Rotary Club of Crowthorne, Sandhurst & Bracknell Photo Galleries

New Year's Day Walk 2023
New Year's Day Walk around Wellington College woods, Crowthorne. Funds raised for Alexander Devine Children's Hospice and other local Rotary charities.
Burns` Night Gala Dinner with The Rotary Club of Bracknell
Once again we were celebrating Burns` Night with our fellow Rotarian friends from Bracknell in Sindlesham Court on 26th January. Fundraising was in support of Gurkha Welfare Trust. Incredible atmosphere and food.
Crocus planting - Sandhurst
Volunteers' planting promises spectacular floral display in the Spring
£1 513.85 raised for Children in Need
The community opens its heart to Pudsey Bear and the Children and Need collection
Pudsey Collection in Crowthorne
Catch-up with Pudsey and boost the collection for Children in Need from Crowthorne
2017 Quiz raises £997!
Rotarians, family and friends took action to help those in need by getting the grey matter working and having a fabulous evening with family and friends
Saplings planted at children's charity
Rotary tree planting challenge will Make a Difference
2016/17 review
Reports from our 16/17 AGM highlighted the vibrancy of the Rotary Club of Crowthorne and Sandhurst and successes achieved over the past 12 months.
20th Anniversary Celebration & Presidential Handover in pictures
Pudsey 2012
New Year Bacon Butty Walk 2010
The Annual New Years Day Bacon Butty Walk around Wellington College. Taking part: 153 adults, 110 kids & 30 dogs. Consumed: 220 bacon butties. Proceeds to: St Georges Childrens ICU in memory of RIO our Carnival Princess, HospiceCare and other charities.