Rotary Club of Eynsham - welcome! Scroll or swipe through this page to see details of our next event: Speaker evening with Yellow Submarine Tuesday 25th June.

Featured pages



Some relaxing times

Community Activities

Community Activities

The Rotary Club of Eynsham - In The Community

Eynsham supporting The Gatehouse

Eynsham supporting The Gatehouse

Rotary Club of Eynsham supports the work of Gatehouse by helping with the delivery of donations to the charity premises in Oxford.



The Rotary Club of Eynsham - Fund Raising

Eynsham Rotary and the Carnival

Eynsham Rotary and the Carnival

The slogan on the float says it all.

Primary School Be Safe, Be Seen Campaign

Primary School Be Safe, Be Seen Campaign

Eynsham Rotary Club supported a local primary schools cycling safety campaign.


About us

The Rotary Club of Eynsham

The Eynsham Rotary Club is a small, friendly club of men and women from Eynsham and the surrounding area in West Oxfordshire. We are a part of the Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland, which is part of Rotary International, the world's largest service organisation. We have members from a wide range of ages and backgrounds and use our time, talents, skills and energy to improve the lives of people in our local community and around the world.

The Meeting Information page will tell you about our two evening meetings per month. If you are a Rotarian visiting the area, you will be made very welcome at our meetings; please Contact us.

If you're interested in joining Eynsham Rotary Club, please Contact us and we will arrange for you to attend a meeting where you can find out a bit more about the club. For a brief introduction to Rotary, please visit our 'What is Rotary'web page.

Below are some details of future events that the club is involved with planning. If you are iterested in any of these events then please Contact us, with subject "Events" for further information.

A Little Bit About Eynsham Village

Eynsham is a village in West Oxfordshire with a population of just under 5,000. It is located at an important crossing of the river Thames, midway between Oxford and Witney, close to the A40. Its recorded history goes back to Saxon times; Eynsham Abbey (sadly no more) was founded in 1005; and 92 listed buildings survive around the parish. Today the village caters for body, mind and spirit with 27 food and drink outlets (including 7 pubs) plus health, recreation and training facilities of every sort. (See Eynsham Online)

Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Sat, Oct 19th 2024 7:30 pm

Fundraising Quiz Night

An evening of fun and testing those little grey cells. Come and join in - teams of 4-6 people

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 19:30

(2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. Guests are always welcome especially on the 4th Tuesday when we share a meal and have a guest speaker. To find out more please contact our Membership Officer via the 'Contact' link at the top of this page.) The Swan
Acre End Street
OX29 4PE  01865 881225
W3W:  ///bells.oddly.hopefully

Web site about the locality

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values