Welcome! The icons below link to pages about the Cavaliers areas of action. After the 'About us' are Links to Future Meetings & Recent Happenings

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Rotary works all round the world

Rotary works all round the world

Rotary supports dozens of projects around the World. - the most long lasting & ambitious is the project to eradicate polio. Cavaliers contribute to this and are owners of projects in Ghana & India supporting schools & delivering clean water.

The Children's University - all about this from Jane Whelan of CaVCA  (at our usual Wednesday evening meeting)

The Children's University - all about this from Jane Whelan of CaVCA (at our usual Wednesday evening meeting)

Duties :TBC. CaVCA now deliver the Children's University 'passport to learning' in Scarborough, part of a network of over 5000 public and online learners. (Meeting as normal at Mayfield Hotel)

Fund raising, funding & fun

Fund raising, funding & fun

- not our core business; but we have rattled buckets in aid of disasters; run tombolas at music events, organised car parking at shows,sold plants at (our own) community fair, run raffles, organised events such as Dragon Boats – & had fun!

Our club at large

Our club at large

Varied social activities, & worthwhile projects near & far. Our diverse members exchange ideas, create lifelong relationships, join in service projects that make a lasting impact in communities. We aim to have fun, but with a purpose.

Part of the local scene - Community support

Part of the local scene - Community support

Many members are trustees or active supporters of several local causes. Local organisation reach out to their public at our events such as at our community fair, dragon boat races - and keep us up to date on visits to our weekly meetings.

Social happenings - fellowship & fun

Social happenings - fellowship & fun

At our convivial weekly meetings we welcome speakers - we learn of many varied interests. ‘Special events’ such as Burns night, Christmas celebrations and visits to places of interest (and refreshment) add to the opportunities for fellowship and fun.


About us

CLICK to SEE: Future meetings programme   We meet on a Wednesday, usuallly at the Mayfield Hotel, Seamer - during winter 3 meetings a month only. 

 SIGN UP For our bulletin about Rotary related local & international events (Cavalcade Compact) 

Recent happenings

Jenkinson’s Barefoot Superheroes Race

away with the Winners Trophy (no 5)


The Dragon Boat Challenge 2024 ended with another fun-packed day at the North Yorkshire Water Park, despite the inclement weather.

The final took place in sunshine with a stiff breeze across the lake making some difficult conditions for the paddlers.

In lane 1 was the Jenkinson’s boat, who were paddling for Combat CRB1 and Saint Catherine’s Hospice, which incidentally had their event mobile unit on site.

Lane 2 was occupied by McCain Potato Paddlers, who were raising funds for Andy’s Man Club.

Third lane had Boat 2, with Raflatac Blazing Paddlers hoping to beat their closest rivals Raflatac Blazing Paddlers Boat 1 in lane 4.

Both the Raflatac boats were raising money for SASH, West Way Arms and Andy’s Man Club. As for the race itself it was a close-run thing until the final few metres when the Barefoot Paddlers stole a march on the other 

teams to win in a time of 1 minute 05.14


The two Raflatac boats came in second (Boat 1) and third (Boat 2) with very close times – second place 1 minute 07.64 and third 1 minute 07.68.

Whilst the McCain Potato Paddlers came in fourth place their crew made a valiant effort to keep in touch with the leading boats, which made for a really exciting finale to the day’s racing.

Perhaps the competitive edge between the Rafltac boats cost them the winners trophy with the Jenkinson’s Barefoot Paddlers crossing the line first – who knows!!!.

The day started with teams arriving very early to find their pitches on the lakeside.

Charter Mayor, Councillor Janet Jefferson kicked off the proceedings by starting the first race at 10.10am and wishing the teams well and thanking the Rotary Club of Scarborough Cavaliers for organising the event.

Twenty teams took part this year, with two of the teams having to drop out for various reasons.

But the day’s racing was well managed by the Race-the-Dragon team, who were there for the first time this year.

The club would like to thank the food, drink and entertainment providers, the sponsors, especially the Opera House Casino, Broadland Properties and Scarborough Cavalier Golfers, as well as all the teams that took part yesterday.

The Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District (BID) deserve a special mention for their continued support paying for the cost of the programme, prizes for the special category winners, together with momentos for each paddler.

