Senior RYLA

Week long residential Leadership Programme for 18-30 year olds, take place annually early July.

Senior RYLA is a one-week residential course held every July at Brimpts Farm, Dartmeet on Dartmoor .

Senior Rotary Youth Leadership Award (Senior RYLA) has been running in the South West since 1995 and has evolved into one of the more challenging and rewarding of the RYLA courses. Many of its graduates are now to be found at the top of their careers.

It is an intesive program made up of inspirational speakers, group activities and team reflection, culminating in a celebratory dinner on the last night.
  Our objective is develop future young leaders by promoting; self-belief, personal responsibility and accountabilty, problem solving, improved communication & understanding, organisation, teamwork & leadership skills along with tools that will positively impact candidate personal and professional life.

Each year a maximum of 30 candidates, typically drawn from Rotary Distict 1175 and neighbouring Districts, join our team of Rotary mentors and professional coaches from Way Ahead Training to submerge themselves into a world of learning that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. 

Candidates need to be willing to engage with all aspects of the course, enthusiastic, motivated and willing to push their own boundaries. This course will enhance personal & professional development as well as leadership skills.
  A reasonable standard of fitness is required with a minimum ability to walk five miles unaided. Due to the physical and mental demands of Senior RYLA those with any specific needs or disabilities should in the first instance make contact with the team to discuss on an individual basis.

Candidates must apply to take part using a Rotary host club, as such Senior RYLA is a fantiastic opportunity for Clubs to interact with local business with could lead to membership growth if the relationship is buit on.

The Senior RYLA team are happy to attend clubs to speak further on the course, offer guidance on selection, explain how the course can benefit Clubs & their membership and all the other positives that come with being part of the Senior RYLA family.

You can see what past courses have looked like and keep up to date with current goings on by following the team on Facebook and LinkedIn   

We look forward to working with you and all our future candidates. Rotarians please log in and find details on the Senior RYLA page under Youth Services. 

Sian DoyleContact Sian Doyle about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We ran Wrap Up in Devon and collected good second hand coats that, through working with local partners, went directly to people locally, who struggle to keep warm during the winter months. We were thrilled with the brilliant response!


Supporting the Environment is a Rotary International Area of Focus. We are supporting the environment strategically and practically. Members have helped with strategic planning, tree planting, gardening and litter picking.


As a club we are learning more about various types of mental health and helping to raise awareness about associated issues. Click on details to find out more…


We connect with Rotarians and support communities across the world.


Updates of recent activity at e-Club

Poppy lapel

We remember and support those who have served and still serve in our forces through supporting the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal every November.


We was there! And more importantly - had a great time with old and new friends!


We fundraise to support various charity, community and International disaster and emergency needs.


We organise litter picks to help keep our environments clean and safer for wildlife.


As an e-Club, we get involved with all sorts of projects - not always led by our own club, but in trying to help clubs with their ideas and projects too.


Recognising the positive actions of young people who exemplify the Rotary International motto of Service Above Self.


We purchase, plant and sell purple crocus corms to help raise funds for End Polio Now. We also buy End Polio Christmas Cards and support the cause in other ways.


We collect used stamps for RNIB.


We often help organisers of shows by volunteering to help on gates, run errands and that type of thing. Shows we’ve helped at include the North Devon Show, Devon County Show, South Molton Vintage Rally and the Honiton Show.


Opportunities for businesses to partner with us to attain corporate social responsibility achievements.
