Pub Crawl in Lewes

It's back! Members and their guests were cordially invited to the Club's Lewes Pub Crawl on Wednesday 30th August 2023.

The pub crawl has been lovingly devised by a Club member with a deep knowledge, and experience, of Lewes pubs and their fascinating history which will be revealed as the evening unfolds.

Meet outside the Dorset pub in Lewes at 6.45pm.

The cost will be £15 per head for buffet.

Maximum number in the group will be 30 persons.

Contact Richard Hirst about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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back Our Club is fun and progressive. Whether at our meetings, helping others, fundraising events or just socialising, we have a lot of fun. We are innovative, forward thinking and are proud to be a very progressive Rotary Club.