There will be a Presentation Evening on Wednesday July 10 at the Scarborough Rugby Club when all the monies raised by the teams for the 20 charities and local organisations listed in the programme will be handed out.

The special category winners, such as Best Fancy Dressed Boat, Most Money Raise for their Charity, and Fastest “First Timers” will also receive their prizes.

Last year this total amounted to over £20,000 and 26 charities and organisations benefitted from the funding.

Apart from a couple of heavy downpours of rain during the afternoon we escaped remarkably well with the weather.


Mike Wilkinson

Chair of Membership & Communications

Giulian Alonze 

Giulian Alonze gave a fascinating and most entertaining talk about his family business, The Harbour Bar.

He began by showing a short video about the process of ice-cream making from the basic ingredients of milk, cream and butter together with seaweed extract to thicken the mixture. The mixture is heated to 80-90 ◦C. to pasteurise the ingredients and becomes homogenised (does not separate). The mixture is then poured into the vertical freezer where it takes twenty minutes to freeze.

Giulian then told of how his grandparents came to Scarborough from an Italian mountain village near Monte Cassino with his grandfather walking all the way to join his grandmother who was already here. It is 1484 miles from the village to Scarborough. They sold ice-cream from two stalls, one near the Spa and one near the Lifeboat House. The well-off people at the Spa paid 2d. whilst the less well-off at the Lifeboat House paid 1d. a lick. Unfortunately, his grandfather had to return to Italy as he contracted tuberculosis.

The Harbour Bar as we know it on the sea front opened in August 1945 when his father Tony, mother Annie and Aunt Lucy bought the premises helped by a loan from Cyril Quarton. Giulian began making ice-cream when he was twelve years old and still makes it today. His father retired in 1984 and the business is carried on by Giulian, his wife Theresa and about thirty staff,

Giulian expressed a wish for good weather to help sales and treated us all to delicious samples of his ice-cream.

Doug Johnson.

Scarborough Rotary Cavaliers

 Yorkshire’s Amazing Wildlife Coastline 15/05/24

This week the club were entertained with an extremely informative presentation by Stuart Baines, born and bred in Scarborough, on the wildlife on our own doorstep. Citizen scientist Stuart has always had an interest in Yorkshire’s coastal wildlife but over the past thirteen years he has developed a passion for the marine mammals that visit and live in the seas of his hometown – Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises.

He is a regional coordinator representing the national cetacean charity Sea Watch, covering an area from the Humber to the Tees. Stuart has links with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trusts on several cetacean projects, as well as the North Yorkshire-based Wild Eye nature project. He also is the editor of the very popular Scarborough Porpoise Facebook page.

He started his talk by saying that he had a tenuous link with the Cavaliers Rotary Club in that he met his wife when he was a Rotaract Member in the 1980’s. Using his extensive range of photographs and videos he described the various species of marine animals that visit and inhabit the sea around Scarborough. So what are cetaceans? Well they are Porpoises, Dolphins and Whales and he began by telling the club about Porpoises. An adult porpoise can grow to 6-foot long and are not as inquisitive as dolphins - they do not approach boats like dolphins.

Dolphins are a very different creature and extremely intelligent. The Bottlenose Dolphins that visit are shores can grow up to 12-foot long and have a distinctive beak. They group in pods that have had as many as 50 dolphins with their young calf’s. The numbers have risen rapidly over recent years and they travel down from the Scottish Coast and can be seen in North and South Bays. In 2018 only 4 sightings wee recorded, whereas last year over 400 where spotted.

Finally, Stuart had some interesting stories about whale watching, particularly around Whitby. Minke Whales are baleen whales that can grow up to 32-feet long and an adult can weigh 8 tonnes. They are sleek with a sharply pointed head and a prominent dorsal fin. Often known as Stinky Minke as their breath can smell of bad cabbage. They feed on herring and sand eels in the North Sea in the summer and tropical waters in the winter. Again their numbers have grown over recent years with 107 sightings in 2023, compared with only 14 in 2015. Last year the North Sea was especially warm and this could have been a contributory factor in the increased sights but only time will tell if this was the case or they are populating the local seas more frequently.

