Rotary Club of Halstead Photo Galleries

Buddy Bag Foundation
Ambassador Angela Gakis came to talk to us about the Buddy Bag Foundation
Rotary charities evening.
Funds raised throughout the year are handed out to out chosen charities.
Cycling for Prostate Cancer
Halstead Rotary club takes part in the national ‘Rotary Ride’ event to raise support for Prostate Cancer UK
Presentation to Diabetes UK
President Mike Prince recently presented a cheque to Diabetes UK
Halstead Rotary Club - Business Forum
A Business Forum organised by the Rotary Club of Halstead
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
Rotary Club of Halstead hands over a cheque for £500 to Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research.
Halstead Rotary at Christmas
Halstead Rotary delight local children with a visit from Father Christmas.
Halstead Rotary at St Andrews School Fete
Halstead Rotary Club community involvement at St Andrews School Fete
Presentation of Rotary Dictionaries to pupils at St Andrew's School
President Mike Prince presents Rotary dictionaries to year 6 school leavers at St Andrew's School.
Presentation to Halstead in Bloom
Rotarian Vincent Farrugia makes a Presentation to Halstead in Bloom
Rotarian Vincent Farrugia
One of our newest members, Vincent Farrugia, entertains and has some fun as he tells members about his past.
Una Peregina - Camino de Santiago
Sarah gave an enthralling presentation about her experiences when walking the Camino Frances from St-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France heading towards Santiago de Compostela.
The Essex Scrubber
Rotarian Christine Beedle (MBE) talks about her life and her book, The Essex Scrubber (Keeping It Clean)
Colne Engaine Memorial Fund
Lt Col (retd) Michael Estcourt from Colne Engaine came to talk to us about the efforts of the village to raise funds to replace their War memorial.
A Special Christmas Treat
A Special Christmas Treat for children who have had a difficult year due to illness or bereavement.
National Award for Young Photographer
Winner of Halstead Rotary Young Photographer Competition wins national recognition.
Rotary Shoebox Scheme at St Margaret's School Gosfield
Pupils from St Margaret's Preparatory School in Gosfield help out with the Rotary Shoebox Scheme
Polio Eradication "“ Street Collection
Members of Halstead Rotary club help in the fight for the worldwide eradication of Polio
Rotary Shoebox Scheme 2015
Pupils from local school and business community participate in Rotary Shoebox Scheme
Charter Celebration
The Club celebrated it's 67th Charter Anniversary on Sunday 4th October 2015
Showing Support for Halstead in Bloom
Members of Halstead Rotary Club show their continuing support for "˜Halstead in Bloom"™.
Living With Diabetes: awareness Evening.
The Rotary Club of Halstead hosted a very informative diabetes awareness evening at the Halstead United Reform Church
Rotary Young Photographer Competition 2014
Highlights from the Rotary 2014 Young Photographer Competition
St Georges Day Celebration
Halstead Rotary Club hosts an excellent St Georges Day Celebration.
Club Handover - President Peter takes the reins
Rotarian Peter Davies takes over as club president
Super Typhoon Haiyan - Halstead Street collection
Member of Halstead Rotary collect in support of survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan
Ambassadorial Scholar Hiroto Yamamura
Rotarian Mike Prince hosts Ambassadorial Scholar Hiroto Yamamura
Rotary Shoebox Scheme
Rotary President Dave Rosoman with pupils from St Margarets School Gosfield.
Halstead Remembrance Parade
Halstead Rotary Club Members support annual Remembrance Day Service and Parade
Honour for Founder Member of the Club
Special Honour presented to founding member of the club
Presention to winners of the Young Photographer Competition
President Mike Harrington Spier of the Rotary Club of Halstead presents prizes to Young Photographers.
Rotary Club of Halstead Young Photographer Competition
Rotary Club of Halstead results of Young Photographer Competition
Presentation to Halstead Young Carers
The Rotary Club of Halstead makes a cheque presentation and visits Halstead Young Carers.
Colt of the Year Award
Rotary Club of Halstead - Presentation of Halstead young cricketer of the year award.
