Rotary Club of Bury St. Edmunds Abbey Photo Galleries
Bury St Edmunds Golf Day
Charity Golf Day at The Bury St Edmunds Golf Club in partnership with The Bury St Edmunds Rotary Club
Kevelaer Our Partner Club in Germany
Our recently forged friendship with the Rotary Club of Kevelaer in Germany mirrors the friendship between our towns.
Tiel Rotary Visit to Plant Tulip Bulbs
Five of our friends from Tiel Rotary Club visited this weekend to help plant some of the 1000 End Polio Now Tulip Bulbs in the Abbey Gardens
Charity Golf Day Stowmarket Golf Club
Charity Golf Day At Stowmarket Golf Club Raises £4700 for charity
Young Writer Competition for ages 7-10.
Chance to take part in a National Rotary Competition Young Writer . Bury St Edmunds local competition starts NOW and closes on 30th Nov 2021
Test the Town 2018
The 13th Test The Town Quiz was lucky for some especially the winners West Suffolk College, and for the many Raffle Prize winners. The evening made over £2200 for our chosen charities.
Charity Burns Night Supper and Dance Fun Evening Out
Over 80 people attended the 7th Annual Burns Night Supper making around £800 for local charities
Classic Car Show 5th June.2016
The classic car show, in its third year was the best yet. thanks to Richard for his excellent organisation and all the willing helpers from the club, and the newly formed Rotract club, as well as family and friends who assisted.
Burns Night Supper and Dance Great Night Out
The traditional Burns Supper and Raised £1000 Thanks to all who supported this event.
2018 Young Chef Bury St Edmunds Heat
The local heat of the Rotary Young Chef Competition was won by Amy Whatling aged 14.
Charity Awards Event 26th June 2017
Over £17,000 awarded to charities at Charity Awards Night
Burns Night Supper and Dance another great fundraiser
The 2018 Burns Night was a great fun night out, members and guests enjoyed the haggis supper followed by Scottish Dancing, at the Moreton Hall Community Centre.
Our Partner Club in the Netherlands
Bury Abbey has formed a strong partnership with the Rotary Club of Tiel-Waalstreek in the Netherlands.
Bury Young Chef wins District Competition
Ben Templeton the winner of our local Young Chef competition has won the District 1080 competition and went on to compete in the Regional Final On Sat 10th March.
Test the Town Charity Quiz - Great Success
Another great quiz thanks to all who took part we raised around £2000.
Fizz on Friday Fundraiser 8th September.
An enjoyable evening of wine song and music raised £2000 for charity thanks to all who attended.
Classic Car Show a runaway success.
The Fourth Classic Car Show was again a great success. Glorious weather brought out the crowds to enjoy the fabulous motors on show. Indications are that we will have raised excellent funds for our charities. Well done Richard!
Rotary Young Chef Competition 2016-2017
At Bury Abbey Rotary Club we organise the local heat of the Rotary Young Chef Competition, in which young people from 11-18 years of age compete to cook a healthy 3 course meal
Macmillan Coffee Morning- Chevington Village Hall
This lovely community event was very well supported by the village of Chevington, and generously sponsored by iSpy Coffee and Water of Chevington.
Axe and Knife Throwing
Perhaps the most bizarre social event Stuart has yet managed to dream up. Hosted at the Bennett Arms Rougham
2017 Burns Night a Great Sucess
Over £800 was raised for Rotary Charities at the Burns Night Supper and Dance
Pub Quiz at The Horseshoes Cockfield Next on 30th March 2017
Cockfield pub quiz strikes again on 30th March 2017
New Members for Bury Abbey Rotary Club
Heather and Jonathan are Inducted into Bury Abby Rotary Club by President Trina Nunn
BBQ for Suffolk's Young Carers.
Bury Abbey Rotary Club provide Taxis and a BBQ for Young Carers in Suffolk.
Wheelie Good Idea Pub Walk
This is a three mile walk around the environs of Bury St Edmunds to raise funds for Wheel Power, a charity that funds the cost of providing adapted wheelchairs for disabled athletes.
Young Carers' BBQ
Bury Abbey Rotary Club provide a BBQ for a group of young carers after sailing on Lackford Lake.