Other whales, such as Fin Whales the second largest whale after the Blue Whale have been seen off these shores, as too have Pilot and Humpback Whales. A Humpback was filmed breaching the waves off Whitby recently. White Beaked Dolphins and Common Dolphins are also rare visitors with the Common Dolphin not often seen in the North Sea. Basking Sharks similarly more regularly seen in the South West of England.

We do get Common and Grey Seals and we did have a very special guest at Scarborough Harbour last New Year when a Walrus dropped in to visit. Rather cumbersome on land but like a rocket in the sea he didn’t stay long in 2024 before he was off on his travels again. Stuart certainly knows his cetaceans and passed on his knowledge of where the best places are to see them locally Marine Drive, where he regularly used to travel to work in a morning and Filey Brigg, Whitby and Flamborough Head.


Mike Wilkinson


Speaker name : Raymond Clark

The Industrial, Agricultural and Geological Heritage of the North York Moors.

 Raymond, a member of the North York Moors Association that is an organization working in collaboration  with the North Yorkshire Moors National Park Board provided the Club with a most interesting lecture concentrating on the history of the moorland region.

The geology and geography of the Park was created and shaped by the various Ice Ages dating from four million years ago up the most recent some 14 thousand years ago. The melting ice particularly influenced the development of the valleys used in modern times to provide routes for rail transport, notably the lines connecting Whitby to Middleborough and Grosmont to Pickering.

 Plentiful supplies of Iron ore in the rock formations led to a development of a huge mining operation in the nineteenth century. The processed ore was transported to Middleborough refined and provided a vital source of metal used during the ‘Industrial revolution’. The remains of the workings are preserved to this day. The Jewelry trade continues to be able to make excellent use of Whitby Jet.

The Moors have provided a habitat for wild life over the centuries and continue to do so.  The land is extensively used for sheep rearing and to a lesser extent cattle grazing. In the 18th Century a gentleman surveyor named Foord very cleverly used the 240ft  contour to construct small waterways fed from natural springs that were used to supply the farms situated along the southern edge of the moors. Some remain in use to this day.

In very modern times the Moors provide a magnificent space to be enjoyed by all who take pleasure in walking and exploring the open countryside.

The Club thanks for Raymond for giving his time to present an expertly presented illustrated talk on a fascinating  subject.

J Bradley

Visit to Scarborough Lifeboat Station

24 April 2024

20 Rotary members were introduced to the voluntary members of the RNLI who gave up their time to explain the ins and out of running the life saving service carried out by the crews on a daily basis. They were all very knowledgeable and answered all questions from members without hesitation. After the Q&A session we were split into to two groups whilst the staff allowed us to inspect the equipment used, safety requirements and of course the Lifeboat and inshore dirigible.

A very interesting event enjoyed by all, later we adjourned to the Golden Grid for a fish supper and refreshments.

Our thanks to John Porter and the volunteers for their freely given time.


Theres always one who has to push his luck! Our secretary John Dudley enjoying the moment.

                                           JOURNALIST REVEALS ALL

New member to the Cavaliers, but long time Rotarian David Ward reported on his professional life. A very laid back opening for which he possibly appreciated being able to be present having endured two operations, sepsis and delirium, which puts life into a wider perspective.

Working life commenced as a Signalman for British Rail in Knottingley. This necessitated a 17 mile cycle ride which gave him a passion to recreationally take up the activity and developed his stamina, despite being overtaken on one occasion by the internationally known record breaking cyclist Beryl Burton. These early days of non-segregated sport gave no protection to men being surpassed by women.

Modernisation by BR led him to leaving and taking up employment in the printing industry, eventually editing and publishing his own regional newspaper. This provided opportunities for interviewing many Celebrities (before this title came into recent fashion) when we would call them Stars. To improve his efficiency David learned via the Yorkshire Post the art of Shorthand writing and it is to this organ he eventually sold his own newspaper title.

Some of his many Rotary activities include cycling with five fellow Rotarians from Rothwell to Nante raising funds for Polio Plus. Another was to collect and transfer second-hand cycles for the benefit of people in Africa.

He created the RC of Helmsley with 25 members, realising later than costs could be kept to a minimum by not meeting over a meal in a hostelry as many clubs do, but making use of Kirkbymoorside Library.

