18:15 - Speaker - Wendy Hurford of Brighter Futures

Tue, Aug 13th 2013 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Brighter Futures are to receive major sponsorship from Rotary De La Manche over the coming three years. Wendy is coming along to expand on how this will help over this period.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease, polio (poliomyelitis) still strikes children mainly under the age of five in countries in Asia and Africa.


These are a fun night with the money raised going to where we feel it is needed most. This particular night raised funds for Jersey Stroke Support and for Aqua Boxes to be used in the Ukraine


The Club has a fund raising project called the Mootilda Project. All products carry images of the Jersey Cow as you have never seen them before


There are around 100 Fellowship Clubs for Members with Special Interests and Hobbies. Camping, Sailing, Flying, 4x4 Vehicles, Photography, Astrology, Etc, Etc. Your opportunity to link up with Rotarians around the World


President Derrick is delighted to confirm that two Aquaboxes and two Shelterboxes are now en route to the Turkey/Syria Earthquake Disaster Zone, donated by Rotary Club De La Manche.


Click Here to Learns More https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSB9qYD0-20lOfEHx9Fzds7u0b5KEVChFFVYO1IkEwsUWHyWnpZUL08eDpvuumZEA/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=10000


We are now supplying Compact Glasses Protectors


Environment Committee
