Rotary Club of Jersey Photo Galleries

Les Mielles Conservation
The Club have shown their green fingers at Beauport planting seedlings and now at Les Mielles they show that they are quite good at removing Poplar saplings that were encroaching onto the footpaths.
Tree Planting at Beauport
In 202 the Club planted trees at a site at Beauport. The site was revisited to remove invasive bracken and other weeds.
Tree Planting at Beauport
In 2020 the Club planted trees on a piece of land above Beauport. On the 4th of September a group of Rotarians visited the site to remove the invasive bracken and brambles to allow the trees a better chance of survival.
Good Companions Club a Rotary Club of Jersey Project since 1948
A social Centre for people who want to have friendship and keep active in body and mind.
Christmas Lunch 2014
Members enjoying a full christmas lunch at the club. Followed, of course, by the obligatory raffle which is the highlight of the day.
Christmas Fair 2014
Raising Funds for the Club selling christmas gifts and decorations made by our members and other charities.
Retirement of Elaine Griffin September 2013
Elaine Griffin retires after 19 years at Good Companions Club, the last 10 as Manager.
Jersey Wanderers FC Fund Raise for Good Companions
Ossie Ardiles helps Jersey Wanderers sell their 2014 Calendars and raise funds for Good Companions.
Good Companions visit the Christmas Lights
Driven on their tour by none other than Santa Claus
Good Companions Christmas Fair 2013
An opportunity for the Club and other Groups to sell their produce for Christmas.
Good Companions Christmas Lunch
Members meet Father Christmas during their Christmas Lunch at the Hotel Ambassadeur.
Good Companions Makeover March 2014
Thanks to RBS International for their teamwork in transforming the lounge and foyer at Le Marais into lighter bright areas.
Progress on Renovation 6th August 2015
Main structural work almost complete and new windows are installed.
Progress on Renovation at 18th May 2015
The foundation slab for the extension is done, now for the walls.
Progress on Renovation at 5th May 2015
Footings being prepared for the extension, internal linings removed good progress being made.
Rotary Champions of Change
Each year Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland selects 12 of its Members to be recognised as Champions of Change. This year Tony Allchurch was honoured in this way for his work to create a Peace Community in Jersey.
Rotary Young Chef 2015-16 - Jersey Final January 2016
Eight young chefs compete for the title Rotary Young Chef Jersey 2015-16 and the opportunity to compete in regional finals in February at Bournemouth
Wednesday 27th of July 2016
Rotary welcomes Magda Chmielewska Honorary Polish Consul to Jersey and presents the Graeme Le Quesne award to Dave and Betty Ellis.
Rotary Young Chef 2015-16 Regional Final March 2016
Young Chefs gather at Paignton for a competition to select the Young Chef who enters the National Finals in April.
PeaceJam 2016 UK Conference
240 young people join Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Mench Tum to learn about how they can effect Change for the Good in their lives.
2016-03-12 Les Creux Pump Track
Planting and maintaining trees to screen the Pump Track from neighbours.
First Rotary Dinner at the Refurbished Club
A celebration of the club's redevelopment attended by members of the Family of Rotary in Jersey
Lend with Care
Helping to improve lives in under-developed countries by providing loans for self improvement
Community Meeting 3rd March 2016
A meeting of supporters to identify areas of common interest where working together would reap benefits.
Rotary Young Chef 2015-16 - District Final Feb 2016
Megan McDonagh represents Jersey at the District Finals in Bournemouth
2014-01-13 India declared Polio Free
Our friends at Chandigarh Rotary Club celebrate years of hard work.
The New Club in action - Feb 2016
After 8 months work the Good Companions Club is open again in its new 21st century home. It looks marvellous!
Good Companions Club Opening
An opportunity to thank the professionals who helped us to renovate the club and to show His Excellency General Sir John McColl and Lady McColl the club premises.
Ready for the Members to Return
Almost there! Our refurbished building is being given the final touches before our members return tomorrrow 24th November.
Megan Mc Donagh Rotary Jersey Young Chef of the year 2015-16
Also winner of the genuine Jersey Trophy for the best use of local produce.
2015-11-05 The 21st Century Club building
The building has now been handed back to us and is expected to open on 23rd November.
Student Peace Debate 2nd October 2015
The Chief Minister chairs a debate between students from all 9 island secondary schools.