David is a Past President also having served as an Assistant District Governor.

Jim Martin

Our meeting on 10th April, 2024 was held at Flavours, the new Restaurant at St Catherine’s. The food was good and very tasty; the venue itself was very welcoming and comfortable and we were well-looked after.

The Speaker was Mike Colbeck, the leader of the Boys Brigade at Queen Street Methodist Hall. He spoke well about the history and current working of the organisation. His enthusiasm and obvious love of what he does were infectious.

Richard Grunwell

3rd April 2024

Rob Brown got into cycling quite late, he told members of Scarborough Cavaliers Rotary Club. He was visiting the club to explain how he received second place in the Visit England Tourism Superstar Award 2024.

His introduction to cycling came at the age of 46 and led to him being the leader of group outings for handicapped youngsters. The events were held at the Dalby Forest Cycle Hub which allowed him to concentrate his work rehabilitating clients with special needs.

Rob Brown, who now lives in Pickering, also took great delight organising cycling proficiency schemes with schools.

David Ward

Gallows Close Centre

Wednesday 20th March 2024

The story of Gallows Close Centre was related to Rotary Cavaliers at their  Mayfield Hotel meeting when it was greeted with much admiration and support by members for its leader, Kimmie Avison and her team, led by the chairman, Rotarian, Jim Martin.The centre serves a large housing estate in what had been a challenging area historically,  but today has seen the lives of many young people transformed thanks to Kimmie’s vision and hard work which has now won her and the centre one of the new King Charles Awards.

Kimmie explained how the centre had built the self confidence and ambitions of many teenagers some of whom were suffering from homelessness and deprivation. “We look at the young people and their needs  who have  come to the centre.”

As a result many lives  been have been turned round with the creation of job opportunities and skills training for what Kimmie described as “hard to reach children who no-one wanted to know about”. School attendance records were poor but today apprenticeships are available and been accepted by the young people taking places at Scarborough Technical College.

Gallows Close is now recognised as an exemplar centre where opportunities to help solve local social problems with widespread support, including Rotary,  and young people can have their lives enhanced along with the image of the Barrowcliffe Estate.

David Jeffels



Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been all over the news for the past year. We have the false impression that AI is a new phenomenon when in fact it is already irreversibly embedded into so many aspects of our lives. We’ve heard all sorts of reports that it’s going to either make everything easier or somehow destroy humanity. In this short talk you’ll learn where AI came from and actually how it works - whether that’s in generating text and images, diagnosing your medical condition or driving your car - useful information that will help you make up your own mind about AI’s usefulness as well as the threats, to our lives and to our businesses. 

Ayd Instone is Head of Physics at Scarborough University Technical College, and previously a consultant and trainer in innovation for business and keynote speaker at large technical corporation conferences. He is the author of a number of books on innovation and creativity as well as in GCSE Physics and three volumes of science fiction short stories

AI poem  about Rotary in the style of Shakespeare

In fair Rotary, where we lay our scene,

A noble club, with purpose pure and keen,

From various walks, they come with hearts aflame

To serve, to bond, and magnify their name.

With fellowship akin to kinship's grace,

They gather ‘round to better time and space,

A global tapestry of minds combined,

In unity, their aspirations twined.

As morning sun does rise o'er yonder hill,

Their altruism shines, a beacon still,

They labour selflessly, in quiet might,

To kindle hope where there was once no light.

Like Romeo and Juliet's love so true,

Their service knows no bounds, forever new,

Through trials and triumphs, side by side they stand

A steadfast force, to heal, uplift the land.

So let us raise a toast, in Shakespeare's verse,

To Rotary's devoted souls, diverse,

Their noble acts, like stars in night's grand dome

Illuminate a world that they call home.

Wednesday 24th January

Our annual Burns Supper was well supported as usual, entertainment was provided by, Rachel on the bagpipes, Paul on the string section, George with the Haggis, Mary who gave the response on behalf of the Ladies and Alan who was the MC. Thank you to all involved.

