Jockey Club Room at Epsom Racecourse.
A sparkling evening with a welcome drink, great three course meal and music by AVARICE. Our friends from Chantilly Rotary will also attend. Great Raffle prizes and even better auction items!!
Over 50 people attended our celebratory lunch at Cuddington. We had a fantastic lunch and two great speakers, Richard Harris and Clive Driscoll along with a visit from our District Governor Tim Vile.
DetailsJockey Club Room at Epsom Racecourse.
A sparkling evening with a welcome drink, great three course meal and music by AVARICE. Our friends from Chantilly Rotary will also attend. Great Raffle prizes and even better auction items!!
Please join our volunteer supporters working on a variety of useful local projects
Here is a pdf version of a booklet written by Richard Harris about our club and also a link to a video which goes alongside the booklet.
Volunteer to help the local community with us - when you have a spare hour or two
See latest news here Donate to help our charities click here
to gift £5 text ERCGIFT to 70460
Epsom Rotary is about volunteering, community, charity, fun and friendship. We meet
We hold social events throughout the year and get directly involved in projects, both in the local community and internationally. We also fund raise to donate money to our chosen local charities and in some cases internationally. It's like volunteering, but with a social side!
Our monthly evening meetings have featured local authors, musicians, local charities and sometimes UK charities.
We follow the Rotary motto of Service above Self whilst enjoying fun and friendship along the way.
Each year the club is involved in a range of local community events. We have run local community events such as Fairs and Party in the Park and run two very successful projects,
The allotment project which has been running for some years now and very prolific growing food for Epsom Pantry which too is a social and very pleasant environment to be in. We have raised beds and a greenhouse and pride ourselves with a great regular team and which project is jointly run with Ewell Rotary Club. We are however always looking for extra volunteers!
We regular run activities for Veterans, again another joint venture with Epsom & Ewell RBL and run a monthly Veterans Hub, Archery session and Models for Heroes, in conjunction with Models for Heroes. Again all visitors and volunteers are welcome.
We run Youth competitions such as Young Musician and Young Chef, Youth Speaks, a Debate, French Speaking competition and sponsor jointly RYLA (and sponsor jointly with Ewell Rotary) Students to attend a high active adventure weekend.
Our largest fund-raising activity has to be the Street Collections with Santa and Tilly the Train at Christmas when the local children can be found on the streets waiting for Santa and his train!
This year our social calendar has included quizzes, walks and a host of other activities. We also have the opportunity to compete against other Rotary Clubs in a variety of different sports such as snooker, badminton and ten pin bowling.
In 2021-2022 we donated £12,000 for local charities and we will do our best this coming year.
Zimbabwe Victims Support Fund £600
Aquabox £600
Community Food Bank £500
Meeting Room £500
Action for A-T £500
Shooting Star Childrens Hospice £500
End Polio Now £1900
Kevin Webber Prostate Cancer Appeal £1500
This Rotary term 2024-2025 we have a joint Presidency and welcome Jim Munns and Carol Caiger and we continue to be involved in the community. This year is also a celebration of 100 years of Epsom Rotary Club and additional events are in the making.
A warm welcome awaits everyone who is interested in learning more about us. For more information, or to arrange to meet up please either click on the "Join Us" button to the top right of this page for a form which you can complete and send to us.
Call us on 01372 813679
See our projects Volunteering
Many thanks for looking us up and for your interest in Epsom Rotary.
A short video clip about Rotary can be seen here
20/3/2024 13:50 Autoplay set. Sound therefore muted by user's browser
Thu, Feb 13th 2025 7:00 pm
Informal meeting with drink and/or meal after the meeting
detailsThu, Feb 20th 2025 1:00 pm
Formal two course lunch with drinks available at the bar
detailsSun, Feb 23rd 2025 1:30 pm
1.30 Doors open
2.00 Competition starts, Vocalists
3.00 Instrumentalists
Carole Knight of District is organising
Thu, Feb 27th 2025 3:46 pm
An informal meeting with drinks from the bar and an optional meal after.
Rebecca Loomes will talk about how the Pantry operates, how people are helped and how the Epsom and Ewell Rotarys Allotment has been beneficial.
Thu, Mar 6th 2025 1:00 pm
Formal two course lunch with drinks available at the bar
Thu, Mar 6th 2025 7:00 pm
Anyone may attend, but only council members can vote
Fri, Mar 7th 2025 7:00 pm
We regret to inform you that this event has been cancelled
detailsSat, Mar 8th 2025 9:00 am
District Council - Reigate
We meet on Thursdays at lunch and evening alternately
(See our club calendar that can be accessed from the top of our Home Page. Formal meeting at Cuddington Golf Club) Cuddington Golf Club, Banstead RoadBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
Our Social Media