Opera Holloway
On the 17th September the Rotary club of Halstead presented 'Opera Holloway' an evening of opera and musical theatre
Visit to the 'Speakers House'
Street collection in Halstead
On a wet and cold Saturday in February Rotarians from the club took part in a street in Halstead. Seen here keeping warm in the entrance to Solar supermarket.
40 years of Rotary!
In february 2011 Rotarian David Ashby celebrated 40 years of being a Rotarian. he is seen here being congratulated by club president Mike Harrington Spier. Also pictured with the clubs latest recruit Anne Maree Robinson.
Presentation to Home Start
On the 24th February president Mike presented a cheque to Cathy Butler from the charity Home Start.
Presentation to - Help for Heroes
Following our recent street collection and fund raising events president Mike Harrington Spier hands over a cheque to a representative of Help for Heroes.
New member inducted
Our newest member, Anne Maree Robertson, is inducted in to theclub by club presidentMike Harington Spier. They are supported by Rotarians, Kate Brew and Alan deBank.
Street Collection
On saturday 18th december 2010 we held our annual street collection in Halstead and the village of Earls Colne.
Christmas Dinner - 10th December 2010
many members and guests enjoyed our annual christmas 'do' held at the Colne Valley Golf Club.
Quiz Night
Remembrance Parade
On the 14th November the town held its annual remembrance parade, which as always was supported by the Rotary club.
District Governor's Visit
On Thursday, 18th November 2010, 1240 District Governor, Bob Barclay, paid a formal visit to the club.
Focus on the Crocus
The Rotary Club of Halstead planted a total of 5000 crocus bulbs on the three main entrances in to the town. This is in order to commemorate the excellent work done towards the eradication of polio.
Rotary Shoe Box Scheme
Pupils from St Margaret's School Gosfield hand over Shoe Boxes to President Mike, for onward transmission to Eastern Europe. Look also at some of the wonderful designs they have drawn on the boxes.
Rotary District Conference
President Mike and his partner Caren together with past president Mike Prince and his wife Anne recently attended the district conference at Hinkley, as you can see it was not all hard work and there was time to relax.
Santa finds a new home
Santa has finally found a new home (a caravan which we convert to a grotto to use at Christmas). A special thank you goes to Chris and Alison from Halstead who very kindly made the donation. Santa was overjoyed as you can see.
Pebmarsh Show
On Sunday 5th September members of the club attended and took part in the Pebmarsh Show. This was a great opportunity to talk to the public and to raise money for Rotary charities.
Pakistan flood disaster – Street collection
On Saturday 21st August the club completed a street collection and raised £335. This will be used to purchase ‘Lifestraws’ (method of water purification) to be sent out to the disaster region.
New home for Santa - or - Santa stops the traffic
On Saturday 21st August club president Mike Harrington Spier was joined by Santa and his helpers in search for a new Christmas grotto (caravan)
Induction of new member - Kate Brew
On the 5th August President Mike inducted Kate Brew as a Rotarian and member of the Halstead club - a very warm welcome to Kate!
President Mike's garden Party
President Mike's garden party and swimming gala, very kindly hosted by Peter and Lyn Haylock.
Supporting Halstead in Bloom
On 15th July club members supported Halstead in Bloom as the Anglia in Bloom judges were shown around the town.
Club Handover
On the 1st July 2010, President Mike Harrington Speir took over as president of the club.
Christmas Dinner - 18th December 2009
Walk around heybridge Basin 15th November 2009
The last time we walked around Heybridge Basin in May in threw it down. This time it was a gorgeous day. We had a very enjoyable walk around the sea wall and a lovely lunch at The Ship.
Charter Night 29th October 2009
President Pat's Charter Night was held on the 29th October 2009. This was an excellent event, the venue was prepared beautifully, there was excellent food, entertainment and speeches and a great time was had by all.
Walk around Lamarsh 9th August 2009
Presidents handover 2nd July 2009
handover from outgoing president Tony Sale to incoming president Pat Saward
Presentation of Honorary Membership to Adrian Tilsley 30th June 2009
Boat trip, Paper Mill Lock 25th June 2009
Walk around Heybridge Basin 17th May 2009
Walk around Belchamp St Paul, 26th April 2009
DetailsGolden Jubilee Charter Ball
Charter Garden Party 2008