Not so recent - but some will remember the talk by Rach Drew and Shan Baker about Arcade back in July. They mentioned their annual "Grue" fantasy experience which is now on the top floor of  Library in Scarborough. Well worth a visit specially for younger folk. A few pics from visit 17 Dec.  More info & bookong:-   https://www.hello-arcade.com/grue-2023 

Annual carol service and carvery had over seventy folk enjoying the festive carols  (lovely service guided by Rev Joe Kinsella) and food athe Downe Arms. 

Emily Gaskell



he Cavaliers were suitable entertained on Wednesday, November 29 by a local singer-songwriter, who played an acoustic guitar set for around 20-minutes. A self-taught player Emily Gaskell performed with lots of style and flair, featuring 4 of her own written songs.

She has been writing and playing her own music from an early age and is still only 15 years old. Club members heard original songs that had thought provoking messages and clever musical forms that drew you in.

Emily’s set was really fresh and included a classic cover of her favourite song and a more “dark” single appropriately entitled “Monster”. Her music is available on Spotify with the

3-minute long single “Silver” showcased on-line.

It is the first time the club has had an acoustic guitar player singing for them and Emily put on a fantastic, confident performance for one so young. The Cavaliers wish her ever success in her future career and would be only to pleased to see her return when she “hits” the heights!


Mike Wilkinson

22nd November 2023.   The Downey Arms Wykeham   Katie Braidie, Sculptor

Kati’ gave us a fascinating talk about the inspirations that influence her sculptures - formed by hand modelling of clay. She had also brought a selection of her work showing the variety of forms and colours.

 I Hear a Symphony

 The club were ably entertained by members of the Scarborough Symphony Orchestra at its meeting held on Wednesday, October 18 at the Downe Arms Country Hotel. The orchestra is one of the leading amateur orchestras in the north of England, performing four concerts each season. Their conductor, Shaun Matthew, has continued the tradition of bringing new, unusual and ambitious repertoire, including several world premieres to the area, alongside well-loved orchestral classics. They open their 2023/24 season on Saturday, November 25 with a programme from Panufnik, the Polonia Suite; Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 20 and Saint-Saens Symphony No 3 ‘Organ Symphony’.

However, an orchestra of around 60 players representing strings, woodwind and percussion sections could not fit into the hotel’s function room; so five members of the string section  played a chamber music piece by Mozart. The group of five musicians, led by Tony Mason on violin, are known as the St Hilda’s String Quintet. Other members are Liz Hydes, Ellie Whitehead, Steve Rosteric and Martin Hall, who play the violin, viola and cello.

There is no doubt that listening to live music far outplays listening to a record. The quintet gave a fantastic rendition of Mozart’s work and the club members present certainly enjoyed the performance. The Scarborough Symphony Orchestra has been in existence for 74 years and has Lady Ayckbourn as its patron. It has players from around the locality, including Scarborough, Whitby, Pickering, Driffield and Beverley and they rehearse weekly with music being their main hobby as amateur musicians.

For their main programme the orchestra brings in soloists and their 2023/24 season will see soloists on piano, trumpet, bassoon and cello. The town is very fortunate to have such an orchestra in situe and you can find more information on their website   www.scarborough-orchestra.org

I would definitely check them out and make a date for Saturday, November 25 at 7.15pm when their new season opens at the Methodist Central Hall on Queen Street. Thanks to Geoff Mountfield for organising the string quintets visit to the club. Mike Wilkinson


LOOKING BACK on some earlier activities (for which we have meeting reports) in Rotary year July 2022 to July 2023. 

Robert Halstead a retired Chartered Surveyor and avid mountain biker gave a most interesting and informative presentation about the various types of Rights of Way August 30 2023).      SEE Details

Stephen Joseph Theatre  has staged many outstanding productions over its long life in Scarborough, but “Blonde Bombshells” must rank as one of the best ever. Based on a true story it was  brilliantly written by one of the country’s best known  playwrights, Alan Plater. (A|ugust 9 2023See details

Vanessa Milner of the Scarborough Archaeological and History Society, gave us a fascinating talk on the history of ladies’ underwear (April 26 2023)SEE Details

 Cavaliers celebrate their 45th birthday in style (April 2023)SEE Charter images

A fun-packed evening of entertainment at the SJT - Shakespeare’s most bonkers farce “The Comedy of Errors” brought to life in the eighties in the era of big phones and even bigger shoulder pads. (April 12 2023). SEE report

