 2014 - I
Club Members supported two major local fundraising events, organised by others, on Sunday May 18th. 2014. The Rotary Club of Basildon Bike Ride and the Billericay Fun Walk.
Cater Museum – A credit to the town
Several Billericay club members are among the Trustees of our town's Cater Museum and Christine Brewster, the well-liked and respected Curator of the museum for over 11 years, came along to give a most interesting talk to the club about the museum's achie
Ben pulls out another Plum
Plum Valley event - the club members and their partners get together for a convivial meal out.
Reading Rooms 150 Year Anniversary
Billericay Reading Rooms celebrates its 150 Year Anniversary.
District Young Chef 2014
Billericay's Josefine Pederson comes second in the District Finals.
A Royal Treat
We were privileged to have Arthur Edwards at one of our lunch time meetings. Arthur has a unique insight on the Royal family. He been royal photographer at The Sun since 1977. He has photographed 7 royal weddings, 4 funerals, and 6 royal births.
Italian Quiz Night
We supported the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's fundraising event - an Italian Quiz Night with a team of club members and their wives.
Aid to Kosovo
We were privileged to have as speakers the two Ingatestone postmen, Dennis Sweeting and Steve Biggs, who have taken the time to organise a convoy of clothing and other vital materials to the stricken people of Kosovo.
Christmas Lunch 2013
The final meeting of the year saw club members, partners, and guests, celebrate their achievements during 2013, and handover a cheque from the proceeds of their October Concert to St Luke's Hospice.
Christmas Market 2013
Rotary Club of Billericay participated fully in the annual Christmas Market organized so well by our sister club Billericay Rotary Club Mayflower. Our Grand Raffle and other fundraising has allowed us to buy 4 more Shelter Boxes for the Philippines Appeal
Billericay Young Chef 2014
Teams from two local schools, Billericay School and Mayflower School, competed for Young Chef of the Year on Wednesday, November 27th. at Billericay School.
Fighting the Fight vs. Male Cancer
The forbidden subject - men's health! Don't hide your heads in the sand - beat the silence - men should come along to learn about this subject!
Guy Fawkes 2013
Billericay Rotary supports the Round Table's 44th Annual Fireworks display in lake Meadows Park.
2013 Charter Lunch
Rotary Club of Billericay's Charter Lunch celebrated its 54th. year with Lunch at "The Chichester" Rawreth. District Governor Peter Dowse, and Honorary member The Lord Petre (who also gave a talk about his early family history) attended.
Crossing Borders - 2013
Everybody enjoyed a wonderful programme of social and historical events when Billericay Rotary Club hosted a reciprocal visit from its twinning clubs in Europe - Beausoleil (France), Alba (Italy), and Karlshamn (Sweden), from September 12-15.
International Fellowship
We have had international links with other Rotary Clubs in Europe since the mid 1960s. Starting with Beausoleil in 1965 these links have grown to encompass Italy (Alba), Sweden (Karlshamn) and Italy (Ovada Del Centenario) in more recent years.
October Musicfest 2013
In response to last year's success, we staged an Autumn Charity Concert featuring the Harmony Brass Band and violinist Joanne Davies in aid of St Luke's Hospice & the Salvation Army, and other charities supported by Rotary.
How many Rotarians does it take to ...
How easy is it to erect a ShelterBox tent? Our Rotary Club decided to find out and try a test set up to document the process.
A New President for 2013-14
Members, wives and visiting Rotarians meet to celebrate the successes of outgoing President Trevor Stansfield and welcome new President Keith Wood and Vice President Michael Ginn to their new roles.
President's Day 2013 - Canal Trip
We celebrated the end of Trevor's successful year as president with a trip on the Chelmer & Blackwater canal for members, partners and friends. A great day was had by all.
Young Chef 2013
The Billericay Young Chef Competition took place at the Mayflower School on Wednesday January 23rd 2013. Three Billericay Senior Schools - Billericay, Mayflower and St. Johns, all provided contestants for a finely fought competition.
Christmas Lunch 2012
A final lunch of 2012 to celebrate our work during the year and, with Inner Wheel, to present cheques to the beneficiaries of our joint fundraising Autumn Musicfest.
Christmas Market 2012
Following the success of the 2011 Christmas Market, with over 25,000 visitors, The Rotary Club of Billericay gave wholehearted support to the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower who organized the event again this year, raising over £30,000 for charity.
Clay Pigeon Shoot 2012
A Group of members went to the Essex Shooting Ground at Fyfield Essex on October 24th, for a very enjoyable day's shooting, including a tasty buffet lunch.
President's Day 2012 - A Trip on the River
A Sunday trip on the beautiful Thames Barge "Thistle". Enjoy Father's Day on the river travelling up to Tower Bridge from Tilbury Dock (boarding at 10.00) and back to Tilbury (arriving 17.15).
Kids Out 2012
National KidsOut Day - We took a party of disadvantaged children from Thriftwood School, Galleywood to Marsh Farm Open Park at South Woodham Ferrers. A great time was had by all.
Blues at Burstead - June 2012
This open-air music event featuring the Grapevine Blues Band was held at Ivy Cottage, Little Burstead in aid of Little Havens Childrens Hospice.
Autumn Musicfest
A wonderful evening of music by the popular Harmony Brass. Music for all tastes - Big Band, Show-time & Pop with guest violinist Joanne Davies. In aid of St Luke’s Hospice, Remus Horse Sanctuary and other Rotary Charities.
Paul Harris Fellowships 2012
The club has nominated six people for Paul Harris Fellowships in recognition of their outstanding contribution to Rotary and to the wider community.
Christmas Market 2011
The highlight was our excellent value-for-money Gluwein Bar supplemented by the best Live Band on the High Street. Our exhibits included an "Aquabox" demonstration and a full Shelterbox display. Over £2000 was raised for our charitable causes.
Art Exhibition and Competition
The Annual Art Exhibition held for local school children in the Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Billericay High Street.
Community Service
Our club contributes to the community by holding or supporting projects which encourage our young people to stretch their capabilities, and supporting projects which enrich the life of our town.
Foundation & International
The club's activities in support of the Rotary Foundation and International links.