PeaceJam at Jersey Live
The Beaulieu Action Group (T-Bag) join with PeaceJam Winchester to showcase PeaceJam at Jersey Live
KidsOut Day 2015
80 disadvantaged youngsters and their carers enjoy a day out at the a'Maizin Adventure Park
Schools' Porridge Day 3rd October 2014 as it happens.
Jersey's schoolchildren enjoy a Porridge breakfast and learn about Mary's Meals.
Jersey a Rotary Peace Community
The Declaration of Jersey as a Rotary Peace Community took place on Friday 8th May 2015 at a ceremony held at The Town Hall, St Helier.
2015 Handover Dinner
The annual changing of the Club's Officers for a new Rotary Year starting each 1st July.
2015-08-09 Lions Pedal Car Grand Prix
Our team of 5 helps the Lions Club to raise funds for local causes.
2015 Young Enterprise Regional Finals
Teams from across the UK compete in the South East regional finals at Guildford Cathedral.
Peace Dinner and Revd. Jongi Zihle
A dinner giving members of the island's community an opportunity to hear The Chief Minister Senator Ian Gorst, Revd. Jongi Zihle and students who participated in the Student Peace Debate, giving their views on Peace and the Rotary Peace Island Programme.
2015-06-19 Rotary Charity Golf day
15 teams of four all taking part to raise funds for Teenage Cancer Trust and Good Companions Club
2015-06-10 KidsOut Day
Rotarians having fun in the sunshine helping 80 youngsters and their carers to have a day out.
2015-05-29 Visit of Rotaryklubb Bryne, Norway.
President Else Johanne Bryne and 17 members and partners visit Jersey.
Fund Raising for Nepal
Working with Red Cross and Jersey Overseas Aid Commission to help those in the Nepal disaster area.
Dhiki School, Sindh province, Pakistan
After helping nearby Khipro we help to build a new school for the children of Dhiki all under the watchful eye of Sister Roberta Kilbride.
Jersey World Porridge Day 2014
The Rotary Clubs and Inner Wheel Club raising funds for Mary's Meals
Young Enterprise 2015
Young people set up a business, run it for 9 months and then wind it up! All part of the process of learning what business is all about under the guidance of volunteer advisers.
Young Enterprise Jersey 2015 Finals
After practice presentations at our club these photos are of the real thing.
Good Companions Then and Now
A photographic record of the rennovation of our club premises April 2015 to October 2015
Beach Clean La Saline March 2015
Five bags of rubbish removed followed by refreshments for the team at Jersey Pearl.
Guildford Eye Project in Kolkata India
A great example of UK Rotary Clubs working together with Rotarians in India to provide cataract operations and now specialist retinal procedures.
Da Noon Township pre school education near Capetown
A pre school facility which is housed in metal shipping containers and looks after 130 two to six year olds.
Jersey Students at PeaceJam UK Conference March 2015
3 students from Beaulieu Convent School join Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams for PeaceJam's annual conference at Winchester University
KidsOut Day 2014
A day out for disadvantaged children at the aMaizin! Adventure Park sponsored by Rathbones.
Youth Drop in Centre Freedom Church
A progress report on how the Freedom Centre is developing and our support put to good use.
2015-01-14 Barnado's Independent Living Skills Service.
A briefing on this new Service aimed at young people aged 16 to 25.
2014-12-10 Christmas Party
Carols from Earsay, award of a Paul Harris Fellowship, 3 new members, President Ray's star turn, great food and Santa Claus with his delightful assistant.
2014-09-24 Dentaid and Beneficiaries of Golf Day 2014
Sandy Dunn explains how Dentaid works. Donna Annand Melanoma Charity and the Jersey Asthma and Respiratory Society benefit from the funds raised during the 2014 Charity Golf Day
UN World Peace Day Service Sunday 21st September 2014.
A service at St Helier Methodist Centre to celebrate UN World Peace Day. Led by Revd. Tony Morling assisted by Revd. Dr. Jongikaya Zihle.
2014-08-27 Learning to Read - Bel Royal School
Our club reading project at Bel Royal School.
2014-07-09 Brighter Futures an Update
Kevin Kelly CEO of Brighter Futures brings us up to date with their work at the Bridge.
2014 Rotary Charity Golf Day sponsored by TMF Group.
With the help of the TMF Group, Rotary raising funds for the Donna Annand Melanoma Charity and the Jersey Asthma Respiratory Society.
2014-06-28 Handover Dinner
The start of a new Rotary Year and President Toni "hands over" to Ray Shead our President for 2014-15.
Rotary 2014-15 The Year ahead.
Our plans for the next Rotary year 2014-15 - President Elect Ray Shead and District Governor Elect Mike Jackson.