His Honour Judge Paul Worsley KC gave an informative and entertaining talk ‘Courtroom Trials and Tribulations. (March 22 2023). CLICK for details

Cirrus research of Hunmanby were introduced to us by Craig Storey. Impressing us to see a local company produce noise measurement meters helping companies to adhere tol legislation – and protecting people from hearing loss. (March 15 2023).  SEE Cirrus details

Wagoners Special Reserve of Sledmere: Martin Watts gave a fascinating talk highlighting in first hand anecdotes the experiences of the Yorkshire Wold farm lads who played such a key part in the First World War. (March 1 2023)More details

Wendy Craig-Tyler stepped in at short notice (due to illness) to tell us about Dementia Friends.  And what a great job she did! Summarised by one of our medics  “An impressive insight into the causes of dementia, the emotional effects and the support that can be given by carers” (February 8 2023). More of Wendy's talk

Paul Harris Award for Trish Kinsella for her lifelong contribution to local charities particularly the local Rainbow Centre.

Gemstones and the care of jewellery craftsman jeweller John Hazelwood brought some sparkle to a winter’s eve (February 1 2023). SEE more details

Robbie Burns Supper Burns Night Celebration on the actual Burns night itself (January 25 2023). Images a plenty
Angela Edwards braved the November air 
to talk to us about the Soroptimist organisation. It was a most enlightening and enjoyable evening (November 30 2022). SEE details

Missing our visit to Plaxtons (Alexandar Dennis) was missing a real treat, and an education. We saw a highly skilled and professional business, with distinguished market-leading products, and a strong order book. We are fortunate to have them in Scarborough, and we should make more noise about their successes (October 10 2022).Visit Plaxtons

Town’s maritime heritage under the spotlight.We had a fantastic insight into Maritime Heritage Centre with its a wealth of fascinating artefacts and records of Scarborough’s seafaring past. (September 21 2022). Take a look

Dragon Boat Challenge 2022 presentation evening. Many of the teams came along to receive their cheques and to hand them over to their chosen charities.  (July 13 2022).  Many images

Coventry University – Scarborough. Eamon Byrne Eamon, who is part of the Talent Team at the University, responsible for business development, gave an informative talk about the university’s plans for the town. (July 6 2022). Seat of learning


Seven areas of Rotary focus and support

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Please look at our Facebook page and click the "LIKE" link :- Rotary Club of Scarborough Cavaliers

For a PDF introduction to our club, clickScarborough Cavaliers - What do they do? 

Our Social Media

Happening soon...

The Children's University - all about this from Jane Whelan of CaVCA  (at our usual Wednesday evening meeting)

Wed, Jul 31st 2024 7:00 pm

The Children's University - all about this from Jane Whelan of CaVCA (at our usual Wednesday evening meeting)

Log in for more.

Duties :TBC. CaVCA now deliver the Children's University 'passport to learning' in Scarborough, part of a network of over 5000 public and online learners. (Meeting as normal at Mayfield Hotel)


Wed, Aug 7th 2024 7:00 pm

'History of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery’ by Frederick Fox. At The Mayfield Hotel & Pub

Log in for more.

At The Mayfield Hotel & Pub. Check in: Colin G; Grace& hostess Pauline; Thanks & media report John GB

Wed, Aug 14th 2024 7:00 pm

Community Fair briefing. At The Mayfield Hotel & Pub

PRECEDED BY: COUNCIL MEETING. 6.00pm to 6.55pm Check in : Richard Creasey; Grace : Doug; Report: TBC

Sat, Aug 17th 2024 9:30 pm -

Community Fair

Opportunity for local Charites , not for profit's and support groups to tell their tale and maybe raise some cash at tables in Westborough

Wed, Aug 21st 2024 7:00 pm

Meeting as usual at Mayfield Hotel - details TBC


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 1900

(Visitors are welcome; please contact John Dudley on 01723 366 375 if you'd like to attend - or to come and speak to us. ) The Mayfield Hotel & Pub
10-11 Main St, Seamer, Scarborough
YO12 4RF  01723 863160

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values