Skipton Rotary Photo Galleries

Skipton Rotary Online Duck Race 2025
A totally online Duck Race with a prize to the winner of £250. We are sponsored by T N Cook Ltd - AGA & EVERHOT COOKERS. We are fund raising to help Aquabox and School in a Bag.
Skipton Rotary Saturday Charity Car Park
Skipton Rotary Charity Car Park reopens Saturday 29th March 2025. Opening over Easter will be Friday, Saturday and Easter Monday. Car park gate is locked at 18:00 hours.
Youth Opportunities
Skipton Rotary endeavours to create opportunities for young people through activities that build character & confidence along with new skills in the process. Read all about Rotary Youth Competitions and Leadership Awards via the links
Mary's Meals
Mary's Meals is a global charity that serves life-changing school meals to some of the world’s poorest children to help towards their education. Donations direct to Mary's Meals always welcome.
ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS (age range 16 to 17) and the OCEAN YOUTH TRUST (14 to 17) are for youngsters looking for excitement, adventure, and a challenge. Applications now invited - see below.
Youth Travel Personal Development Grants
The Rotary 'Youth Grant' scheme helps young people with expenses towards their Travel Project adventures
Want to help your community?
Volunteers welcome to help Rotarians in their tasks about town. Helpers at Fund Raising events, such as Car Park on a Saturday; stewarding at our Dragon Boat Races; occasional Can Shakes etc. We call you Friends of Rotary.
RI Convention 2025
Venue is Calgary in Canada. Register at today and take part in Rotary’s biggest event of the year.
Presidential Handover
Out with the old and in with the new. Venue is The Tempest. Menu choices to Pam. Time 6.30 for 7.00pm.