Friendship Visit Rotary Club Paris Quai d'Orsay
A party of 9 Rotarians from Paris arrived via Granville for a club weekend in Jersey. Having moored their yacht in the St Helier Marina they joined the Rotary Clubs of de la Manche and Jersey for a friendship dinner.
2014-04-26 Seniors Day Out
An annual event with Rotarians taking their guests for an afternoon drive followed by tea at the Good Companions Club prepared by members of Inner Wheel.
90th Charter Night Celebrations
Celebrations of the Club's formation in 1924 with a 1920s style dinner dance at the Somerville Hotel.
Young Enterprise Presentations
Six Young Enterprise Companies brief us on the successes and problems they have encountered whilst running their companies since September 2013.
Wheelchairs in Mozambique
A joint project involving 4 Rotary Clubs. Canvey Island and Jersey in the UK and Chimio and Beira in Mozambique.
Healthcare Heartline Chandigarh India
Rotary in India's partnership with Fortis Hospitals to provide cardiac surgery for children.
Healthcare Jaipur Limb Centre, India.
The home of the Jaipur Limb Trust in India an initiative by Mr D R Metha and supported by Rotary around the world.
Education Outreach and Vocational Training Pakistan
Khipro, Sindh Province, Pakistan education and empowerment of women in the community.
2014-02-26 Peace Island Update Tony Allchurch
Report on progress made formulating a 3 year business plan in partnership with other organisations committed to peace.
Maintenance work at Durrell Tamarin enclosure
Working together with Rotary de la Manche at Durrell.
2014-02-12 Beach Ability - a briefing by Margaret Le Herissier
Where There's a Wheel There's a Way - Freedom to access Jersey's beautiful beaches.
Shelterbox Syria Appeal Bag Pack at the Co-op St Peter
Rotarians help raise funds and awareness for Shelterbox by offering their expert bag packing services to Co-op customers.
2014-01-26 Inner Wheel Overseas Brunch
Annual fund raising breakfast, this year for the benefit of Aquaboxes and held at the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club, St Aubin.
2014-01-22 Honorary member and Good Companions Club
Cliff Blanchet is presented with Honorary Membership and Jerry Ramsden gives us a History of the Good Companions Club and a briefing on the planned rennovation at the property.
Young Chef of the Year Winner Chloe Wallser
Our winner, Chloe from Beaulieu. Chloe will now compete in the Regional Final in Poole during February.
Food and Water The Gambia
Solar Powered Water project at the Jersey Technical Senior Secondary School.
2014-01-08 Shelterbox an Update on Syria and the Philippines
Katrina Rondel brings us up to date with developments at Shelterbox.
Christmas Appeal Tin Shake at the Rugby Club
Elves, Pirates, mince pies, mulled wine and rugby what more could you want? The opportunity to donate!...............
2013-12-11 Christmas Dinner
Carols, Songs across the Decades, good food and good company what more could you want?
Polio Jersey's efforts to October 2013
What the family of Rotary in Jersey have done to help this cause.
The First Beach Clean November 2013
Led by President Toni 19 Rotarians and friends tackle the rubbish on Greve de Lecq
Porridge Day 2013 Radio Jersey
Broadcasting live. The early morning show from our Charing Cross stand.
Porridge Day 2013 The Cast
A few of the many who made the day such a success. Our thanks to you all.
2013-09-25 Talk by Mike Bowron
A Policeman's Lot is a happy one. Also presentations to Jersey Heart Support Group and Motor Neurone Disease Association Jersey
Peace Forum September 2013
100 delegates participate in discussions on Peace and Conflict Resolution stimulated by a range of presentations from expert speakers.
Peace Dinner September 2013
90 members and guests attend a dinner to celebrate UN World Peace Day and to hear two of the Speakers who had travelled from Australia and the UK to contribute to the Peace Forum itself.
Student Peace Seminar September 2013
360 young people explore the meaning of Peace and how they can help achieve it.
House of Friendship September 2013
90 delegates gather for the Peace Forum and examine displays from our supporting Charities.
Meeting on 26th September 2012
Golf Day cheques presented,Luke Heynes inducted and Dianne Mousley visited from Darlington.
Flag Day July 14th 2012
A flag day was held in St Helier on July 14th 2012 to raise funds and awareness of Rotary. Rotarians dressed up as pirates.
Kids Out Day 2012
Kids Out Day in Jersey was at the Amaizin Adventure Park on June 13th 2012