Rotary Young Citizen

Fundraising Group from Broadwater School entered into the Rotary Young Citizen national competition.

A group of students from the Broadwater School in Farncombe have formed a fundraising group which also does community service. When the Woolsack club came to hear of these young people doing their voluntary work to help others, we contacted the member of staff who coordinates their activities, Lindsay Lee, to learn more.

The team of students have thought up and run a number of events to raise funds for 3 different charities in the last year, including most recently the Jigsaw School for autistic children. They have also done community service in a local care home, helping to make life more enjoyable for many of the residents.

Woolsack entered the team into the national competition and although they did not win one of the 5 main awards, they gained a certificate of commendation which we were able to present to the team, along with a donation from the Woolsack Club.

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