Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath Rotary Photo Galleries
Karlstadt Visit June 2023
Photos giving a flavour of our club visit to Karlstadt 15 - 18 June 2023
DetailsRotary Hawards Heath Covid19 Support
We have supported our local community since this club formed in Haywards Heath in 1932, help us to continue to support our local charities during Covid19, by donating through this page, thank you.
DetailsHaywards Heath FOOD BANK Support - HHRC
Our local food banks are seeing unprecedented demand during Covid19
DetailsSummertime Jazz
We are delighted to be hosting an evening of good food and great entertainment, a Summertime Jazz Evening in the Marquee at Jeremy`s Restatrant Borde Hill.
DetailsClub Meeting - Phil Armstrong on “Sussex Murders”
Our speaker is Phil Armstrong on “Sussex Murders”
DetailsQuiz Night
DetailsQuiz Night
DetailsBattle's Over
Come and join the Community of Haywards Heath and take part in the nation’s tribute to mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of World War One
DetailsClub Meeting 29th October
Our Speaker: Chris Eglinton from Prostate Cancer UK is coming to give us talk on Awareness of Prostate Cancer.
The Club is very supportive of young people, from primary school to teenage, with a wide range of activities.
DetailsClub Meeting 15th October
Our speaker: Valerie Box from Parkinson’s UK is giving a talk about Parkinson’s Disease.
We have a great track record of supporting projects to help local communities in the developing world. Closer to home, exchange visits with our partner club in Germany give us a valuable insight into the lives of people in another country.
DetailsClub Meeting 8th October
Our Speaker: Theo Krish Will be talking about Skatepal. SkatePal is a non-profit organisation that works with communities throughout Palestine to enhance the lives of young people and promote the benefits of skateboarding.
We provide long-term support to the two local hospices as well as helping smaller local causes when needed. A fun part of this activity is taking part in village events: Spring Fairs, Christmas Festivals, Arts Festival and Bonfire Night.
DetailsClub Meeting
Our speaker: Hattie Deacon from the National Trading Standards Scams Team spoke about raising the awareness of scams that effect so many of us in the UK.
DetailsYouth Community Service Awards
Oathall: Jamie Christie and Phoebe Davies, Warden Park School: Anna Church and Ebony Nixon, and Ardingly Collage: Maddy Norman and Mik Nekrasov.
DetailsCharities and Good Causes
Cuckfield Lindfield & Haywards Heath Rotary Club Charities and Good Causes